Korean L2 learners' perceptions of the language cue: Konglish vs. English Hyunjeong Nam
Current study Konglish-English Equivalence Hypothesis Implications Activation mechanism Language Tag
Activation Mechanism in Bilingual Mental Lexicon Language Tag
Korean L2 learner's perception of the language cue EnglishKorean Konglish MOONKY CONTENTS IN HERE !! MOONKY CONTENTS IN HERE !! MOONKY CONTENTS IN HERE !! Korean L2 learners’ mental lexicon Loanwords Loanwords Code-switching Code-switching Source Source Status in L1/L2 Status in L1/L2
Subjects Results TEXT Procedures TEXT Current study
L1 access in L2 Items Group AGroup BGroup CTotal MeanRankMeanRankMeanRankMeanRank 원룸 one-room (“studio apartment”) 기브스 gips (“plaster-cast”) 샾 sharp (“pound/hash key”) 탤런트 talent (“actor/actress”) 원피스 one-piece (“dress”) 사이다 cider (“clear soda pop”) 미팅 meeting (“blind date”) 밴드 band (“band-aid”)
Konglish Production and Konglish Awareness Items Konglish productionKonglish awareness Rank 샾 sharp (“pound/hash key”) 18 사이다 cider (“clear soda pop”) 24 밴드 band (“band-aid”) 36 기브스 gibs (“plaster-cast”) 46 원피스 one-piece (“dress”) 55 원룸 one-room (“studio apartment”) 63 미팅 meeting (“blind date”) 71 탤런트 talent (“actor/actress”) 82
Spearman correlation coefficient Total -.826* (.011) Spearman Correlation Coefficient Note Planned comparisons: *p,.05.
샵 재능 탤런트 L1 Actor sharp Talent L2 Activation threshold competitor Lexical association Konglish
LanguageMean Korean83 Depends on the individual word15 English02 The Language Mediating in Accessing English Words Revised Hierarchical Model (Kroll & Stewart,1994)
Implications L2 learner’s perception of the language cue affects the L2 selection process “Real” and “perceived” distance between languages may determine the extent of the activation of the non-target language Korean L2 learners’ Konglish-English equivalence hypothesis The extent of word association and concept mediation may be affected by participants’ learning history
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