1EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Erich Franz Stocker PPS Project Manager/Software Architect GPM Deputy Project Scientist for Data Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data and Data Access NASA Precipitation Processing System (PPS)
2EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014
3 GPM Key Data Dates February 28, :30AM (JST) GPM Core Observatory launch from Tanegashima Space Center, Japan March 4, 2014 GMI commanded to science observation mode and first data received March 8, 2014 DPR commanded to science observation mode and first data received March 21, 2014 GMI L1, L2 near-realtime (NRT) and L1, L2, L3 science standard data made available to set of early data adopters April 2, 2014 DPR L2 NRT and L2 and L3 science standard data made available to set of early data adopters April 2, 2014 Combined GMI/DPR L2 NRT and L2 and L3 science standard data made available to set of early data adopters Current GMI, DPR and Combined data version is V01D both NRT and standard science
4EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Data Release End of June 2014 GMI data release to the international Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) science team End of July 2014 DPR data release to the international PMM science team End of August 2014 General public release End of November 2014 General public release of new merged radiometer product (IMERG)
5EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 NRT GPM Core Data Products Processing Level Sat/Inst/Alg SizeLatencyKey Parameters 1BGPM/GMI5 min<= 1Hr 90% Brightness Temperature-Tb 1CGPM/GMI5 min<=1Hr,90%Tb (future 1C reference) 1CRGPM/GMI5 min<- 1Hr, 90%Intercalibrated Tb with matched HF and LF pixels 2AGPM/GMI/GPROF5 min<=1Hr 90% Precipitation/TPW 2A KuGPM/DPR/Ku30 min<=180 minReflectivities/3D Precipitation 2A KaGPM/DPR/Ka30 min<=180 minReflectivities/3D Precipitation 2A DPRGPM/DPR/DPR30min<= 180minDual Frequency retrievals: reflectivities/3D precipitation 2B GMI/DPR GPM/GMI-DPR30 min<=180 min 90%Combined GMI/DPR retrieval. 3D Precipitation 3Merged Radiometers/IRHalf- hour Early – 4 hours Late – 8 hours.1 deg x.1 deg global surface precipitation
6EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, CR
7EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 NRT Constellation Products Processing Level Sat/Inst/Alg SizeLatencyKey Parameters 1CMetop B/MHS Noaa 18/MHS Noaa 19/MHS As received Provider dependent Intercalibrated Tb 1CMT/SAPHIRAs received ProviderIntercalibrated Tb 1CNPP/ATMS1 HrProvider Intercalibrated Tb 1CF16/SSMIS F17/SSMIS F18/SSMIS As received ProviderIntercalibrated Tb 1CTRMM/TMITDRSS<=180 minReference Tb 1CGCOM-W/AMSR2orbit~120minIntercalibrated Tb 2AGPROF /MHS SAPHIR ATMS SSMIS TMI AMSR2 Same as 1C Precipitation/TPW
8EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Standard GPM Core Science Swath Products Processing Level Sat/Inst/Alg SizeKey Parameters 1BGPM/GMIGPM orbit (Gorbit*) Brightness Temperature-Tb 1CGPM/GMIGorbitTb (future reference) 1CRGPM/GMIGorbitTb with matched HF and LF footprint 2AGPM/GMI/GPROFGorbit Precipitation/TPW 2A KuGPM/DPR/KuGorbitReflectivities/3D Precipitation 2A KaGPM/DPR/KaGorbitReflectivities/3D Precipitation 2A DPRGPM/DPR/GorbitDual Frequency Retrievals. 3D precipitation 2B GMI/DPR GPM/GMI-DPRGorbitGMI-DPR retrieval. 3D Precipitation * Gorbit is the GPM orbit calculated from the southern most point back to the southern most point
9EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Standard GPM Core Gridded Products Processing Level Sat/Inst/Alg SizeKey Parameters 3AGPM/GMI/GPROF0.25 deg x 0.25 deg Daily/monthly Precipitation 3AGPM/DPR0.25 deg x 0.25 deg Daily Precipitation Ascending/Descending separate 3AGPM/DPR0.25 deg x 0.25 deg Monthly Precipitation 3B combined GPM/GMI-DPR0.25 deg x 0.25 deg Daily/monthly Precipitation 3B MergedMerged Radiometers0.10 deg x 0.10 deg Half-hr/monthly Gauge adjusted global precipitation
10EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Standard Constellation Data Products Processing Level Sat/Inst/Alg SizeKey Parameters 1CMetop B/MHS Noaa 18/MHS Noaa 19/MHS GPM orbit (Gorbit) Intercalibrated Tb 1CMT/SAPHIRGorbitIntercalibrated Tb 1CNPP/ATMSGorbit Intercalibrated Tb 1CF16/SSMIS F17/SSMIS F18/SSMIS GorbitIntercalibrated Tb 1CTRMM/TMIGorbitReference Tb 1CGCOM-W/AMSR2GorbitIntercalibrated Tb 2AGPROF /MHS SAPHIR ATMS SSMIS TMI AMSR2 Same as 1C Precipitation/TPW 3AAll instruments with GPROF 2A Daily monthly 0.25 deg x 0.25 deg Precipitation
11EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Status of GPM Data Products-1 Geolocation –Location on the ground reported within requirements –On April 19 Attitude Control System engineers reported an alignment error between start tracker and spacecraft leading to ~0.3 degree peak to peak attitude error (mostly roll) This does have an impact on incidence angles which affect Tb calculation New table scheduled to be uploaded April 25 Data products will be adjusted as part of reprocessing for the PMM data release GMI L1 products –Reasonably well calibrated (meets requirements specifications) –Small calibration changes in April that included in version V01D –Close to TMI calibration –Some RFI issues in 10 GHz and 18GHz channels (approach to flag and mitigate currently being examined.) GPROF retrieval products –Saw more specific information in Dr. Kummerow’s presentation –Currently using initial non GPM a priori databases –New database approach for over land retrievals working reasonably well –Currently producing GPROF retrieval for partner imagers and testing sounders –Early state: some areas during really well and others not –Will need about one year of stable GMI L1C and GMI-DPR Level 2B data to establish physically based a priori databases for the GPROF retrievals for the radiometers
12EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Status of GPM Data Products -2 Ku/Ka L1B –radar powers –Have completed several external and internal calibrations –Have verified phase shifter commands –Reasonably well calibrated for this stage of the mission –Providing acceptable input for the radar L2 algorithms Ku/Ka/DPR-retrievals –L2 are providing reasonable retrievals again at the early stage where better in some areas than in others –Matching of Ku/Ka pixels working –Some issues are being worked by JAXA engineers and DPR algorithm team Combined GMI-DPR –Very early stage of development –Working on dealing with data input issues –Currently still in the experimental stage IMERG (merged radiometer product) –Not being currently produced –Need stable GPROF retrievals for sounders as well as imagers –Currently in internal testing –Usually lags 3 to 4 months after stable L2 GPROF retrievals.
13EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Sample Images of GMI and DPR
14EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 GPM Special Products Daily gridded text products (like TRMM 3G68) –0.1 deg x 0.1 degree –Contains: GMI GPROF surface precipitation Ku near-surface precipitation Ka near-surface precipitation DPR match swath near-surface precipitation GMI-DPR Combined surface precipition –ASCII with line terminator being LF character GIS compatible files for IMERG –TIFF (precipitation) with world files for metadata –Precipitation in TIFF is scaled integer –Half-hourly, 1day, 3 day and 7 day accumulations
15EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Accessing GPM Data Must register an . –registration.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov –Receive an and click to confirm –Can specify interest in either standard science, NRT or both Can do ftp to the archive using your registered as user name and password Can use a query/order web interface –storm-pps.gsfc.nasa.gov or storm-pps.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov –Can query, place orders for specific products, or establish standing orders which will be fulfilled as products are generated –Can subset swath products and get only the subsets specified Geographically Parameter (e.g. just include geolocation and surface precipitation) Or both together Currently limited as to the number orderable to keep within scope –Can establish standing orders for subsets –Can see browse images of the orbit to help in ordering decisions –Can look through the data product online File specifications and algorithm theoretical basis documents (ATBD) –pps.gsfc.nasa.gov/GPMprelimdocs.html
16EGU 2014-Vienna Austria, April 30, 2014 Tools and Services THOR –Tool for looking at GPM data products –Includes functionality for making images including 3D images –IDL based but IDL not required –Available for: Linux, Windows, Mac OS – Subsetting available for multiple years (STORM currently limits) –Includes setting up subsets to support field campaigns 3 Hr Presentation (Data and data access) –Includes More detailed data description,strengths,limitations and status HDF5 format and tools for accessing Useful documentation Accessing data including the writing of scripts for automated access Use of THOR, STORM –Can with planning offer the tutorial at Universities and agencies –After a couple of presentations to get user feedback will package the presentation –Contact: