Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. AIL: Actively Intelligent Link-Layer Handoff Guo-Yuan Mikko Wang
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Agenda Introduction Research Background AIL Simulation and Analysis Discussion
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Introduction Operating modes specified in IEEE MAC Ad Hoc Two or more MNs recognize each other and establish a peer-to- peer communication without any existing infrastructure. Infrastructure It uses AP to bridge all data between the MNs associated to it. In this scheme, it is concerned with the network that sets with infrastructure mode which is widespread use in most of public places. MN AP MN Internet
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Introduction The mobility characteristic of MN will make it change the associated AP frequently. Router AP MN Move
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Introduction Mobility Protocol Allows: MN can migrate between different IP networks without breaking network-layer connectivity and disrupting transport sessions. Occurs: When a MN moves from one network-level point of attachment to another, a Mobility handoff takes place. Before Completed: Packets destined for the MN will not be delivered.
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Introduction This handoff latency may cause degradation in communication quality, specifically when real-time applications are used. The faster the link speed, the more packets will be lost during handoff. When the TCP is used for data transmission, roam around wireless networks may diminish the performance due to TCP retransmission policy. In addition Mobility handoff is just a part in whole handoff procedure. Before the Mobility handoff, the link-layer handoff will take place first.
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Research Background Overview of handoff relating objects Mobility Handoff Link-Layer Handoff
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Research Background Link-Layer Handoff potential phase detection of the need for the handoff probe phase collects the acquisition of the information necessary for the handoff auth phase the handoff is performed during this phase
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Research Background AP MN Signal strength degrades below the threshold Failed frame transmission AP MN AP MN must scan all channels AP MN Previous associated Switch to New association
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Research Background Experiment network q Configuration: q Wired: 100Base-T q Wireless: b q Open System
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Research Background Duration of link-layer handoff Without discussing the latency of Mobility Protocols, this link-layer handoff latency already made many real time applications can not meet their requirements. Primary contributor Fortunately, all cards can take advantage of the information provided by the physical layer to skip it completely. Shortest phase & neglected bottleneck International Telecommunication Union recommends the overall latency in VoIP not to exceed 50 ms. An optimization scheme is needed to reduce the latency of link-layer handoff within acceptable bounds. The whole handoff latency (i.e., includes link-layer and Mobility Protocol) can have a chance to reach the requirements of real time applications.
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. AIL AIL: Actively Intelligent Link-Layer Handoff A pro-active link-layer handoff scheme Based on L2-Optimize Overcome the physical limitation of signal receiving Continuously monitor the signal strength of channels Actively determine the suitable handoff opportunity Benefit: Since the MN can has a better signal quality with the associated AP, it has more probability to do the communication at higher transmission speed and the probability of retransmission on wireless link should become lower.
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. AIL MN AP 1 AP 2 AP 3 Channel 1 Channel 6 Channel 11 Every AIL_interval, MN will do a pro-active channels probing associating q Depends on the Channel_Register to send probe requests q Collects and measures the probe responses probe request probe response AP 4 Channel ? If no responses probe request MN will cancel the pro-active channels probing to the channel for the following Postponing_Time After a pro-active channels probing, MN will switch back to its original channel then determine the opportunity of handoff If it is AIL_Gate better than the associating AP, then handoff Switch toNew association How about the packets transmitted and received during a pro-active channels probing? q Output: system will buffer it q Input: use Power Saving Mode (PSM)
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis Simulation and Analysis Configurations NS-2 with necessary modifications Based on L2-Optimize IEEE b Open system (authentication)
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis Signal Quality Experiment Threshold This handoff makes an obvious latency to communication, and the influence will be presented in the following experiments.
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis Signal Quality Experiment AIL_Gate It only spends CST + the duration of auth phase Average signal quality: IEEE: AIL: 58.31
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis UDP Transmission Experiment CN transmits 64 bytes of UDP packets to the MN at 10 ms intervals 5 packets retransmitted 16 packets lost
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis UDP Transmission Experiment Buffered by AP No packet lost!
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Simulation and Analysis TCP Transmission Experiment MN downloads a 15 MB file from CN Average transmission rate: Static MN: KB/s With IEEE: KB/s With AIL: KB/s
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Discussion Compatibility Apply via driver, system service or daemon Working with IEEE a/b/g Backward compatible Flexibility Many parameters in AIL can be changed depend on the collected information The decision that when the actively channel switch should be executed can become more intelligent
Advantage Century Telecommunication Corp. Discussion Advantages Continuously monitor the signal qualities of all channels in its communication range MN can operate under stronger and stable signal strength Higher communication speed Avoid retransmission on wireless link Actively determine the suitable handoff opportunity Disadvantages MN will send ‘2× the number of potential channels’ every AIL_interval seconds
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