中國醫藥大學競爭性團隊研究中心計畫 中文計畫名稱: L5醫學研究中心 英文計畫名稱: L5 Medical Research Center 主持人 單位 職稱 總計畫 李源德 醫學系 講座教授 子計畫1 馬明琪 分統所 教授 子計畫2 汪貴珍 國立中國醫藥研究所 子計畫3 張坤正 副教授 子計畫4 施庭芳 台大附設醫院 放射科 子計畫5 張永賢 針灸所
整合型總計畫名稱: Identification of a Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factor through a Translational Approach Director: 李源德 講座教授 Co-Director: Chu-Huang Chen (陳珠璜), MD PhD, Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
The composition of a new cardiovascular research center at CMU-CMUH: L5 Medical Research Center
What is L5? Electronegative LDL mildly oxidized in vivo. L5 is the most highly electronegative LDL. L5 can induce apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells. Endothelial apoptosis contributes to atherosclerosis and thrombosis. LDL-C = 190 mg/dl LDL-C = 119 mg/dl
L5 composition and its distinction from HDL Tang et al. ACC meeting in Chicago, April 1st 2008
Hypercholesterolemia Who has L5? Metabolic Syndrome LDL-C all ranges Hypercholesterolemia LDL-C >160 mg/dL L5 Type 2 DM LDL-C all ranges Chronic Smokers LDL-C all ranges
Interruption of the FGF2-PI3K-Akt Autoregulatory Loop by L5 Lu and Jiang et al. Diabetes 2008
Internalization of L5 and oxLDL by LOX-1 and endocytosis of L1 by LDLR
Role of LOX-1 in smoker L5 induced mitochondrial disruption Tang et al. ACC meeting in Chicago. April 1st 2008 Chen’s lab
Effect of Zetia on L5 reduction in hamster fed with high-fat diet Control (normal diet) 83.36 16.64 HFHC diet 57.74 42.26 HFHC diet + ezetimibe 93.31 6.69
Morphological changes in EPC colonies with sustained exposure to L5 vs Morphological changes in EPC colonies with sustained exposure to L5 vs. L1
Goal and significance of the new cardiovascular research center to establish an in vivo relevance of L5 in atherosclerosis. Significance Impact on public health in Taiwan Impact on medical research in Taiwan
Missions of the core laboratory and all divisions Core Laboratory: (陳珠璜Assoc. Prof; 楊朝諭教授) 黃志揚教授 汪貴珍教授 張博淵助理教授 李安生助理教授 will be providing L5 for cell and animal studies and performing all L5 analyses fully characterize L5 and strengthen the theoretical basis for all the studies
Division I—Cell Study Division (馬明琪教授; 李啟明副教授) 黃志揚教授, 李宗貴教授, 陳珠璜Assoc Division I—Cell Study Division (馬明琪教授; 李啟明副教授) 黃志揚教授, 李宗貴教授, 陳珠璜Assoc. Prof to provide further evidence of L5’s capability of deranging the molecular homeostasis. strengthen the theoretical basis for the animal and human studies provide insights into new targets for treatment 子計畫: Effects of L5 on macrophage physiology Effects of L5 on endothelium-dependent vascular functions Effects of L5 on the expression of adhesion molecules in endothelial cells Effects of L5 on hypertrophy and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes
Division II—Animal Study Division: (汪貴珍教授, 郭薇雯副教授), 李安生助理教授, 陳珠璜Assoc Division II—Animal Study Division: (汪貴珍教授, 郭薇雯副教授), 李安生助理教授, 陳珠璜Assoc. Prof will be performing animal studies to establish the in vivo relevance of L5 in atherosclerosis. to provide sufficient evidence to establish such a cause-effect relation. 子計畫: Induction of L5 synthesis in hamsters and investigation of the mechanism Effects of L5 on EDR in aortic ring preparations Role of L5 in diabetic cardiomyopathy in rat models
Division III—Clinical Study Division: (張坤正副教授, 張博淵助理教授), 白培英醫師, 張詩聖醫師, 李源德講座教授, 陳珠璜Assoc. Prof To establish clinical correlation between L5 and atherosclerosis To provide human plasma samples for L5 isolation and purification at the core laboratory. 子計畫: L5 as a possible risk factor in CAD events To test relationship of L5 with progress of atherosclerosis To identify the specific modified lipids and/or proteins /peptides in L5 To link to Pilot Clinical Trials with statin and Red rice
Division IV—Imaging Study Division: (施庭芳教授, 何永仁主任), 沈戊忠教授, 李源德講座教授, 張坤正副教授, 陳珠璜Assoc. Prof to provide direct visual evidence of vascular disease in humans to establish a close correlation between L5 concentration and tissue perfusion in humans by using DCE-MRI technology 子計畫: Correlation between plasma L5 levels and pancreatic perfusion in humans
Division V—Pilot Trial Study Division: (張永賢副校長, 陳清助主任), 汪貴珍教授, 郭薇雯副教授, 王宇澄醫師, 陳珠璜Assoc. Prof to identify natural products as alternative regiments for L5 reduction in high risk patients, and to examine whether L5 reduction is accompanied by clinical improvement of endothelial function. The two products to be tested are Monascus purpureus (紅麴) and garlic extract (大蒜). 子計畫: Effect of Monascus purpureus on L5 reduction in patients with T2DM Effect of garlic on L5 reduction in patients with T2DM