EEL102 Introduction to SPICE
Spice – Introduction Spice is a short form of : Simulated Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis Used for circuit analysis Many varieties of SPICE – WINSPICE, PSPICE, HSPICE….
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INSTRUCTIONS for running
Steps before running the simulation… Draw the circuit and Label all nodes and elements Circuit described in terms of its elements and properties
Syntax rules Not case-sensitive First line of code is ALWAYS the TITLE and ignored.End -> Last Line of code Comment within a line should be followed by ; Comment lines start with *
Circuit elements Resistor: R Rx k Capacitor: C C u Inductor: L Lxy 4 5 1m
Voltage and current sources 3 types : DC, AC, Transient Voltage Sources: V [[DC] ] [[AC] ] [transient + specs] Current Sources: I [[DC] ] [[AC] [phase]] [transient + specs] DC source: V V1 3 0 DC 6 AC source: V1 3 0 AC
Transient Sources Pulse V PULSE(V1 V2 Td Tr Tf Tw Period) V1: Value when pulse is not on V2: Value when pulse is fully on Td: Time delay ; can be zero Tr : Rise Time; Zero causes some simulation problems Tf : Fall time Tw : Pulse Width Period Total time in seconds of pulse Ex: Vs 1 0 PULSE(0V 10V 0s 100ms 100ms 900ms 2s) Sin : Damped Sine V SIN(V0 Va fr Td Df theta) V0: DC Offset value Va: Undamped amplitude. Peak measured from zero if no DC offset fr: frequency in Hz Td: time delay in seconds Df :Damping factor Theta: Phase advance in degrees Ex: Vs 1 0 SIN(2V 5V 2Hz 200ms 2Hz 30d)
Dependant Sources Ebar ; VCVS E Glab ; VCCS G Hvx Vhx 50.0 ; CCVS H Ftrn Vctl 50.0 ; CCCS F
Analysis DC Analysis: .DC [src2 start2 stop2 incr2] .DC Vds Vgs AC Analysis: .AC Sweep is either LIN, OCT, DEC .AC DEC 20 1Hz 10kHz .AC LIN ; Transient Analysis .Tran .TRAN 1n 1000n
OUTPUT Text Output: .PRINT Graph Output: .PROBE command generates a.dat file
Example Firstorder lowpass Rcfilter Vin 1 0 AC 1.0V Rf Cf uF.AC DEC Hz 100kHz.PROBE.END
References ial.pdf ial.pdf _files/PSpice-Tutorial.pdf _files/PSpice-Tutorial.pdf