Help Me Communicate By Lidia Sedano
Level 1: Beginning/Pre-production Level 2: Beginning Production Level 3: Intermediate Level 4: Advanced Intermediate
Level 5: Advanced Level 6: Fully English proficient Level 7: Fully English proficient- Never Limited-English Proficient
Pre-production Early Production Speech Emergence Intermediate Fluency
ESL: English as a Second Language ELL: English Language Learner Alternative Assessment: Any test that is altered in any way for an English Language Learner BICS: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills, or social/conversational English
CALPS: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency, or academic English L1: First language or native language L2: Second language LEP: limited English Proficient
Use the ESL staff as a resource. As a team you can help the ELL student with their learning needs. It is not necessary to talk louder, but it sometimes helps to speak slower. Incorporate the culture and language of the ELL students, both they and the other students will benefit.
Be aware of cultural differences. Use gestures and visual aids when you teach. Use graphic organizers and Venn diagrams. Locate yourself close to the ELL student when teaching.
Be concise with the information you give to the ELL student to avoid “information overload”. Check for comprehension. ESL students may be able to decode words but not understand what they have read. Use bilingual labels when possible.
Phonemic awareness may be challenging for ESL students who have not acquired the English sound system. Integrate reading, writing, speaking and listening in real life contexts. Make a sheet of important vocabulary related to what you are teaching.
Label important content words in your classroom. Pair ELL students with a mentor who will help them. Speak conversationally to the student as much as possible.
Diaz-Rico, L. (2004) Strategies for Teaching English Learners. New York: Pearson Education Inc. Stages of Second Language Acquisition Language Translators Google site-limited translations-includes Spanish ESL Lesson Plans and Activities Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA)