Supervisory Committee NI FCA/PRA requirements Úna Mc Devitt, B.Comm. FCA, MScOB
01 st April 2013 the FSA became two separate regulatory authorities: - 1.Financial Conduct Authority - The FCA is the registering authority for societies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 (IPSA65) and the Credit Unions Act Prudential Regulation Authority - The PRA became responsible for the prudential regulation and supervision of credit unions. Creds is the new regulatory sourcebook for credit unions FCA/PRA
1.Approved Persons Regime - Directors, supervisors, manager, MLRO, credit committee 2.Policies and Procedures – new requirements V1 and V2 3.Compliance Function - (CREDS – ) 4.Internal audit function (supervisory committee) (CREDS ) 5.Quarterly and Annual Returns 6.Others? Some Important Changes
Rule 53(9)/65(10) The election or appointment of any individual to a controlled function is subject to the authorisation by the FSA under the Approved Persons Regime What does this involve? Impact on Credit Unions? 1. Approved persons regime
V1 – submit on request V2 – must submit 15 policies outlined in Creds Policies and procedures
CREDS – Compliance Function Depending on the scale and complexity of a credit union, the FCA/PRA recommends that it may be necessary to have a separate compliance function staffed by an appropriate number of competent staff 3. Compliance Function
Creds – credit union should have an Internal Audit Function. This function may be carried out by the supervisory committee or part of/all of this function may be outsourced to an employee or an external body. What does this involve? 4. IAF/SC
Accruals Basis Submitting the returns 5. Quarterly and Annual Returns
1.Legislation - NI Order 2.CREDS 3.Standard Rules 4.Policies and Procedures Ensuring CU is compliant
What do you need to do next to ensure you can fulfil your role in the credit union? Where to go for assistance? What next?