131207 听力考题 小马托福听力主讲教师:苏显嘉. 131207 不考的话题 文学 天文 考古.


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Presentation transcript:

听力考题 小马托福听力主讲教师:苏显嘉

不考的话题 文学 天文 考古

五大听力话题 (一)绘画 / 雕塑 TPO 21 L4 Alice Neel TPO 18 L2 Sculpture

五大听力话题 (二)环境科学(物理) TPO 23 L2 earth radiation budget TPO 20 L2 interglacial period

五大听力话题 (三)音乐 / 戏剧: TPO 12 L3 Opera TPO 16 L2 Piano

五大听力话题 (四)人类 / 历史 TPO 22 L1 Earliest States TPO 15 L3 Palimpsest

五大听力话题 (五)有可能考生物 / 生态 TPO 18 L4 North American wood frog TPO 26 L2 Carbon cycling

四大疑难人群及解决办法 1 、听不懂 —— 听不懂单词 2 、听不懂 —— 听懂单词听不懂句子 3 、听懂不会做题 —— 上下文不理解 4 、听懂不会做题 —— 上下文理解,题目觉 得这个对那个也对

做题方法 1 、听 听得懂 —— 当中文听,找层次 听不懂 —— 跟随复述 2 、笔记 分层

做题方法 3 、做题步骤 = 阅读 看题目,翻译成中文 在笔记或记忆中找到定位,思考上下句联 系,找到答案 心中有了答案再看选项 把错误选项排除的最好方法:翻译

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 1. What is the lecture mainly about? A. The effect of ice ages on the development of agriculture B. A theory about a change in Earth’s climate cycle C. Strategies to prevent Earth from entering another ice age D. Some effects of industrialization on Earth’s atmosphere

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 2. What does the professor imply about Earth’s climate over the last several million years? (2 answers) A. Ice ages have alternated with warmer periods. B. Recent ice ages have not been as cold as earlier ice ages. C. Interglacial periods have become cooler and cooler over time. D. Previous interglacial periods were shorter than the current interglacial period.

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 3. According to the professor, what factor is extending the duration of the current interglacial period ? A. A shift in the locations of wetlands and forests B. The relatively mild temperatures of the most recent ice ages C. The increased absorption of certain atmospheric gases by farm crops D. An increase in the quantity of certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 4. According to the professor, what activities associated with the beginnings of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset of a predicted ice age ?( 2 answers ) A. The clearing of trees B. The burning of fossil fuels C. The domestication of certain animals D. The cultivation of certain grains

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 5. What is the professor’s attitude toward industrialization? A. He thinks that its effect on Earth’s climate will decrease over time B. He is worried that it may speed the arrival of the next ice age C. He thinks that it may reduce the effect of agriculture on Earth’s climate. D. He is unsure about its long-term effects on Earth’s climate.

范例: TPO 20 L2 interglacial period 6. What does the professor imply when he says this: A. Theorists sometimes make careless predictions B. Theorists were unaware of some of the effects of human activities. C. Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age. D. Scientists in the1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.

怎么办!!!!! ???

