1 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 FAA | Airport Engineering -and- FAA | National Planning Division Airports.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 FAA | Airport Engineering -and- FAA | National Planning Division Airports GIS and electronic ALP Presented to | 32 nd Annual Airports Conference - Eastern Region (Hershey, PA) By | Gil Neumann (APP-400) Date | March 5, 2009

2 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 OVERVIEW  What is driving A-GIS/eALP?  What is our approach/process?  Where are we going with it?

3 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 NEXTGEN VISION | TRANSFORMATION BENEFITS OF NEXTGEN TO AIRPORTS  Increased Safety  Better Use of Existing Capacity  Greater Design Flexibility  Reduced Environmental Impact Ground-based Navigation and Surveillance Satellite-based Navigation and Surveillance Voice Radio Control Digital Data Exchange Disconnected Information Systems Net-Centric Information Access Human-centric Air Traffic Control Automation Assisted Air Traffic Management Fragmented Weather Forecasting Probabilistic Weather Decision Tools Visibility Limited Airfield Parameters “Equivalent Visual” Operations Forensic Safety SystemPrognostic Safety System Inefficient security screening Integrated Security Risk Management Current aircraft environmental footprint Much reduced aircraft environmental footprint

4 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 FAA’s A-GIS/eALP VISION | FROM THERE TO “NOW” Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ ”N Long. 122 deg ”W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ ”N Long. 122 deg ”W AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 What if… the FAA could capture and validate data against a defined standard, import it from and/or export it to an ALP, and make it available electronically for whoever needs it?

5 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 iOE/AAA data Obstruction Evaluation NFDC | NASR/5010 data 5010 data NFPG data Flight Procedures NFDC | NASR iOE/AAA data NFPG data PROBLEM | AIRPORTS DATA STORAGE IS DISPARATE Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Remote Sensing Ground Surveys $ ? ? ? Which data is correct?!

6 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 NextGen requires a more robust, integrated, and accurate data set: AIRPORTS GIS PURPOSE OF AIRPORTS GIS  Conceived to address the airport data problems (up-to -date, accuracy) NFDC | NASR/5010 data NFPG data iOEAAA data Finalize translation tools to allow existing airport data to be stored in new Geographic Information System (GIS) application by SEPT 30, 2007 FLIGHT PLAN TARGET STATUS: COMPLETED A-GIS  To design a integrated data sharing tool for airport sponsors, planners, surveyors, and FAA for greater airport planning/design flexibility Remote Sensing Ground Surveys AC150/ ,- 17,-18B  To create a better way of collecting, storing, managing, and sharing airports data airport sponsors and the FAA experience nationwide $

7 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 GIS AND AIRPORTS GIS (A-GIS) CAD vs. GIS  Data that may come from many different sources is geographically projected to line up together  A robust, “query”-able data set  Widely-accepted format used by numerous agencies  In GIS, data is layered like a stack of transparencies WHAT IS GIS?BENEFITS OF AIRPORTS-GIS?  A single, web-based database system for validated data in support of airport design & construction programs  A GIS planning tool to help airport planners visualize the characteristics of a airport facilities & features (runway length, width, surface type)  A tool to help field personnel address & coordinate airport changes in a timely manner in an integrated environment  Allows metro area and system-wide analysis (RSA analysis)

8 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 A-GIS PROVIDES DEPTH TO THE AIRPORT DATA TO COMPLEMENT THE BREADTH OF INFO AVAILABLE Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: Runway Attribute: Runway Threshold Runway End: 19R NAVD 88 Elevation: 8.8’ Length: 7,500’ Width: 200’ Degrees-Minutes- Seconds (NAD83 DMS) Lat. 37 deg 37' 37.94" N Long. 122 deg 22' 12.44" W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ ”N Long. 122 deg ”W Element: NAVAID Attribute: VOR/DME Frequency; Operator: FAA NAVD 88 Elevation: 13’ Lat. 37 deg 37’ ”N Long. 122 deg ”W AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Apron Material: Asphalt Area: 11,243 SY Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 AIP Grant: AIP No Name: Rehabilitate Runway Material: Asphalt Status: Completion date 10/2009 WE CAN DO BETTER NOW! RICHER BY PROVIDING A RICHER DATA SET THE RESULT: COMPLETE A COMPLETE PICTURE FOR NEXTGEN PLANNING

9 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 OVERVIEW  What is driving A-GIS/eALP?  What is our approach/process?  Where are we going with it?

10 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 AIRPORTS FAA A-GIS and e-ALP | PROCESS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verification Delineate Features Missio n Critical Data PROGRESS A-GIS D-BASE COMPLETED IN FY07 FY08/09: IN Refinement COMPLETED IN REFINEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT COLOR CODING AC150/ ,- 17,-18B A-GIS Pilot Program END USERS

11 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009  Educate and present A-GIS implementation and eALP vision/overview to various FAA field offices, airports sponsors/consultants, and state agencies ‣ Many Regional/State/Industry Conferences include: presentations by practitioners and sponsors; and hands-on A-GIS training for the user community  Airports GIS | Training ‣ Initial FAA training was conducted in FY08 (2 classes) ‣ Training for FAA personnel is planned for the program in FY09 (tentatively May/June 2009 in OKC) ‣ Web-based training is being developed for the user community for AC-150/ A,-17B,-18B standards  Airports GIS | Frequently Asked Questions ‣ Web-based FAQ and best practices site is being developed for the user community re: the A-GIS web-site and ACs A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data NEAR-TERM OUTREACH/TRAINING

12 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data HOW A-GIS AFFECTS THE FIELD  Sponsors: A-GIS is now the single web-based information depository for airports data  (managed by ARP; owned by ATO)  Planners: A-GIS affects the way FAA does business on all projects with survey requirements; get familiarized with website and ACs  Survey work at airports must comply with the requirements found in AC150/ A, -17B, and -18B  Work with ADOs for: guidance on how to use ACs (content questions); A-GIS website registration/use; SOWs for projects (reference -18B|Table 2-1); refinement suggestions  Survey quality control plans and final survey reports must be submitted (for NGS review) via FAA’s A-GIS website What should airport sponsors and surveyors be doing now with A-GIS?  EDUCATE !

13 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 AIRPORTS FAA A-GIS and e-ALP | PROCESS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Delineate Features Missio n Critical Data PROGRESS A-GIS D-BASE COMPLETED IN FY07 FY08/09: IN Refinement COMPLETED IN REFINEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT COLOR CODING Add Attributes Develop Require- ments END USERS FY08/09: IN Development eALP 2 2 A-GIS AC150/ ,- 17,-18B Pilot Program END USERS

14 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 eALP Add Attributes Develop Require- ments Resolve Policy & Process electronic AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 Develop capability within the Airports-GIS application for electronic Airport Layout Diagrams (eALPs) and digital obstruction charts by SEPTEMBER 15, 2009 FLIGHT PLAN TARGET STATUS: IN PROGRESS WHY IS FAA DEVELOPING eALP?  All NPIAS airports required to keep their ALPs current (many are outdated)  Paper copies of ALPs are typically housed in multiple locations and the “latest” version(s) often vary  Plotted ALPs frequently contain out-of-date or contradictory information that differ from other data sources in use across FAA and ARP LOBs  NextGen need: real-time, web-based access of the same version by all stakeholders simultaneously To optimize updated, precise data stored in A-GIS for NextGen airport planning

15 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 OVERVIEW  What is driving A-GIS/eALP?  What are we doing about it?  Where are we going with it?

16 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 eALP Proof of Concept NATIONWIDE DEVELOPMENT Add Attributes Delineate Features Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data A-GIS eALP DECNOVMAYJANFEBMARAPRJULAUGSEPOCT JUN Conceptual: Approximated timeframe of the A-GIS pilot program in ASW and select nationwide airports (simultaneously) A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data

17 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 DFW Program Selection Criteria:  Implement A-GIS into standard airport and FAA business practices  Develop critical skills, identify costs, make appropriate modifications to provide foundational support for nationwide deployment  Develop FAA internal/external electronic coordination procedures to improve A-GIS portal (and eALP beta testing)  Co-located with Service Center  Co-located with Regional Offices / ADOs  Block Grant State  Central location for travel PILOT PROGRAM | ASW... Phase 1: Develop Base Map  Conduct an Obstruction Survey and Conduct Airport Airspace Analysis  Collect Aerial Photogrammetry  Evaluate all surfaces for runways  NGS verification of safety-critical data  Collect GIS Planimetric data (convert to model) Phase 2: Develop electronic Airport Layout Plan  Set parameters for design criteria  Input future airport development  Test/Evaluate eALP web-based software ASW | Pilot Program SW Region ADOs  AR/OK  LA/NM  TEXAS Objective|Work with FAA/HQ and the eALP/NSDT to: MSY ASW HRL TBD XNAOKC A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data

18 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 A-GIS | LOOKING FORWARD  Early CY09: initial roll-out of A-GIS pilot program to occur in ASW; select A-GIS projects in other Regions to follow A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Missio n Critica l Data

19 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 AIRPORTS FAA A-GIS and e-ALP | PROCESS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Delineate Features Missio n Critical Data PROGRESS A-GIS D-BASE COMPLETED IN FY07 FY08/09: IN Refinement COMPLETED IN REFINEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT COLOR CODING Add Attributes Develop Require- ments END USERS Resolve Policy & Process FY08/09: IN Development eALP 2 2 A-GIS AC150/ ,- 17,-18B Pilot Program END USERS Flt Plan Goal: e-ALP v1.0 by end of FY09

20 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 eALP Add Attributes Develop Require- ments Resolve Policy & Process eALP | NEXT STEPS  Education available?  Implementation plan?  Financial eligibility?  Policy implications? More work? Less work? ---- ADO Bus. Plan  Support the initial roll-out of the A-GIS pilot program and eventual nationwide implementation  Perform beta-test for initial eALP proof of concept; and perform usability, additional functionality, and process testing needed for the future, deployable version of eALP) NEAR TERM FAA/HQ and eALP National Standards Development Team Resolve Policy & Process  Develop new program guidance (interim PGLs and eALP Advisory Circular); revise existing FAA policies/standards to incorporate eALPs  Determine what tools and processes within the entire organization (eg. SOAR; 5010) can be augmented based on the use of A-GIS/eALP automation LONG TERM  Version control?  Pen-and-ink changes?  Security? Sensitivity?  Technical capability?

21 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 AIRPORTS FAA A-GIS and e-ALP | PROCESS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys Verificatio n Delineate Features Missio n Critical Data PROGRESS A-GIS D-BASE COMPLETED IN FY07 FY08/09: IN Refinement COMPLETED IN REFINEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT COLOR CODING Add Attributes Develop Require- ments END USERS Thorough Decision- Making Improved Extensive Planning Improved ALP Co- ordination Efficient Review & Approval Resolve Policy & Process FY08/09: IN Development eALP Multi-User Accessible ALP Set 2 2 A-GIS AC150/ ,- 17,-18B Pilot Program END USERS Flt Plan Goal: e-ALP v1.0 by end of FY09 NextGen: Net Centric Data Access Greater Design Flexibility

22 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009  Anticipate A-GIS and eALP guidance relative to program adjustments and associated policy changes for conducting surveys and electronically-generated ALP drawing sets as the program database and software is refined  Help the Airport Planning and Design Community: ‣ Get up to speed with A-GIS Advisory Circulars and the A- GIS website ‣ Submit reasonable survey costs in SOWs ‣ Suggest practical improvements and best practices based on realistic challenges you face at your airport and in the field A-GIS/eALP | LOOKING FORWARD There is currently a challenging transition period; thus be prepared to make progress w/end-state in mind. Work with FAA to champion the long-term perspective!

23 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 eALP  INM  EDMS  NIRS VISION | POTENTIAL A-GIS DOVE-TAILS ABOUND NFDC | NASR/5010 data NFPG data iOEAAA data A-GIS Remote Sensing Ground Surveys AC150/ ,- 17,-18B $ Airport Land Project Cert.System Environmental Design Tool National Atlas (USGS) EnviroMapper (EPA) EPA Natl. Geospatial Data CH FWS Natl. Wetland Inventory NRCS Natl. Geospatial Data CH Watershed Assessment Tracking Widely-accepted GIS format means there is significant potential for integrated capability/connectivity for airports data sharing

24 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 CONCEPTUAL VISION | ON TO NEXTGEN Can our dreams for airport data become a reality?

25 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 APPENDIX  A-GIS/eALP (pre-DRAFT version) Screen Shots

26 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 Base Map Pre-DRAFT Preliminary Images: REFINEMENTS forthcoming

27 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 Quad Base Map Pre-DRAFT Preliminary Images: REFINEMENTS forthcoming

28 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 Building Identification Pre-DRAFT Preliminary Images: REFINEMENTS forthcoming

29 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 Runway Identification on Aerial Map Pre-DRAFT Preliminary Images: REFINEMENTS forthcoming

30 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 Future: KMZ Coordinates Pre-DRAFT Preliminary Images: REFINEMENTS forthcoming

31 Federal Aviation Administration Airports GIS and electronic ALP March 5, 2009 FAA | Airport Engineering -and- FAA | National Planning Division Thank You! Questions? Presented to | 32 nd Annual Airports Conference - Eastern Region (Hershey, PA) By | Gil Neumann (APP-400) | Phone | (202)