Unit R002 - Using ICT to create business solutions
Assignment Scenario Assignment Checklist LO1 LO2 LO3 Setting the scene for assisting a new on-line company You have just started work as a trainee for a new on-line company which streams the latest movie releases to customers. The company is called MStreamIT and is the idea of entrepreneur Adam Weinberg. MStreamIT has thousands of movies which can be streamed to any TV, computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone or games console. The business will offer three different packages: a monthly membership fee of £6.99 ‘Stream-as-you-go’ ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up cards. Adam has employed a small team to help the business whilst it is starting up but has big ideas for the company and would like it to become a household name. ‘The Animated Movie Event’ exhibition will be taking place in London. Adam feels this will be a good platform to showcase the company and encourage more customers to sign up to one of the MStreamIT packages. Before Adam set up the business, he did some research and already has a list of customers. More customers are registering all the time. Adam has given you the following electronic files which you will need to complete your tasks: adverttext, customers, kidsmovies, letter, and report You will need to decide when and how to use these files appropriately to complete your tasks. You should familiarise yourself with the data contained in them to help you. As you work through the tasks you can make your own choices when formatting your documents. However, the formatting should be suitable for the target audience and used consistently.
Learning Outcome 1 – Assignment LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information You need to complete the following tasks in order to effectively help MStreamIT. Assignment Tasks (P, M, D) 1 Read over the assignment brief provided by ‘MStreamIT’. You have been given five tasks to do. To do the tasks you will need to: Produce solutions that address the requirements of the tasks, ensuring that the solution is suitable for the target audience Extract data from sources and present it in a user-friendly format Clearly record and display your findings Transfer data between applications Produce integrated solutions incorporating a range of: Software applications Software features Automated actions Formatting techniques. You should ensure all files and folders have meaningful names and that you use appropriate version control where necessary. When completing task 4 appropriate use of wizards is permitted. Target Audience User-Friendly Format Clear Evidence Meaningful names Appropriate Wizards Appropriate Choices
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 1 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs to adopt a professional approach when communicating electronically with its customers.. Task 1 (P, M, D) Adam would like you to set up your file and folder structure to create a well structured and logical system to store electronic information. 1 Show evidence that you have created meaningful folder and sub-folder names to store your electronic information. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Advertisment Customers Stream-As-Kids-Go Spreadsheet Database Letter Report Meaningful Filenames Meaningful Folders Names Sound System (M/D) Most Appropriate (M/D) Well Structured System (D) ALL Appropriate (D) Click here to see example of tasks 1-4
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 2 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs to adopt a professional approach when communicating electronically with its customers.. Task 2 (P, M, D) Adam would like you to set up your file and folder structure to create a well structured and logical system to store electronic information. 1 Show evidence that you have saved the following files into appropriate folders with meaningful filenames. Adam has given you the following electronic files which you will need to complete your tasks: Draft adverttext customers spreadsheet List of productions Draft letter Seat Sales report 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Advertisment Customers Stream-As-Kids-Go Spreadsheet Database Letter Report Meaningful Filenames Meaningful Folders Names Sound System (M/D) Most Appropriate (M/D) Well Structured System (D) ALL Appropriate (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 3 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs to adopt a professional approach when communicating electronically with its customers.. Task 3 (P, M, D) Adam would like you to set up your file and folder structure to create a well structured and logical system to store electronic information. 1 Show evidence that you know how to make a backup of the files and folders you have currently created. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Merit and Distinction 3 Make sure that your backup is on an appropriate medium (e.g. memory stick), with effective explanations of why the medium is most effective. Distinction Only 4 You will need to evidence backing up over time, so include effective folder names to indicate date and/or version information. Backup Folder Structure Appropriate Screenshots Medium (M/D) Appropriateness (M/D) Date and/or Version Information (D) ALL Appropriate (D)
Data Backup and Recovery LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information SWS events would like you to create a document to discuss the features and purposes of computing devices. Data Backup and Recovery Data Storage Media If you need to backup huge amounts of data then CDs/DVDs and USBs are not suitable. CDs and DVDs also have the problem that you will need many of them and therefore piles of CD/DVD backups is usually a problem. CDs/DVDs and USBs have the advantage that they can be kept away from the computer in case of fire, etc. In cases of large amounts of data companies can use tape drives or extra hard disks. Tape systems have large amounts of space but are expensive whereas hard drives are not as expensive. Cloud storage on the other hand is very useful for smaller companies that do not have much money. Cloud storage providers can also charge customers to provide security and data backup, but can be cheaper than doing it themselves.
Data Backup and Recovery LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information SWS events would like you to create a document to discuss the features and purposes of computing devices. Data Backup and Recovery Backup Frequency Most businesses will backup data after every work day, usually at night when staff are not using the system. Bigger businesses will even backup more often, like banks that backup every few minutes. Backup Recovery A lost file can usually be recovered from a backup. A disk image can restore a whole hard disk but today most backup software can also allow you to select the specific file you are missing. How up-to-date the files you recover are, will all depend on the frequency of your backups. Archiving Collections of data that are backed up or “archived” as they are no longer needed in day-to-day operations. Once archives are made they can usually be deleted off the hard disk as they will be stored separately. Examples of archives, could be the sales and financial reports from last year, or student work from 2 years ago.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 4 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs to adopt a professional approach when communicating electronically with its customers.. Task 4 (P, M, D) Adam would like you to set up your email system using tools and features of email software to help portray a professional and efficient company image. He would therefore like you to produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software they will need to use. 1 Show evidence of how to create folders in your email system. All folders should be appropriate and have effective names. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Customer Emails Employee Emails Personal Emails Monthly Membership Stream-As-You-Go Stream-As-Kids-Go Advertisements Sound System (M/D) Most Appropriate (M/D) Well Structured System (D) ALL Appropriate (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 5 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding Sound Understanding (M/D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 5 (P, M, D) 1 Show evidence of how to effectively send an email. Use the following email address assignment brief provided by ‘MStreamIT’. to help you provide screenshots. Make sure you include: An appropriate subject line. An appropriate body of text asking MStreamIT to send you information about the different packages that they have on offer for businesses. An appropriate signature. 2 Read the response from MStreamIT and then show evidence of how to reply to the message, thanking them for taking the time to reply to you. 3 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. 4 Don’t forget to put the emails you have sent and received into appropriate folders you have created.
Basic Parts of an Email
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 6 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Multiple Recipients Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding Sound Understanding (M/D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 6 (P, M, D) 1 Show evidence of how to effectively forward an email to multiple recipients. To do this, make sure you : Forward the email from MStreamIT to three people in the class. Include an appropriate subject line. Include an appropriate body of text stating that they might be interested in the current special offers MStreamIT are running. Include an appropriate signature. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. 3 Don’t forget to put the emails you have sent and received into appropriate folders you have created.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 7 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding Sound Understanding (M/D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 7 (P, M, D) 1 Show evidence of how to effectively send an email to multiple recipients with high priority and an attachment. To help you evidence this you should send the email to three people in your class, include the MStreamIT logo and ensure that you click on high priority. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Merit and Distinction 3 Show how to add a delivery receipt to the email and explain why this would be effective. Distinction Only 4 Show how to add a read request and explain why this would be effective.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 8 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding Sound Understanding (M/D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 8 (P, M, D) 1 Show evidence of how to effectively receive and save an attachment. To help you evidence this you should save the logo you have received into an appropriate folder in your home area. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. 3 Don’t forget to put the emails you have sent and received into appropriate folders you have created.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 9 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding To, CC, BCC (M/D) Sound Understanding (M/D) Privacy issues (D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 9 (P, M, D) Merit and Distinction 1 Compose an email using the To, CC and BCC parts of the email. To evidence this send a message three people in your class explaining to them how these parts of the email work. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Distinction Only 3 Comment on privacy issues related to email and the use of bcc.
To, CC and BCC LO3: How ICT can be used to support business working practices SWS events would like you to create a document to discuss the features and purposes of computing devices. Communication methods – Email To, CC and BCC “To” is used to determine who will receive the email. “CC” stands for Carbon Copy and everyone in the CC line will receive an exact copy of the email sent. “BCC” stands for Blind Carbon Copy and works like the CC, except know one else that receives the email will know that it was sent to the person in the BCC line. An example of when to use BCC would be if a business wants to send information to many customers, but wants to keep their email addresses private from all of the other recipients.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 10 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Appropriate - Subject, Body, Signature Appropriate Screenshots Limited Understanding Address Book (M/D) Sound Understanding (M/D) Distribution List (D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 10 (P, M, D) Merit and Distinction 1 Store the contact details of the MStreamIT Director in your address book, completing all appropriate fields. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining how this works, along with how to use it to send an email to the director (Adam Weinberg). Distinction Only 3 Create a distribution list of all staff emails to help communication within the company. Produce annotated screenshots explaining how this works.
Address Book LO3: How ICT can be used to support business working practices SWS events would like you to create a document to discuss the features and purposes of computing devices. Communication methods – Email Address Book Extremely important for businesses and store customer details such as email addresses, mobile numbers, etc. Businesses would use this to contact customers about special offers, advertising, etc. Businesses could also create distribution lists which could be used to add customer email addresses in order to send them information.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 11 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Auto Response (M/D) Sound Understanding (M/D) Email Signature (D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 11 (P, M, D) Merit and Distinction 1 All customer enquiries must receive a response within 24 hours, even if the person who has been emailed is not at work that day. Setup an auto response message for MStreamIT Director so that customers know that he is out of the office. Make sure that you give them alternative email addresses that they can use if it is an urgent. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining the tools and features that you are demonstrating and how they work. Distinction Only 3 Create an appropriate email signature for the MStreamIT Director to help him communicate effectively and portray a professional image. 4 Produce annotated screenshots showing the signature, explaining its importance and showing it working by sending yourself a test email.
MStreamIT Contact Details LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 12 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information Produce an information document which explains to all employees the tools and features of email software that they will need to use. Compressing/Zipping (D) Positive/Negatives for the IT Network (D) Thorough Understanding (D) Task 12 (P, M, D) Distinction Only 1 Adam Weinberg would like a copy of the files you downloaded in Task 2. He would however like to know how to compress/zip these files to make sending multiple/big files over the email system easier. 2 Produce annotated screenshots explaining to staff how to compress/zip files and how to send them as an email attachment. Make sure you give detailed reasons on why you would compress/zip files and how this could be positive and/or negative for the IT network.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 13 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information You need to complete the following tasks in order to effectively help MStreamIT. Task 13 (P, M, D) Merit and Distinction Only 1 Produce an information document which explains to all employees the importance of email etiquette. Make sure you include: Information regarding what email etiquette is. Why it is important to follow email etiquette in a business environment. Examples of good/bad etiquette (include screenshots if possible). Printout the document demonstrating some awareness of the importance of email etiquette. Distinction Only 2 The document should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the importance of email etiquette. Layout (M/D) Evidence (M/D) Examples (M/D) Screenshots (M/D) Some Awareness (M/D) Thorough Understanding (D)
Email Etiquette LO3: How ICT can be used to support business working practices SWS events would like you to create a document to discuss the features and purposes of computing devices. Communication methods – Email Etiquette Rules or netiquette should be followed when sending emails – these include: use an appropriate subject line follow the agreed email policy within the business check the message content before sending the email include a signature on any business emails you should be polite messages should be written in plain English with careful use of abbreviations do not write the message in capital letters check if the email should be replied to all the sending list or just the person the email was originally from tell people the format of any attachments you send if they’re anything other than standard. For example, Microsoft Office file types.
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 14 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 14 (P, M, D) Adam is planning to promote the special ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card. An adult can top up the cards from as little as £5.00 up to £50.00. With over 50 suitable movies available for instant viewing, these cards make a great present. 1 Adam would like you to produce an item to promote the top-up card. To do this you need to use the Internet to source and store the images needed to promote the ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card. 2 When doing this you will need to record the copyright details of the images in a graphics sources table so that Adam can request permission to use them. Merit and Distinction 3 Comment on the trustworthiness of each of the sites used. Distinction Only Comment on the validity of each of the sites used. URL and Webpage Title Date Created/Last Updated Copyright Trustworthiness (M/D) Validity (D) Thorough (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 15 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 15 (P, M, D) Adam is planning to promote the special ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card. An adult can top up the cards from as little as £5.00 up to £50.00. With over 50 suitable movies available for instant viewing, these cards make a great present. 1 Use a search engine to find suitable images for the ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card promotion. 2 Produce annotated screenshots showing the criteria you have used, the search results and saving the image into a suitable folder with an appropriate name. Merit and Distinction 3 Produce annotated screenshots showing the use of quotation marks (" ") and Boolean operators (+, -) in your searches. Distinction Only 4 Produce annotated screenshots showing the use of the advanced search option in your searches. Search engine Criteria used Search results Saving an image Appropriateness Quotation marks (M/D) Boolean operators (M/D) Advanced search (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 16 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 16 (P, M, D) Adam is planning to promote the special ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card. An adult can top up the cards from as little as £5.00 up to £50.00. With over 50 suitable movies available for instant viewing, these cards make a great present. Distinction Only 1 Bookmark the most useful sites you found and organise them into suitable folders. 2 Produce annotated screenshots showing you have done this. Bookmarks (D) Suitable Folders (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 17 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 17 (P, M, D) Adam is planning to promote the special ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card. A parent or guardian must register their details and that of the child/children to ensure that the top-up card can only be used to buy movies with the correct certificate rating. An adult can top up the cards from as little as £5.00 up to £50.00. With over 50 suitable movies available for instant viewing, these cards make a great present. 1 Produce an item of publicity that Adam can use to help launch the ‘Stream-as-kids-go’ top-up card as well as to promote the company. 2 Remember to add any additional images that you use to the source table. 3 Printout the final item that you have created, annotated to show all of the key features that you have used. Software (Word, Publisher, Fireworks, Serif Draw, etc.) Appropriate formatting Key features used Accuracy checking Basic formatting Limited impact Sound application of tools (M/D) Some enhancement of appearance (M/D) Consistent house style (D) Thoroughly enhances overall appearance (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 18 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 18 (P, M, D) Adam has bought some advertising space (6 cm wide by 12 cm high) in a magazine. He needs to make the best use of this space to encourage people to visit the exhibition stand. He can only afford to advertise in one edition. 1 Create a new document of size 6cm x 12cm for the advertisement. 2 Save the following text that Adam has provided for the advert. 3 Provide annotated screenshots of the document size and using the text. Software (Word, Publisher, Fireworks, Serif Draw, etc.) Correct size Text file Appropriate software (M/D) Effective use of text (M/D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 19 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 19 (P, M, D) Adam has bought some advertising space (6 cm wide by 12 cm high) in a magazine. He needs to make the best use of this space to encourage people to visit the exhibition stand. He can only afford to advertise in one edition. 1 Create a suitable advert using the text and images you collected. 2 Remember to add any additional images that you use to the source table. 3 Printout the final item that you have created, annotated to show all of the key features that you have used. Appropriate formatting Key features used Accuracy checking Basic formatting Limited impact Sound application of tools (M/D) Some enhancement of appearance (M/D) Consistent house style (D) Thoroughly enhances overall appearance (D)
Learning Outcome 1 – Task 20 LO1: Be able to use techniques to search for, store and share information MStreamIT needs you to help promote the company in order to increase customers. Task 20 (P, M, D) Adam would like you to create two promotional items with no errors, using the most appropriate software in order to make the most effective items. 1 Provide evidence of spell checking both promotional items you created. 2 Provide a screenshot of each promotion and justify the appropriateness of the software that you decided to use. Some mistakes What tools make the software appropriate? Few mistakes (M/D) How can the software enhance the appearance of the promotions? (M/D) No mistakes (D) Thoroughly justification of appropriateness (D)
AO1 – Assessment (P, M, D) Task Activities Student Peer Create an appropriate Bitmap and Vector graphic for BW Travel