Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (E.P.P.O.) M.E.P.P.W. Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Policy of the MEPPW Two institutions involved: E.P.P.O. (Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization)was founded in 1983. E.P.P.O. is a Legal Entity of Public Law and operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment,Physical Planning and Public Works. E.R.D. (Earthquake Reconstruction Directorate) Directorate within MEPPW Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization STRUCTURE OF E.P.P.O. ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL PRESIDENT GENERAL DIRECTOR EARTHQUAKE CIVIL PROTECTION DIVISION EARTHQUAKE PLANNING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCE DIVISION Programming Dpt. Emergency Planning Dpt. Emergency Response and Aid Provision Dpt. Training and information Dpt. Administrative Dpt Secretariat Dpt. Seismotectonics Dpt. Finance Dpt. Earthquake Engineering Dpt. Finance Control Dpt. PERMANENT SCIENTIFIC COMMITEES Scientific Commitee for Seismotectonics Scientific Committee for Earthquake Engineering Social protection Permanent Scientific Committee for the Design Code Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
OASP (Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization) Mainly pre-earthquake action First response after earthquake Especially in the sectors of : - Information, - Mobilization - Planning the institutional frame of re- construction measures Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
E.R.D. (directorate within MEPPW) Main activities after the earthquake Temporary accommodation Reconstruction in regions affected Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
EARTHQUAKE POLICY AFFECTING CONSTRUCTIONS PRE-Earthquake actions (Prevention, readiness, planning, information) POST-earthquake actions (Management of emergencies caused, especially in the sectors of aid, accommodation and reconstruction) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization Inspection and signposting on buildings Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Athens Earthquake 7-9-1999 (Earthquake Reconstruction Department) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Athens Earthquake 7-9-1999 (Earthquake Reconstruction Department) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
EPPO-Targets set before an earthquake Investigation and estimation of Risk Strengthening buildings Education and Information Planning readiness measures Upgrade scientific knowledge and technology Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization EPPO ACTIVITIES Investigation and estimation of Risk A NEW Map of “earthquake risk ” introduced (year 2004) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization Seismic Hazard of Greece (map as from 1-1-2004) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Strengthening buildings New “Greek design code” (year 2001) New “Greek code of Reinforced concrete” (year 2001) Program of pre-earthquake check of public buildings Regulation of repairs of buildings Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Education and Information Education in schools Booklets published and distributed in schools “Earthquake- knowledge is protection” “memorandum of actions for protection in schools” Informative CD Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Instructions for self protection Preparation Prepare a family plan Learn about simple measures and make your home safer Make some provisions for emergency Essential education on the subject Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization Action after an earthquake If you are indoors Don’t run to the exit Cover your head Stand clear of dangerous spots Stand clear of the balconies If you are outside the building Stand clear of buildings Take refuge in open air safe places In case you are driving stop at the side of the road Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization IMMEDIATE ACTION AFTER AN EARTHQUAKE Turn off… Take whatever is necessary Evacuate the building Move to a clear area Actions after an earthquake Do not use the telephone unless is necessary Do not drive your car Follow the instructions of authorities Be informed from official quarters, stay calm, not listen to rumors Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Contribution to the readiness measures New operational emergency plan “XENOKRATIS- earthquakes) Production of informative material of confrontation of emergencies Personnel visits local authorities Program “protecting myself and the other” (education of volunteers) Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Upgrade scientific knowledge and technology The last five years more than a 100 research studies assigned in sectors of OASP competence Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization EDITIONS of E.P.P.O. Technical Handbook for Search & Rescue Operations in Earthquakes Risk Elements Removal, Temporal Support and Propping Emergency Evacuation of the Population in case of an Earthquake Prevention & Mitigation of the Psychosocial Consequences of Earthquakes Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization
Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization address: 32, Xanthou St. 15451 Athens, Greece - Website : e-mail : tel : +30 210 6728000 fax: +30 210 6779561 Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization