Government E-commerce Network & Imaging Environment Request for Authority to Purchase On-line V5 Click to begin.
2 GENIE Menu Creating a P1 Approval Process Domino.Doc Choose an option.
GENIE Creating a P1
4 1.Connect to the Internet. 2.Open the GENIE website:
5 3.Click on Domino Workflow.
6 4.Enter your User name and Password. 5.Click Log In.
7 The Lotus Workflow page will appear.
8 6.Select P1 workflow. 7.Enter the Job Name. The Job Name must be unique. 8.Click Go.
9 9.Click Save Only button.
10 10.Click OK.
11 11.Click Create New P1 button. The P1 form will appear (see next slide).
12 12.When the form is completed, click Submit/Save button. A checkmark denotes required fields For detailed instruction see training guide #2101 Request for Authority to Purchase On-Line P1 purchasing documentation.#2101 Request for Authority to Purchase On-Line P1
13 The P1 Form Summary will open 13.Click Save & Complete to initiate the workflow process.
GENIE P1 Approval Process
15 The Approval cycle begins when the originator of the P1 form completes and submits the P1 form. An message notifies the 1 st Level Approver that a P1 form requires their attention. The 1 st Level Approver will then claim and review the P1 and choose either approve, reject or cancel. If the 1st Level Approver rejects the form, the request is sent back to the originator. If the 1 st Level Approver chooses to cancel the P1, the P1 is automatically deleted. If the 1 st Level Approver approves the form, the P1 request will then be sent to the OPT Approver. If the form is rejected by the OPT Approver, it is sent back to the 1st Level Approver. If the P1 form is approved by OPT, the approval process is complete and the P1 form along with any attachments are sent to a document repository (Domino.Doc). During the nightly cycle, all approved P1 information is loaded to the SAAS PASM and PAVC tables for on-line SAAS agencies. Note: The P1 procedure involves three steps with an automated workflow process: Origination of the P1, 1 st Level Approval and OPT Approval.
16 1 st Level Approval 1.To review P1 forms, go to the GENIE website using the following URL: Choose Domino Workflow. 3.Enter your User Name and Password. 4.Click My Activities view (default).
17 Participants Button Claim Button Status Button or Icons = Overdue
18 5.Select the P1 form to be reviewed by clicking the hyperlink under Activity. The P1 Form Summary will open.
19 6.To approve, reject or cancel the P1 form, click Claim & Edit.
20 7.To Approve the P1, click the Approve button. 8.Choose “OK” and click Save & Complete button. Cancelling or Rejecting a P1 requires the 1 st Level Approver to also enter a reason for the action.
21 Next Steps Once the 1 st level approver has approved the P1, it will then be routed to OPT for Approval. OPT can either approve or reject the P1. If OPT rejects the P1 form, the form will be routed back to the 1 st Level Approver for correction/review of OPT comments. If OPT approves the P1 form, the form will be assigned a P1 number and an will be sent to the 1 st level approver noting the approval of the P1. The approved P1 form will go to the Domino.doc repository.
GENIE Domino.doc
23 To review approved P1s, on the GENIE home page, click on the Domino.doc Repository link.
24 Choose the File Cabinet (Agency Number) that you would like to view.
25 Click on the binder to view the P1 document and related attachments.
26 Click on the specific P1 attachment or form to be viewed.
27 A window will launch and the approved P1 can be viewed.
28 For further information on processing P1s, refer to training document, #2101 Request for Authority to Purchase On-Line P1, under the GENIE, User Workbooks section of the MMRS Training Documentation page on the MMRS website.#2101 Request for Authority to Purchase On-Line P1,
29 Contact Us: MASH Phone # (601) MMRS Fax # (601)