1Lecture : Vision & Mission Lecture #1.2-3 Vision and Mission L2 What_religion_is_best.pptx 26 Jan 2012
智覺學苑 2Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012 Thinking outside the box Religion is not important Take care of your thoughts Highlights of Dali Lama’s presentation
Dalai Lama’s Vision/Values “Whatever makes you more compassionate, more sensible, more detached, [more engaged] more loving, more humanitarian, more responsible, more ethical.” Lecture : Vision & Mission326 Jan 2012
Dalai Lama’s Religious View Point “I am not interested, my friend, about your religion or if you are religious or not.” “Being happy is not a matter of destiny. It is a matter of options.” “There is no religion higher than the Truth.” Lecture : Vision & Mission426 Jan 2012
Dalai Lama’s Scientific View Point “Remember, the universe is the echo of our actions and our thoughts.” “The law of action and reaction is not exclusively for physics. It is also of human relations.” “There is no religion higher than the Truth.” Lecture : Vision & Mission526 Jan 2012
智覺學苑 6Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012 Buddhism = Metaphysics = Thinker Fast track to your Enlightenment Road Map Academy of Wisdom & Enlightenment (AWE)
智覺學苑 Vision: To search for truth, develop wisdom and to ignite the compassion of all human beings through enlightenment. Mission: To design an academic curriculum that expedites the enlightenment process and realize truth and spirituality. (AWE) 7Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012
Why? Humanity is in conflict with itself and with nature at a state unsalvageable by religions, philosophy, science, morality or politics; the latter five are fragments of the whole of humanity. The present course of our civilization is heading towards imminent destruction of the human race and Mother Nature. A collective consciousness of enlightenment in a timely manner is the only salvation. Lecture : Vision & Mission826 Jan 2012
Fragmentation of Higher Learning University Faculty Department Centre 26 Jan 2012Lecture : Vision & Mission9
How? The five aspects of humanity – religions, philosophy, science, morality and politics – must amalgamate into a holistic educational system comprehensible to all ages and all cultures. Lecture : Vision & Mission1026 Jan 2012
What? All human actions are preceded by thinking. Our thinking mode determines our value. Our value system determines our behavior. The AWE curriculum is designed to instill an enlightened thinking mode which will lead to a life of meaning, purpose, happiness and prosperity. Your curiosity about religion, philosophy, science, arts and politics will be integrated into a holistic curriculum of humanities. Lecture : Vision & Mission1126 Jan 2012
Who? In the present age of information, the internet is able to provide "knowledge" fast and vast. But "wisdom" on the other hand has become even more remote and inaccessible. AWE' s curriculum enables us to discover and develop an enlightening thinking mode with which, you and your loved ones will benefit from living a life filled with compassion, love, harmony, peace and prosperity. Without Wisdom one's career and life cannot prosper to its full potential. For those who have studied Buddhism for a long time, AWE's curriculum inspires and enables us to fully comprehend and practice Buddha's teachings – the way to enlightenment. Lecture : Vision & Mission1226 Jan 2012
Curriculum YEARLEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 st YearInitial Drive 2 nd YearProgress 3 rd YearWholesome 4 th YearAdvance Curriculum Lecture : Vision & Mission1326 Jan 2012
4 Requirements to promote to Second Year Attendance must be above 90% in 36 sessions Absence twice – reminder Absence three times – warning Absence 4 times – final warning 2 mid-term and 1 final exams, Pass grade is 50% each time. Each exam is 20% course weight. Book report – 15% Volunteer work (minimum 2hr/week) – 25% 26 Jan 2012Lecture : Vision & Mission14
4 Requirements to promote to Second Year Attendance must be above 90% in 36 sessions Absence twice – reminder Absence three times – warning Absence 4 times – final warning 2 mid-term and 1 final exams, Pass grade is 50% each time. Each exam is 20% course weight. Book report – 15% Volunteer work (minimum 2hr/week) – 25% 26 Jan 2012Lecture : Vision & Mission15
智覺學苑 Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012 T he Pho-Hien Temple ( 普賢寺 ) and the Academy of Wisdom & Enlightenment (AWE 智覺學苑 ) launch an innovative platform to introduce Buddhism, supported by the Sri Lanka officiated Chief Monk of Canada, Ven W. Pannasara, in response to the call of the Sri Lanka Cousul General to enhance ties among Buddhist communities. WHO
智覺學苑 17Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012
18 Discussion 討論
智覺學苑 19Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012 Progress 努力 Zen 禪 Theory 六祖壇經 Audio 六祖壇經 Manuscript 六祖壇經 Manuscript Practical 禪修 如來禪 祖師禪 十種用功方法 華嚴禪 開悟之道 轉識成智 華嚴 Chan-Kuang 禪觀 華嚴法脈圖 Lineage Flow Chart
智覺學苑 20Lecture : Vision & Mission26 Jan 2012 Yogacara Tantric 大乘瑜伽密 Theory Audio 大乘瑜伽密 Manuscript 大乘瑜伽密 Practical 三種灌頂 (3 Levels of Empowerment) Wholesome 歡欣 Heart Journey 人類追求真理之八個里程碑 Advanced Level Curriculum
21Lecture : Vision & Mission Buddhism in Modern Language with Pho-Hien Temple & AWE FIN Thank You 26 Jan 2012
22Lecture : Vision & Mission Transfer of merit By this effort, may all sentient beings be free of suffering. May their minds be filled with the nectar of virtue. In this way may all causes resulting in suffering be extinguished, And only the light of compassion shine throughout all realms. 26 Jan 2012