Central Columbus Bexley, Grandview, Upper Arlington Chris – Area Director “Matt Hock was the first person who showed me how much fun and how cool it can be to be a Christian,” -Aaron Rodgers, Super Bowl winning quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, in reference to his Young Life leader.
Central Columbus Bexley, Grandview, Upper Arlington Chris – Area Director “Matt Hock was the first person who showed me how much fun and how cool it can be to be a Christian,” -Aaron Rodgers, Super Bowl winning quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, in reference to his Young Life leader.
Celebration Objectives Appreciation for the commitment of our local Volunteer Leaders, Parent Support Teams and Area Committee. Greater Understanding of the Local Clubs & Global impact that Young Life has today. Appreciation for your commitment and provide opportunities to support Young Life with your time, talents and treasures.
~11,000 Students in NW Columbus ~1,000 Kids reached on a weekly basis 50 Volunteer Leaders 1 Full Time YL Staff Serving teenagers in Dublin, Worthington and Plain City YL Clubs, Campaigners and Contact Work ~60 local Parent Support Team volunteers Area Advisory Committee
Volunteer Leaders50 Leaders in NW Columbus Average Volunteer hours per week spent by YL Leaders 20 hours/Week Average Market Value of Volunteer hours spent by leaders $10/hour Weeks per year that Volunteer leaders are involved in YL 50 weeks per year Total Committed Market Value of Annualized Volunteer labor $500,000 - in Volunteer hours–already Committed! Remaining Operating Budget $110,000 $500,000 has already been committed. $110,000 is all that is remaining.
The Need – Operating Budget Fiscal Year Expense CategoriesBudget $ Salaries (Greg Wright)36,648 Expenses:72,456 (Local Office, Local Programming, Development and Training, Director Benefits, National and Regional Support, Leadership Conferences, etc.) Grand Total109,104
How to give to Young life Option #1- You can set up monthly giving or make a donation online with the YL website (directions below) go to younglife.org click on button for "online giving" on the bottom left of the home page under "login to your account" click on "register" and set up your account under "give a gift" designate your gift by clicking on the green "search" button by "a young life area ministry" click on green button "search by area number" type in "OH28" and select “Northwest Columbus-OH28 Area Office" you can set up the monthly donation to be "recurring" or just go in manually every month Option #2- You can mail an EFT card to the Young Life office with credit card information or checking account information with a voided check and it will be processed for you. Option #3- If you would rather write a check or monthly check you can send your donation made out to "Young Life” with OH28 in the memo line. It will be processed as a donation by the local office. All donations are tax deductible and will be receipted to your address through our National Service Center in Colorado Springs, Co.
Summary Appreciation for the commitment of our local Volunteer Leaders, Parent Support Teams and Area Committee. Greater Understanding of the Local Clubs & Global impact that Young Life has today. Appreciation for your commitment and provide opportunities to support Young Life with your time, talents and treasures.