KS4 ICT BTEC Diploma Guide to your ICT options in KS4
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT WHAT IS IT? The BTEC Level 2 Diploma in ICT is a continuation of the BTEC Certificate you completed in Year 9. Instead of getting a qualification worth 2 GCSEs (Certificate) you will get a qualification worth 4 GCSEs (Diploma) In Year 9 you completed 3 units. Unit 1 (Core Unit) :- Using ICT to Present Information. Unit 4:- Website Design. Unit 18:- ICT Graphics. In Years 10 and 11 you will complete another 3 units to convert your BTEC Certificate into a BTEC Diploma.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT SO IS THIS THE NEW DIPLOMA EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT? No. The new diploma is a mixture of subjects, some studied in Beverley Grammar School, some studied at college and some made up from work experience. The BTEC National Diploma is just for ICT. OK it’s called a Diploma, but it’s a different sort of Diploma!
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT WHAT DOES IT CONSIST OF? Everyone must complete another core unit, Unit 2. Unit 2 is called “An Introduction to Computer Systems. Then you get a choice. You can follow the technical route that covers hardware and software installation, or you can follow the commercial route that covers software design and doing business online.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT THE CORE UNIT. Unit 2 (Core Unit):- Introduction to Computer Systems. Whichever route you take you will need to complete this unit. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1.Know different uses of computers in homes and businesses 2.Be able to explain the use of common types of hardware in a personal computer system 3.Know how to select software for a specified user 4.Be able to safely connect hardware devices and configure software for a specified user.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT THE TECHNICAL ROUTE. Unit 12:- Installing Hardware Components. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1.Understand the reasons for and implications of the installation of hardware components 2.Understand risks involved and precautions needed when installing hardware components 3.Be able to install and test hardware components 4.Know the procedures required on completion of an installation or upgrade. Unit 13:- Software Installation and Upgrade. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1.Understand software installation and upgrade processes 2.Be able to prepare for an installation or upgrade 3.Be able to install and upgrade software 4.Be able to complete an installation or upgrade.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT THE COMMERCIAL ROUTE. Unit 7:- Software Design and Development. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1.Understand the software development process 2.Be able to design and produce a software component using an appropriate programming language and environment 3.Be able to debug and test a solution 4.Be able to document the solution. Unit 21:- Doing Business Online. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1.Understand different online business activities 2.Understand the business feasibility of going online 3.Understand the operation of an online business 4.Know the benefits of an online business presence.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT WHY THE TWO ROUTES. We have chosen units that we think go well together. In the technical route you’ll be installing and upgrading hardware. This would naturally involve upgrading software such as device drivers as well, so some of what you do in unit 12 can be used in unit 13 as well. Likewise in the commercial route you’ll be able to develop a software application, such as a game, and then learn how to market it online.
BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ICT WHAT DO I DO NOW? Firstly, work hard to get the best result you can in your BTEC Certificate. The grades you get for the 3 units you are finishing off in the Year 9 Certificate carry forward into your Diploma. The better you do in Year 9, the better your overall ICT grade will be at the end of Year 11. Secondly, start to think about which route you want to follow. Your ICT teacher will be happy to answer any questions you have.