Lumbar Spine
Normal X-ray Views of Lumbar Spine AP view Lateral view L5-S1 Spot View
L-1 anterior compression Fx Normal
Compression fx Mild T12 Fx L1 Fx
Spondylolisthesis L5-S1 Normal
Anterior compression fx L4 superior anterior Fx Normal With osteophytes
Spondylolisthesis L5-S1 spondylolisthesis Normal Disc space narowing
L1, L2 compression fx L3 compression burst fx With spondylolisthesis
L3-4 Disc Narrowing Normal
L5-S1 spondylolisthesis T12, L1 compression fx
Thoracic Spine
Normal X-ray Views of Thoracic Spine AP Lateral
Normal Metal plate T3 compression Fx
Normal T10 compression fx with kyphoplasty New T11 fx , marked DJD, Implanted stimulator
T10 compression fx and stimulator implant Normal
New T10, Old T11 Compression fx with spurring T11-T12 T11, T12, L1 compression fx
T11 compresssion fx Marked osteoporosis with multiple compression fxs