© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1
2 Word 2010 Level 2 Unit 1Formatting and Customizing Documents Chapter 2Proofing Documents
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 3 Proofing Documents Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document CHECKPOINT 1 CHECKPOINT 1 Display the Word Count Display the Word Count Use the Thesaurus Use the Thesaurus Research Information Research Information Translate Text Translate Text CHECKPOINT 2 CHECKPOINT 2 Quick Links to Presentation Contents
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 4 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document Word provides proofing tools to help you create professional and polished-looking documents. Two of these proofing tools include the spelling checker and the grammar checker. The spelling checker finds misspelled words and offers replacement words. It also finds duplicate words and irregular capitalizations. The grammar checker searches a document for errors in grammar, punctuation, and word usage.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 5 The spelling checker checks each word against the words in its dictionary. If it finds a match, it passes over the word. The spelling checker will stop and select: misspelled words (if the misspelling does not match another word in the dictionary) typographical errors (such as transposed letters) double word occurrences (such as the the) words with irregular capitalization some proper names jargon and some technical terms Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 6 To check spelling and grammar: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Spelling & Grammar button in the Proofing group. 3.Change or ignore the error. 4.Click OK. Spelling & Grammar button Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 7 If the checker detects a spelling error, it selects the misspelled word and displays a Spelling and Grammar dialog box similar to the one shown below. Spelling and Grammar dialog box Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 8 If the checker detects a grammatical error, it selects the sentence containing the error and displays a Spelling and Grammar dialog box similar to the one shown below. Spelling and Grammar dialog box Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 9 continues on next slide… Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 10 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 11 When spell checking a document, you can temporarily leave the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, make corrections in the document, and then resume spell checking. Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 12 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued To change spelling options: 1.Click the File tab. 2.Click the Options button. 3.Click the Proofing option. 4.At the Word Options dialog box, specify the desired options. 5.Click OK. Word Options dialog box
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 13 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued Word includes a grammar checking feature that you can use to search a document for grammar, style, punctuation, and word usage. Like the spelling checker, the grammar checker does not find every error in a document and may stop at correct phrases.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 14 To check grammar in a document: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Spelling & Grammar button in the Proofing group. 3.At the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, change or ignore the error. 4.Click OK. Spelling and Grammar dialog box Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 15 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued The grammar checker checks a document for a variety of grammar and style errors. In some situations, you may want the grammar checker to ignore a particular grammar or style rule. When a grammar error displays in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box, click the Explain button and the Word Help window displays with information about the specific grammar rule.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 16 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued You can customize the type of grammar checking that you complete on a document with options in the When correcting spelling and grammar in Word section of the Word Options dialog box with Proofing selected. Consider turning on the Use contextual spelling option when correcting a document that contains words that sound similar but have different meanings, such as to and too and there and their. By default, the grammar checker checks only the grammar in a document.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 17 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued To show readability statistics: 1.Click the File tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click the Proofing option. 4.Click the Show readability statistics check box. Readability Statistics dialog box
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 18 The Flesch Reading Ease score is based on the average number of syllables per word and the average number of words per sentence. The higher the score, the greater the number of people who will be able to understand the text. Standard writing generally scores in the 60 to 70 range. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score is based on the average number of syllables per word and the average number of words per sentence. The score indicates a grade level. Standard writing is generally written at the seventh or eighth grade level. Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 19 Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued By default, Word uses the CUSTOM.DIC custom dictionary when completing a spelling check on a document. You can add or remove words from this default dictionary.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 20 To create a custom dictionary: 1.Click the File tab. 2.Click the Options button. 3.Click the Proofing option. 4.Click the Custom Dictionaries button. continues on next slide… Custom Dictionaries button Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc At the Custom Dictionaries dialog box, click the New button. 6.Type a name for the dictionary. 7.Press Enter. Custom Dictionaries dialog box Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 22 Change Default button Check the Spelling and Grammar in a Document…continued At the Custom Dictionaries dialog box, the default dictionary displays in the Dictionaries List box followed by (Default).
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 23 1)This checker finds misspelled words and offers replacement words. a.Spelling b.Grammar c.Replacement d.Word Count 1)This checker finds misspelled words and offers replacement words. a.Spelling b.Grammar c.Replacement d.Word Count 3)The Spelling & Grammar button is located in this tab. a.Home b.Insert c.Page Layout d.Review 3)The Spelling & Grammar button is located in this tab. a.Home b.Insert c.Page Layout d.Review 2)This checker will search a document for errors in grammar, punctuation, and word usage. a.Spelling b.Grammar c.Replacement d.Word Count 2)This checker will search a document for errors in grammar, punctuation, and word usage. a.Spelling b.Grammar c.Replacement d.Word Count 4)By default, Word uses this custom dictionary. a.CUSTOM.DIC b.CUSTOM.DOC c.DIC.CUSTOM d.DOC.CUSTOM 4)By default, Word uses this custom dictionary. a.CUSTOM.DIC b.CUSTOM.DOC c.DIC.CUSTOM d.DOC.CUSTOM Next Question Next Slide Answer
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 24 Display the Word Count To display the word count: 1.Click the word count section of the Status bar. word count section
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 25 Use the Thesaurus Word offers a Thesaurus feature for finding synonyms, antonyms, and related terms for a particular word. Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning. When you are using the Thesaurus, Word may display antonyms for some words, which are words with opposite meanings.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 26 Use the Thesaurus…continued To use the Thesaurus: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Thesaurus button in the Proofing group. 3.At the Research task pane, type the desired word in the Search for text box. 4.Press Enter. Search for text box
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 27 Use the Thesaurus…continued Depending on the word you are looking up, the words in the Research task pane list box may be followed by (n.) for noun, (adj.) for adjective, or (adv.) for adverb. Antonyms may display at the end of the list of related synonyms. Antonyms are followed by the word (Antonym).
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 28 Use the Thesaurus…continued To replace synonyms using a shortcut menu: 1.Position the mouse pointer on the desired word. 2.Click the right mouse button. 3.At the shortcut menu, point to the Synonyms option. 4.Click the desired synonym at the side menu. Synonyms option
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 29 Research Information Along with Thesaurus, the Research task pane offers options that you can use to research information from online sources.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 30 Research Information…continued To display the Research task pane: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Research button in the Proofing group. Research task pane
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 31 Translate Text To translate text: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Research button in the Proofing group. 3.Type a word in the Search for text box. 4.Click the down-pointing arrow at the right of the resources option box. 5.Click the Translation option. 6.If necessary, specify the From language and the To language. Translation option
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 32 Translate Text…continued To display the Translate options: 1.Click the Review tab. 2.Click the Translate button in the Language group. Translate button
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 33 Translate Text…continued Click the top option, Translate Document, and Word will send your document for translation by Microsoft® Translator. With the second option, Translate Selected Text, Microsoft® Translator will translate the selected text in a document and insert the translation in the Research task pane. Click the third option, Mini Translator, to turn this feature on. With the mini translator turned on, point to a word or select a phrase in your document and the translation of the text displays in a box above the text.
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 34 Translate Text…continued Use the fourth option in the Translate button drop- down list, Choose Translation Language, to specify the language from which you want to translate and the language to which you want to translate. Translation Language Options dialog box
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 35 1)This displays the total number of words in your document. a.Status bar b.Taskbar c.Menu bar d.Ribbon 1)This displays the total number of words in your document. a.Status bar b.Taskbar c.Menu bar d.Ribbon 3)These may display at the end of the list of related synonyms. a.verbs b.fragments c.clauses d.antonyms 3)These may display at the end of the list of related synonyms. a.verbs b.fragments c.clauses d.antonyms 2)Word offers this feature for finding synonyms, antonyms, and related words for a particular word. a.Grammar Check b.Spell Check c.Dictionary d.Thesaurus 2)Word offers this feature for finding synonyms, antonyms, and related words for a particular word. a.Grammar Check b.Spell Check c.Dictionary d.Thesaurus 4)The Translate button is located in this tab. a.Home b.Insert c.Review d.Page Layout 4)The Translate button is located in this tab. a.Home b.Insert c.Review d.Page Layout Next Question Next Slide Answer
© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 36 Proofing Documents Complete a spelling and grammar check on text in a document Create a custom dictionary and change the default dictionary Display synonyms and antonyms for specific words using the Thesaurus Display document word, paragraph, and character counts Use the translation feature to translate words from English to other languages Search for and request specific information from online sources Summary of Presentation Concepts