CHAPTER 2, L1 REVIEW Natives of the Pacific Northwest
CATEGORIES The answers for the next questions will be: The answers for the next questions will be: C=coastal C=coastal P=plateau P=plateau B=both B=both N=neither N=neither
We live in longhouses with relatives.
Our men are warriors and hunters.
Our diet can easily be caught in the ocean or other nearby bodies of water.
We frequently trade with the tribes in upstate New York.
Horses are of great value to us.
We live in smaller tribes but there are more tribes around us.
Women are the primary caregivers for the children of the tribe.
We use Chinook Jargon to communicate with other tribes.
We are frequently moving (nomadic) because we are always searching for good food and water sources.
We capture men, women, and children from other tribes and make them slaves.
For the next section identify the vocabulary word.
The movement of people or animals from one place to another
A language of native people of the northwest containing about three hundred words
A Native American ceremony where gifts are exchanged as a show of wealth
Someone who is believed to be able to use magic to cure people who are sick, to control future events
A flowering edible plant that has long clusters of blue and white flowers. CAMAS
A type of sled consisting of two joined poles dragged by a horse or dog
Goods or property taken by winners of a war or conflict.
Exchange goods and services without using money
Use the map to answer identify the letter below. B
What is missing from the map below.
What is an appropriate title for the map below? (hint- it is not the one in the box)