of Rila Monastery Elsa Bitri, Hanife Gül Bozkurt, Tolga Çakmak, Melek Çavuş, Merve Nalbant, İpek Tepecik, Hatice Yücetürk IP LibCMASS Sofia 2011, Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 Sofia, September, 2011
Virtual Worlds – Second Life One of the Web 2.0 technologies
Virtual Worlds – Second Life Digital Natives/Gen Y/Net Generation Digital immigrants Provide – Social networking – Meetings about particular topics – User interaction in determined coordinates
Usage Areas Courses Organizations Exhibitions Libraries Museums…
What about the cultural heritage and museums ??
Language options
Information can be given any selected language for a particular item
Museum of Rila Monastery
Now, The past virtually yours…
Thanks for your patient!