UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA Dipartimenti di scienze politiche e sociali. Studi Umanistici. Giurisprudenza. Ingegneria Industriale e dell’informazione. Scienze Economiche e Aziendali. LA COMUNICAZIONE NELLO SPORT, IL BUSINESS CHE MUOVE IL MONDO. Relatrice: Prof.ssa Federica Da Milano Correlatore: Prof. Mario Dossoni ANNO ACCADEMICO: 2013/2014 Tesi di laurea di: Angela Daloiso
Sport Workout? Physical exercise? SOCIAL PHENOMENON Efficient and Powerful Medium of Communication
Alberto Cova Olympic Champion m European Athletics Championship - World Athletics Championship - Olympic Games in Los Angeles Runner and sportive event watcher TeamBuilder experiential training, outdoor training and active methodologies of team building WORK TEAMS
Sport Culture EconomyPolitics
Athletes Positive Fame Success Self- Confidence Negative Stress Anxiety Depression
Exploitation and Manipulation of Society Athlete Advertising Vehicle Marketing Instrument Customer Satisfaction Star System
Society Nonprofessional Sportsman Viewer Pro- SportAnti- Sport Media Physically and Mentally distanced from sport
Negative and Positive Influences on Society TV and Media “Ginnaste – Vite Parallele” Great Initiatives “Happy Meal Sport Camp”
Negative and Positive Influences on Society Violence
Football Violence Present and Past Hooligans- ‘80 Heysel Tragedy Ciro Esposito- Gunshot – “Ultras” Coppa Italia Napoli- Fiorentina
Sporting Event Local or Global Dimension Direct or Indirect Participation Amateur or Competitive Play Great show
Society= Events Industry Organizers and promoters Media Community VolunteersSponsors Different Stakeholders - Multi objectives Sporting Events = 70% of benefits
Organizers and Promoters Organizers Internal or External Promoters Commercial Rights Holders Olympic Games: Promoter = CIO Organizer = Different Entities (Torino2006 “TOROC”) Champions League: Promoter: Organizer: UEFA Planning and Implementation of Events Private Society : for-profit Sportive Organization: no- profit
Sponsors Media Offer Funds: Advertising Information Society TV Radio Internet Newspapers: Local or Global Audience
Multi Objectives Social: Economic: Environmental: Expanding Cultural Luggage Earning Money Protecting The Environment
The Olympic Games in the past The most anticipated global event Origin: 776 a. C. Olympia Religious value Created in Honor of Zeus Participants: Just Greek citizens No Women- No Slaves “Sacra Tregua” Stop War
Activities: Running, Fight, Boxing, Long Jump Lifetime: 1- 7 Days of Celebration Holy Roman Empire Stop Olympics: Pagan Custom Christianity as the official Religion They were to come back 1500 years later
Olympic Games in the Present Barcelona 1992 The Medium for changing the city Torino 2006 Symbol of cooperation Project “Noi 2006” Volunteers
Conclusion Sport Sporting Event Society Influence on Social Behavior Culture Economy And Tourism Sport is a Business which moves the World “Sport is Life. Life in an Event”