Developing innovative knowledge management systems to share information and drive improvement Andy Kent & Nigel Griffiths
Andy Kent CEO, Angel Solutions, Liverpool Producers of Educational Software: Nexus, Keypas, Perspective, Pendulum & Broadcast
“The biggest little education company you have never heard of”
Formed in 1999 in Liverpool and with 20 staff. Angel Solutions is working with: Every Local Authority in England (NCER) 800 Schools, Academies & Children's Centres 6,500 Perspective Lite Users & growing Academy Groups International Schools Action for Children, Spurgeons, 4Children, Barnardos & Children's Society
A FREE service for all schools & Children’s Centres NEXUS NCER membership LOCAL AUTHORITYSCHOOLS Pendulum Record of visits module Broadcast Document distribution module News aggregator School Dashboard LA NEWS News Management Module Data tabs Live school profile data Keypas Batch Reporting Module Keypas online FSP to KS3 pupil data
DATA “in the right place at the right time”
Local Authorities benefit from Ofsted Inspection intelligence updated on a daily basis for all their schools
Our Observatory Dashboard gathers live data and intelligence from multiple sources Framework Grades shows LIVE Ofsted judgements updated daily
Teaching Schools (Primary) Working with Teaching Schools
Visualising Ofsted Inspection Judgements by Leadership grade
Collecting files securely, easily and quickly for Local Authorities, Academy Groups and Organisations
Easy for schools, academies and children’s centres to send their files securely to an over-arching body such as a Local Authority and/or an Academy Group
Filters allow an organisation to download in bulk all the returned files as a single zip file
CENSUS, KPIs … and all that jazz
Powerful, easy-to-use Census Module allowing you to create KPIs or pick from a bank of system defined ones Benefit from the wealth of benchmark data generated
Choose KPIs to include in a Census
Provide a name and a description
Add/edit the existing KPIs included in this Census
Pick from the existing list
Create new KPIs and preview how this will look to an end user
Order and prioritise your KPIs
Choose which school(s) or centre(s) to issue the Census to.
Final summary screen, choosing a deadline and issue now or issue later!
Schools, Academies and Children’s Centres can complete their census from inside Perspective or Perspective Lite A Star appears on the menu if any new returns are waiting to be filled in
Introductions, built in form validation and pop up information all help the end user to complete the census
The organisation can check to see who has completed the census return. Export live, raw data at any time
SURVEYS “it’s all about the benchmarking”
Create surveys inside Perspective Get access to raw data and live reporting!
One of the built in Surveys: the Ofsted Parent View Survey Many more to pick from!
Overview report provides summary of responses as well as Question Level Analysis
Question Level Analysis
National Data collections and publication dates for this year – a delay in finding out National Figures
Our LIVE National Picture graph calculates 2013 figures based on live data
KS/Subject/Level DFE National Nexus KS1: Speaking & Listening KS1: Speaking & Listening 3+22 KS1: Reading 2+87 KS1: Reading 2B+76 KS1: Reading 3+27 KS1: Writing 2+83 KS1: Writing 2B+64 KS1: Writing 3+14 KS1: Maths 2+91 91 KS1: Maths 2B+ 76 KS1: Maths 3+ 22 KS1: Science 2+ 89 90 KS1: Science 3+ 21 Y1P: Phonics Working At 58 Accuracy of Nexus compared to final published figures shown in this table
We use the same live data to provide LAs and Schools with similar dashboards to Ofsted but based on LIVE, early data
Works for EYFSP, Phonics, KS1, KS2 and KS3. LAs can choose when to switch on and make visible to schools
LAs can choose which data sets to make visible and whether to include contextual comparisons
Schools see the same data as the Local Authority but inside Perspective or Perspective Lite Option to print to PDF – report looks same as on screen!
INFOGRAPHICS “Telling your Story”
Infographic Generators
Infographic Generators
Our SCHOOL based infographic generator takes your January, May or October census file and produces an infographic of your school make-up!
Choose between expanded and condensed version
Single page version – prints really nicely using Chrome browser (save as PDF)
Google Maps Engine Lite
Mapping Tools
Mapping Tools
Perspective Lite has built in News Tool
Easy to add/remove personalised news feeds
Our unique Watchsted Module lets you see a map of all the latest Ofsted Inspections relevant to your establishment
Quick access to grades and reports by clicking on each point
Padlet Free online collaboration tool for posting comments – options to save/print/export later
Other tools & resources Many more free tools including file storage, free Microsoft Office online, Note taking, PDF generation and Slide Show creation. Click on each icon to visit the relevant website
Nigel Griffiths Principal, John Kyrle High School, Herefordshire NLE, Trainee Ofsted Inspector
Keeping Development Plans simple!
Dealing with Performance Management, Pay and aligning Appraisals with Development Plans
Sample Performance Management Reports
Sample grade report across departments
Summary Time Saving Innovation Live, Real-Time Data Benchmarking Infographics Mapping Sharing Adapting
Get a free copy of Perspective Lite! For Schools and Children’s Centres includes: Watchsted Hotspot Map News Aggregation Tool For Schools Only this also includes: Infographic Creator Live Data Tabs (in LAs that enable it) us at
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