Introduction of Staff Curriculum Matters Assessment Matters Other Matters – Expectations, School Rules, Communication Programme
NameDesignation Miss Cheah Poh Mrs Anna LimVice-Principal Mdm Mas’linda Mas’odYear Head (Primary 1 – 3) P1 Assistant Year Head
ClassEnglishMath 1CMiss Kuganeswari 1DMiss Harjit Kaur Miss Grace Mathew 1GMs Nur Zahirah 1HMdm Arfah Arshad 1JMiss Erni Suzanah 1KMs Aster He Mdm Kwe Gek Choo
P1 Chinese Language Teachers Miss Aik Hooi San 叶老师 Mr David Tan Chee Beng 陈老师 Mdm Ng Lay Eng 黄老师 Mdm Cheryl Lim 林老师
P1 Malay Language Teachers Mdm Mas’linda Mas’od Mdm Sharizah Kordi P1 Tamil Language Teacher Mdm Mageswari
English Curriculum STELLAR: Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading A new English Language Curriculum for Primary Schools in Singapore
Children who Love reading and Have a strong foundation in the English Language The STELLAR Vision
What is a STELLAR lesson like? 1.Shared Reading Experiences 3. Language Use Activities in Learning Centres Children read storybook with the teacher and engage in oral discussions with teacher and peers. The teacher prepares mini lessons based on specific needs of children to prepare them for reading & writing activities; e.g. grammar, vocabulary, word recognition, decoding skills, spelling. The teacher models writing using children’s language. Children engage in writing together and in writing independently. 2.Shared Writing Experiences
Books open up the world for children help children think and wonder increase children’s vocabulary and knowledge about the world around them provide good examples for reading and writing Why Books?
Reading skills Oral skills Writing activities Vocabulary-building Comprehension skills P1 STELLAR
Home support – help your child learn English by providing English language reading materials at home. Activate child’s interest – show your child that you believe learning English is both enjoyable and useful in your daily life. STELLAR Needs Parents’ Support
Relate Mathematics to real-life by engaging your child in meaningful and fun activities. Teach concepts using manipulatives and things around us. Encourage your child to memorise spelling of number words eg. spell the numbers from zero to one hundred. Compare numbers, get your child to tell you which is greater / smaller. Show interest in your child’s progress in Mathematics and be involved as a parent. Practise, Practise & Practise. How Parents Can Help
MT Fortnight & Camp Objective: To provide platforms for pupils to actively learn MTL and the associated culture so as to experience MTL as ‘living languages’. MTL Fortnight: P1-P6 pupils MTL Camp: P3 pupils
P1 Assessment Weighting TermWeighting 10% 2 Common Test 1 20% 3 Common Test 2 30% 4 End-of-Year 50%
Important Dates (Term 1) Formative Assessment (0%) DateSubjectComponents (Please refer to Holistic Assessment for details) 12 FebEnglishListening - Picture Association - Sound Discrimination & sound information 3 MarchMathDiagnostic test on Term 1 topics (unit 1- 5) Week 8 24 Feb – 27 Feb Mother Tongue Show and Tell 10 MarchMother Tongue Listening Comprehension
Important Dates (Term 2) Formative Assessment (0%) DateSubjectComponents (Please refer to Holistic Assessment for details) 22 MayEnglishStorytelling performance Week 4 13 April – 17 April MathPractical Task - Ordinal Numbers - Shapes and Patterns Week 5 20April – 24 April Mother Tongue Show and Tell Week 6 27 April – 30 April Mother Tongue Read Aloud
Important Dates (Term 2) Common Test 1 Summative Assessment (20%) DateSubjectComponents (Please refer to Holistic Assessment for details) 11 MayEnglish- Visual Text Comprehension - Word Order - Grammar Discrete - Vocabulary Discrete 12 MayMath- Textbook /Workbook : Unit 6 to 9 - Heuristics : Shape Patterns 13 MayMother Tongue - Listening Comprehension - Language Test Grammar and Vocabulary used
Essential part of child’s learning Volume of homework Submission date Monitoring at home Date has to be written for all pieces of work. Homework written in Student Handbook Homework Policy
Attendance - Punctuality Conduct-Related -Attire & *Appearance -Handing homework on time Others – please refer to Pupils’ Handbook Conduct Grade School Rules & Discipline
Dismissal arrangement Incidents within school Arrangements on wet weather days Use of traffic light crossing outside school Safety & Security
Packing of school bags bag / Timetable Pupils are expected to pack their school bags according to the timetable. Parents can help to check afterwards. Not more than 3.5kg
Things to bring everyday: Pencil box (pencils, eraser, ruler, glue stick) Colour pencils Student Handbook Math Textbook Storybook (Mon – Wed = English; Thurs & Fri = Mother Tongue) HOMEWORK
Pupils’ Handbook - notes to Form teachers / Subject teachers Phone calls – to leave message with the office staff. Teacher to return call once she is able to. Number to call: Turnaround period – 2 to 3 days\ If your child is unwell, please call to inform the school. MC or parent’s letter (valid reason) must be submitted the next day. Communication