Presented by: Kola Olatifede 1
1. Proposal Management 2. Project Management 3. Contact and Donor Management 4. Leave Management 5. Standard Approval Hierarchy 6. Requisition and Purchase Management 7. Inventory Management 8. Expense Management 9. Employee Request 10. Delegation of Approval 2
Purpose is used for capturing, controlling and managing all proposals in the system Functionality Creating a new proposal/concept note Proposal event handling Proposal budgeting Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Proposal Management V2.0.docx 3
Purpose is used for creating, controlling and managing all projects and project budgets within the system Functionality Creating a new project Managing a project Project budgeting Project report Project Budget vs. Actual Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Project management V2.3.docx 4
Contact company can be classified Donor Potential Donor Collaborator Potential Collaborator Functionality Search and Open existing Contact Companies/Donors Creating a new contact company Convert Contact Company to Donor Donor records are for the purpose of performing funding grant transactions and project management tasks. Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Contact Management V1.0.docx 5
The registration unit of leave is in hours 4 hours = half day 8 hours = full day Accrual Basis Leave types includes: Annual Leave Sick Leave Compensated Leave Approval requirement: By the employee’s supervisor Registration Basis Leave types includes: Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave Compassionate Leave Leave without pay Personal Holiday Approval requirement: First approval by the employee’s Supervisor Second approval by the HR Director Report – balance and details. Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Employee Leave V1.3.docx 6
Standard approval hierarchies: Purchase Orders < 1,000 USD Project Manager of Sub-Project Purchase Orders < 3,000 USD Project Manager of Sub-Project Global Theme Leader / Regional Director Purchase Orders < 10,000 USD Project Manager of Sub-Project Global Theme Leader / Regional Director Deputy Director General Purchase Orders >= 10,000 USD Project Manager of Sub-Project Global Theme Leader / Regional Director Deputy Director General Director General 7
Purpose For registering all external and internal purchase requests in the system Functionality Creating & Submitting a Requisition Approving & Rejecting a Requisition Request For Quote (RFQ) Creation Quote Approval and Purchase Order Creation Approving / Rejecting Purchase Orders Printing Purchase Orders My Requisitions Manual AVRDC - User Manual - External Requisition - HQ RCA External V1.0.docx AVRDC - User Manual - External Requisition - Travel Request V1.0.docx AVRDC - User Manual - Internal Requisition - CommInfo V2.0.docx AVRDC - User Manual - Internal Requisition - FDS V1.0.docx AVRDC - User Manual - Internal Requisition - TSO General V2.0.docx AVRDC - User Manual - Internal Requisition - TSO Local Travel V2.0.docx 8
Purpose for registering all internal purchase request for inventory items Functionality Creating & Submitting a transfer request Approving/Rejecting an item order Packing the item order Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Inventory - Internal Transfer V2.5.docx 9
Purpose for registering all expense claims (e.g. travel expense) in the system for registering HR claims (children’s tuition) in the system Eva Lee will act on your behalf when she receives with all HR claims relevant paperwork When registering the expense claim, the employee stated as “requester” has to be the person that Finance department will pay the reimbursement to Functionality Creating & Submitting an Expense Sheet Approving & Rejecting an Expense Sheet My Expense Sheets Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Expense Sheet V2.1.docx 10
Purpose for registering Personal, RC replenishment, HR reimbursement, GRSU internal, General receipt and General payment requests in the system for requesting Employee Travel Advance in the system Employee request for regional centres only when there is a need for HQ to approve for any request that doesn’t require the approval or payment at the HQ please do not use the Employee request Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Employee Requests V3.2.docx AVRDC - User Manual - Employee Advances V4.0.docx 11
Employee Request Type Personal Request used for requests against a personnel account (either cash or cheque) respective approval hierarchies: Owner of Personnel Account Finance RC Reimbursement/Replenishment Request used for regional centre cash replenishment requests to HQ respective approval hierarchies: Head of RC Jackie Hughes Finance HR reimbursement used for HR reimbursement requests This is a two part process and involves creating an HR reimbursement specific expense claim or HR reimbursement general journal on behalf of the requester respective approval hierarchies: Eva Yin-Fu Chnag 12
Employee Request Type (cont.) GRSU Internal Request used for GRSU internal requests respective approval hierarchies: PM of Project Letty Lin General Payment Request used for cash requests for custody funds and/or petty cash replenishment respective approval hierarchies: PM of Project Pih-Ehr Chuang / Tina Yang Employee Request [Receipt] used for requests to finance to accept cash coming in, in the form of cheque/transfer respective approval hierarchies: Supervisor of requester Pih-Ehr Chuang / Tina Yang 13
Purpose When a primary approver is on leave or on travel status then he can delegate the approval to his supervisor for Expense sheet, PO or Vendor Invoice Allocation. Functionality Activating/Deactivating the Delegation Alert If the delegation is active, the user will have the alert under Alert menu called “Delegation is Active”. Manual AVRDC - User Manual - Delegation of Approval.docx 14