Jessica Hendley Le 21 octobre 2011
COMPA, the Agriculture Museum(1990) Agriculture is mentioned in this museum with historical, sociological, scientific, and technical
The Chartres Cathedral is one of the finest examples of the French Gothic style( ) Important destination for travelers
Parks on the bank of the Eure The Andre Gagnon Park& The Sakurai Garden Lush green with shady surroundings
The international Stained-glass center The Fine Arts Museum
A market town was founded on the Autura (Eure River) Became the capital of Carnutes The famous Cathedral
Hayes, Holly. Sacred Destinations. N.p., Web. 24 Oct Matthews, Kevin. Chartres Cathedral. Artifice Inc, Web. 24 Oct Witcombe, Cristopher. Sacred Places. Ed. Cristopher Witcombe. Sweet Briar College, Web. 24 Oct