GPSDO and Ruggedized Timing Products Paul R. Gerry Senior Product Manager, Clocks BU
Agenda GPSDO Background Information RCM Ultra Low Noise 10MHZ/100MHz Reference OCXO Based GPSDOs CSAC Based GPSDOs Low Cost LTE-Lite GPSDOs
What Does a GPSDO Do? GPS signals carry the Colorado NIST UTC master time- signal to the user. We decode this time signal, and generate a local version of it by controlling a local oscillator:
Why Use A GPSDO? Primary frequency references like Cesium, Rubidium have drift Temperature, g-sensitivity, C-field error, aging, relativistic effects Free Running Oscillators: Synchronized Frequency-Locked-Loop (poor phase coherence) GPS Locked Oscillators: Synchronized Phase-Locked-Loop (phase coherence to UTC) Better than 5E-013/24Hrs possible with Quartz
In a GPSDO, the GPS Signal Provides….. 1PPS (pulse per second) within ~ ±25ns typ. of UTC Independent of position WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS error correction PVT vector Date/Time, down to the nanosecond level Health information of Satellites Major drawback: Large sawtooth type jitter on the 1PPS Outages are frequent, 1PPS missing occasionally Foliage, Shading, Multipath induced errors
RCM Ultra Low Noise 100MHz, 10MHz, 1 PPS Reference Module
RCM Reference Holdover <+4us over 24-hrs typ. Phase Noise of only -100dBc/Hz at 10Hz offset from the 100MHz carrier Phase noise floor of -172dBc/Hz Dual Frequency One Ultra-stable 10MHz CMOS output, Two 100 MHz sinewave outputs Allan Deviation of 2E-12 @ 1 sec PPS signals have 2.5ns resolution Supports external 10MHz or 1PPS signals reference inputs tight phase-lock to internal oscillators Operating temperature range -40°C to +85°C
RCM Reference Applications Radar Local oscillator for applications requiring ultra-low phase noise Synchronized Radio applications Phase-noise-filter applications for Rubidium or Cesium references
Ruggedized SSM-2650 -->SCM Application: 24/7 search for any type of Communication to identify its Direction & Location Key req: Ultra Extreme Sensitive & Accurate timing of the remote sensors to the C&C Center Multiple remote Sensor units (1-N) which must be within 2 nsec diff from the Master Sync server Ultra Low Phase Noise of: – 170dBc Embedded VPX Sensor module Rugged / MIL- STD
The “Standard / Commercial” offering Remote Sync. & 100Mhz Ref. Clk. XLi GPS Signal Distribution # 1 10MHz #N 100MHz Sensor Sync. Embedded cards vs. BC635’s SSM-2650 100Mhz Ref. board #2 10MHz #3 10MHz #N 10MHz
RCM - 100MHz Phase Noise : SSM2650 option RCM phase noise req.: 1 Hz <= -70 dBc 4 Hz <= -98 dBc 10 Hz <= -103 dBc 100 Hz <= -118 dBc 1 KHz <= -146 dBc 10 KHz <= -158 dBc 100 KHz <= -160 dBc 1 MHz <= -163 dBc 10 MHz <= -170 dBc 100 MHz <= -170 dBc -163 dBc is nice…buy not meeting the spec. !
Microsemi & Focus’s - New Solution New RCM design: Dual isolated 100MHz Ultra-Low Phase-Noise floor of -172dBc/Hz with +20.5dBm power . Allows external 10MHz or 1PPS signals to tightly phase-lock ADEV of 2E-012 with low-g 100MHz osc. - phase-locked to the 10MHz DOCXO disciplined & provides 1PPS signals with 2.5ns resolution Allowing 1PPS phase-locked to the 100MHz output even in the absence or failure of the external 1PPS or 10MHz references - for stand alone operation This is on the Physics limit !!
RCM - Rugged VPX 1.1” Conduction Cooled Embedded Module This application required the unit to be ruggedized to 167 & 810 MIL STD Embedded VPX module in Conduction cooled ATR Chassis Customized packaging design for of the new RCM 100Mhz board Rugged RCM VPX CC Module product ! Packaged as Rugged VPX module
RCM Ultra Low Noise Reference Module 2.0 X 4.0 X 1.0 In, ruggedized 1 PPS input to capture resolution of ±2.5 ns Dual Frequency outputs 1 10 MHz 5V CMOS output 2 100 MHz sinewave outputs Phase Noise (172dBc/Hz floor) 10MHz 100MHz 1Hz <-90dBc/Hz <-70dBc/Hz 10Hz <-125dBc/Hz <-98dBc/Hz 100Hz <-145dBc/Hz <-128dBc/Hz 1KHz <-150dBc/Hz <-153dBc/Hz 10kHz <-150dBc/Hz <-160dBc/Hz 100kHz <-150dBc/Hz <-165dBc/Hz Ultra-low-g sensitivity (less than 0.3ppb per g per axis) Operating Temperature range -40°C to +85°C
GPS-1000 10Mhz OCXO-based GPSDO Small 1.0” x 2.5” x 0.5” package Holdover of ±11 µs over a 3-hr. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS; Galileo-ready 1 PPS Accuracy of ±50 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Output – 1 10 MHz output sinewave Power consumption <1.4W typical Phase Noise 1Hz -80dBc/Hz 10Hz -110dBc/Hz 100Hz -135dBc/Hz 1kHz -145dBc/Hz 10kHz <-145dBc/Hz Operating Temperature range of 0° C to +60° C
GPS-2500/2550 DOCXO-based GPSDO Small 1.5” x 3” x 0.8” package. Holdover ±7 µs over 24-hr. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS; Galileo-ready. 1 PPS Accuracy of ±50 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Output - 5 10 MHz – 2 LVDS and 3 sinewave. Phase noise 1Hz -80dBc/Hz 10Hz -110dBc/Hz 100Hz -135dBc/Hz 1kHz -145dBc/Hz 10kHz <-145dBc/Hz Operating Temperature range of 0°C to +75°C; extended range of 25°C to +75°C available.
GPS-2600/2650 DOCXO-based GPSDO 1.5” x 4” x 0.8” package. Holdover of ±7 µs over a 24-hr. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS; Galileo-ready. 1 PPS Accuracy of ±30 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Output 7 100Mhz - 2 sine, 4 LVDS, 1 CMOS; 2 10Mhz - 1 sine, 1 LVDS Phase noise 1Hz -60dBc/Hz 10Hz -95dBc/Hz 100Hz -118dBc/Hz 1kHz -140dBc/Hz 10kHz -155dBc/Hz 100kHz -160dBz/Hz Operating Temperature range of 0° C to +75° C; 25° C to +75° C available.
Benefits of a GPSDO module vs. a CSAC Component CSAC total errors: ±2ppb (temp/age/gauss/cal etc) GPS: << 0.2ppb within <20min Module is plug-and-play, CSAC requires design-in (system sale vs. component sale) Phase Noise improvement: up to 13dB, >80% of spurs removed Wider range of power supplies -- GPSDO can use vehicle power supply (8V to 36V) or USB; CSAC requires +3.3V. Handling of common GPS anomalies and optimization for mission profile (Airborne, Vehicle, Manpack)
Additional Features -- Software Interface Well known control interfaces (NMEA, SCPI, GPSCon, NTP etc) Support for NMEA-0813 ver. 2.3 (Google Earth, etc) USB Plug and Play, LCD driver built-in Easy-to-use English commands, examples: Help? Syst:status? GPS?, CSAC?
GPSDO with CSAC Compared GPSDO with OCXO Holdover? CSAC Holdover after 20 minutes with GPS: typically better than 2us per day. OCXO Holdover after 20 minutes with GPS: <13us over 4 hours (state of the art) OCXO Holdover after 5 days with GPS: typically 1us to 2us per day. (SC-cut) Confidential © Copyright 2011 19 Symmetricom Proprietary
GPSDO Benefits for Targeted Markets •Manpack Systems: Low power extends battery life. Very fast warm-up (legacy products: 15+ min) Very low-g while on move. Airborne Systems: Low phase noise under vibration Wider temperature range than OCXO Low SWaP and low profile Stationary Systems: Position and Hold mode Holdover for up to 1 week Long UPS life, independent of temperature
GPS 2700/2750 2” X 2.5” X 0.7” package Holdover of ±1 µs over 24-hrs typ. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS 1 PPS Accuracy of ±15 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Outputs - 4 10MHz Sinewave; 1 5MHz CMOS 5V Power <1.5W, <1W CMOS option Phase Noise 10Hz -75dBc/Hz 100Hz -115dBc/Hz 1KHz -128dBc/Hz 10kHz -134dBc/Hz 100kHz -140dBc/Hz Operating Temperature range of -10ºC to +70ºC
HD-CSAC 2” X 2.5” X 0.7” package Holdover of ±1 µs over 24-hrs typ. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS 1 PPS Accuracy of ±15 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Outputs - 1 10MHz LVDS and 1 10MHz CMOS 5V Power <1.25W Phase Noise 10Hz -75dBc/Hz 100Hz -115dBc/Hz 1KHz -128dBc/Hz 10kHz -134dBc/Hz 100kHz -140dBc/Hz Operating Temperature range of -10ºC to +70ºC.
LP-CSAC 2” X 2.5” X 0.7” package Holdover of ±1 µs over 24-hrs typ. Compatible with GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS 1 PPS Accuracy of ±15 ns to UTC RMS (1-sigma), GPS-locked. Outputs - 1 10MHz LVDS and 1 10MHz CMOS 3.3V Power - <0.55 W Phase noise 10Hz -75dBc/Hz 100Hz -115dBc/Hz 1KHz -128dBc/Hz 10kHz -134dBc/Hz 100kHz -140dBc/Hz Operating Temperature range of 10° C to +70° C
LTE-Lite TCXO Based GPSDOs Low-cost Small-Cell Frequency and Timing Reference
LTE-Lite 19.2 MHz 0.7” x 1.18” x 0.09” package. <±50us over 3 Hour Period (25°C) Compatible with, QZSS, SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS Outputs - 2 19.2 MHz CMOS; 1 PLL synthesized configurable 76.8/38.4/25.6/15.36/12.8/9.6/4.8 MHz Phase Noise (noise floor <155dBc/Hz) 1Hz -65dBc/Hz 10Hz -92dBc/Hz 100Hz -116dBc/Hz 1kHz -136dBc/Hz 10kHz -148dBc/Hz 100KHz <-155dBc/Hz Operating Temperature -10°C to +70°C, -40°C to +85°C optional
LTE-Lite 20 MHz 0.7” x 1.18” x 0.09” package. <±50us over 3 Hour Period (25°C) Compatible with, QZSS, SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS Outputs - 2 20 MHz CMOS; 1 PLL synthesized configurable 80/40/26.666/16/13.333/10/5 MHz Phase Noise (noise floor <155dBc/Hz) 1Hz -65dBc/Hz 10Hz -92dBc/Hz 100Hz -116dBc/Hz 1kHz -136dBc/Hz 10kHz -148dBc/Hz 100KHz <-155dBc/Hz Operating Temperature -10°C to +70°C, -40°C to +85°C optional
The GPSDO Demo Kit The GPSDO demo kit allows you to easily demonstrate the usefulness of a board-level GPSDO to your customer base. TCXO-based to hold down costs, so not “state of the art” holdover performance! USB interface for demo convenience. Demo Kit Contents: Board with USB interface & cable Antenna with cable Documentation: CDROM, Read-me sheet
GPSDO Comparison OCXO CSAC <1.4W <3.2W <4W <0.55W 1.0E-11 Product GPS-1000 GPS-2000 GPS-2500 GPS-2550 GPS-2600 GPS-2650 GPS-2700 GPS-2750 CSAC-LP Technology OCXO CSAC Size 1.0 x 2.5 x 0.5 in 1.5 x 3 x 0.65 in 1.5 x 3 x 0.8 in 1.5 x 4 x 0.8 in 2.5 x 3 x 0.7 in 2.0 X 2.5 X 0.7 in Temp range 0°C to 60°C 0°C to 75°C -25°C to 75°C -10°C to 70°C -10ºC to 70ºC Power 25°C <1.4W <3.2W <4W <0.55W ADEV 1s 1.0E-11 with GPS Lock <6.0E-11 <1.0E-11 <1.0E-10 <1E-10 Phase Noise 10Hz -110dBc/Hz -120dBc/Hz -95dBc/Hz -75dBc/Hz Holdover <+ 11 uS 3 hours <+ 60 uS 24 hours <+ 7 uS <+7 uS <+ 2 uS 24 hour Outputs 1 PPS 10 MHz 2 & 10 MHz 1 GHZ 10 MHZ 100 MHz GPS L1 C/A 1574 MHz C/A 1574MHz
Thank You Ramki Ramakrishnan Director of Marketing, Clocks BU +1 707-636-1914 Paul R. Gerry Senior Product Manager, Clocks BU +1 978-522-5798 Steve Fossi VP and General Manager, Clocks BU +1 707-636-1810