A step-wise path to e61850 with UML IEC TC 57 WG10 Laurent Guise (France) - leading Thierry Coste (France), Henry Dawidczak (Germany), Thierry Dufaure (Germany), Herb Falk (US) Tanja Kostic (Swiss), Hubert Kirrmann (Swiss), Wolfgang Wimmer (Swiss) Eric Lambert (France) Hervé Sabot (France), Jean-Luc Sanson (France), Karlheinz Schwarz (Germany)
Main objectives and expected benefits A single location for all IEC 61850 modeling, and associated documentation 100% of the documentation is in the model (including diagrams, pictures, ..) Improve the quality and maintainability of the standard (only the UML model needs to be maintained) Automatic checking of models consistency Avoid manual translation and possible error sources Multiple publication outputs – 100% consistent Automatic production of namespaces “standard” word documents Automatic generation of the HTML code to browse the model From the model, we can derive many profiles automatically generate the SCL schemas Future extensions will be introduced : ACSI modeling (with diagrams) SCL support From the model, we can strengthen harmonization with CIM, (as active contributor to the TC57 initiative) We can improve the 61850 standard spreading to better serve Smart Grid CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011 TF Short term objectives (agreed at Moscow IEC TC 57 WG10 meeting – Oct 2010) Main deliverables Produce a UML model of the IEC 61850 standard Sharing the same tools than CIM environment (EA, model manager tool, ..) Sharing the same philosophy (Namespace management) Feeding web-access task with namespace description Propose & Prepare(*) the ad’hoc processes to manage its content The model will get provisions in order to, in next stages: Support the modeling of ACSI dynamic behavior modeling Support the harmonization with the CIM model (IEC 61970-61968) as defined in IEC 62357 Support the SCL language format (XSD “serialization”) Support conformance tests definition Support interoperability and functional tests definition (*) -> decision for implementing relies on TC57 decision CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
The main steps of the UML 61850 TF are : Target the soonest the switch of the “master reference for edition” to the UML model Validate the model content based on 7-4, 7-3, 7-2 contents Validate and Set-up the requested processes to manage the model, including versioning rules Proceed to switching Target the soonest the production of the content to be used for the publication through the Web Produce a serialised UML model (of the master reference) to feed the IEC web site Procedures and process, by IEC, need to be in place before anything can be published on the web. Target the extension of the model content to embrace other 61850 facets Integrate ACSI and 7-410, 7-420, 61400-25 data model Set-up a path to SCL XML-based description (and pave the road for CIM harmonisation) CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
What can be derived from UML (parallel view CIM-61850) 1/2 In case of CIM, each profile is a relatively small subset from UML CIM UML (.eap) Profile (.xmi) Profile Profile Profile jCleanCim UML validation UML statistics UML doc gen Profiling tool definition schema generation profile doc gen Product1 / XMLEditor Product2 / XMLEditor2 Profile Instance (.xml) IEC 61968-11 (.doc/.pdf/.html/.xml) IEC 61968-13 (.rdf/.owl/.ddl/...) configuration Validation tool UML validation and statistics (.log) IEC 61968-9 (.xsd/.ddl/...) configuration & on-line IEC 61968-3,-4,...,-9,-13 (.html) CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
What can be derived from UML (parallel view CIM-61850) 2/2 In case of 61850, each section of SCL schema defines a profile, the union should be in UML 61850 UML (.eap) Profile (.xmi) jCleanCim UML validation UML statistics UML doc gen Profiling tool definition schema generation profile doc gen Product1 / XMLEditor Product2 / XMLEditor2 Profile Instance (.icd,.scd,.???) Validation tool IEC 61850-7-4,7-3,... (.doc/.pdf/.html) IEC 61850-6 (SCL.xsd - configuration) UML validation and statistics (.log) IEC 61850-? (.??? – on-line exchange, e.g. Web service) NS schema (NS.xsd) SCL instance file validation Web or paper publication of 7-4, 7-3, 7-2, ... NS instance (IEC61850... .nsd) CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
What can be derived from UML (parallel view CIM-61850) 2/2 In case of 61850, each section of SCL schema defines a profile, the union should be in UML 61850 UML (.eap) (.xmi) jCleanCim UML validation UML statistics UML doc gen Profiling tool definition schema generation profile doc gen Product1 / XMLEditor Product2 / XMLEditor2 Profile Instance (.icd,.scd,.???) Validation tool IEC 61850-7-4,7-3,... (.doc/.pdf/.html) Step 1 IEC 61850-6 (SCL.xsd - configuration) UML validation and statistics (.log) IEC 61850-? (.??? – on-line exchange, e.g. Web service) Step 2 Step 1b Feed SCL with IEC 61850 data model from UML Paper publication Web publication, ... CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011 Roadmap for e61850 with UML 10-2010 Today Pre-analysis 03-2011 06-2011 09-2011 Validate the model extractions (Word) Ready to switch of master reference Prepare switch of master ref Web-access Make UML model to include part 7-2 (ACSI) and other standards such as 7-410, 7-420, 61400-25, Define links with SCL and CIM TC57 (CAG) Choose a way to build a common model management A project Set at IEC level TC 57 WG10 TC57 WG17, WG18, WG19 TC88 CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011 8
CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011 Where we are ? TC57 WG10 Task force meet on a weekly basis A huge work was achieved, and IEC 61850 part 7-4 data model (LN and objects) is almost “transfered” to UML Total of 391 issues: 340 closed, 27 ready to close, 24 open. (87/ 7/ 6%) In many cases, the UML modelling faced fuzzy specification of the IEC 61850 standard and then provided clearer and cleaner definitions With no doubt the overall IEC 61850 data model has already gained higher level of quality thanks to this comprehensive modelling assessment. Next: Part 7-3 – CDCs – data types Much smaller, UML better aligned with original Ed. 2, will take less time Next: Part 7-2 – basic data types and ACSI interface tricker Some modelling choices still to be made Provide a path to SCL -> still a lot of difficult points to fix. CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011
CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011 Conclusion The building-up a UML model of IEC 61850 is a huge achievement : To improve IEC 61850 quality To ensure the needed consistency, requested by today’s and future evolutions To confirm IEC 61850 as one of the pillars of Smart Grids and will by sure help the management of seamless “translations” with CIM semantic domain It is requesting huge investment of modelling experts and the IEC 61850 editors, but return is already high It also enables IEC to better address systemic approach requested by Smart Grids CIM Users group – Prague – 11th May 2011