Copyright © 2011 Lumivox International Ltd. Learning Goals 1.How to ask for permission; 2.How to ask someone’s name. 3.How to introduce oneself. Learning Goals 1.How to ask for permission; 2.How to ask someone’s name. 3.How to introduce oneself.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. nǐ máng ma? 1. 你忙吗? Nǐ xìng shénme? 2. 你姓什么? Nǐ shì yīngguórén ma? 3. 你是英国人吗? Nǐ xuéxí hànyǔ ma? 4. 你学习汉语吗? Ní shì xuésheng ma? 5. 你是学生吗?
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Read the following sentences. LínNà,wǒ kěyǐ jìnlai ma? 1. 林娜,我可以进来吗? Qǐng jìn,Yáng lǎoshī. 2. 请进,杨老师。 Qǐngwèn,nín guìxìng? 3. 请问,您贵姓? Wǒ xìng Mǎ,jiào Mǎ Dàwèi. 4. 我姓马,叫马大为。 Wǒ shì Měiguó rén,shì Yǔyán Xuéyuàn de xuésheng. 5. 我是美国人,是语言学院的学生。 Wǒ xuéxí Hànyǔ.Rènshi nǐ hěn gāoxìng. 6. 我学习汉语。认识你很高兴。
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Read the following dialogue and do the exercise. (A:Línnà 林娜 B:Yáng lǎoshī 杨老师 C:Lù Yǔpíng 陆雨平 ) Yáng lǎoshī! A: 杨老师! Qǐngjìn.A,Línnà.Zhè shì shuí? B: 请进。啊,林娜。这是谁? Yáng lǎoshī,nǐnhǎo,zhè shì wǒ de péngyou,tā shì jì zhě. A: 杨老师,您好,这是我的朋友,他是记者。 Nínhǎo!Nǐ guìxìng? B: 你好!你贵姓? Nínhǎo,Yáng lǎoshī.Wǒ xìng lù,jiào Lù Yǔpíng.Rènshi nǐ hěn gāoxing. A: 您好,杨老师。我姓陆,叫陆雨平。认识您很高兴。 Rènshi nǐ,wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng. B: 认识你,我也很高兴。
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Read the following dialogue and do the exercises. 1.Choose the right answer: Under what circumstances does one use the expression“qǐngjìn 请进 " ? ( ) A.The speaker is in the room. B.The speaker is outside the room. C.A polite way of inviting guests to enter a room. 2.Decide whether the statements are True or False. A.Lù Yǔpíng shì yīshēng.( ) B.Lù Yǔpíng shì jìzhě.( ) C.Jìzhě xìng Yǔpíng.( ) 1.Choose the right answer: Under what circumstances does one use the expression“qǐngjìn 请进 " ? ( ) A.The speaker is in the room. B.The speaker is outside the room. C.A polite way of inviting guests to enter a room. 2.Decide whether the statements are True or False. A.Lù Yǔpíng shì yīshēng.( ) B.Lù Yǔpíng shì jìzhě.( ) C.Jìzhě xìng Yǔpíng.( )
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. (1)Nín rènshi wǒmen xuéxiào de Yáng lǎoshī ma? 您认识我们学校的杨老师吗? (2)Mǎ Dàwéi xuéxí hànyǔ. 马大为学习汉语。 (3)Qǐngwèn,nín guìxìng? 请问,您贵姓? (4)Rènshi nín,wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng. 认识您,我也很高兴。 Translate the following sentences.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. (1)Dīng Lìbō xuéxí ______. 丁力波学习 _____ 。 (2)Nín _____? 您 _____? (3)_____nǐ hěn gāoxìng. _____ 很高兴。 (4)Wǒ _____Lín,_____Línnà. 我 _____ 林, _____ 林娜。 Fill in the blanks.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. (1)I study Chinese. (2)Nice to meet you! (3)May I have your name? (4)May I come in? Tanslate the following sentences.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Introducing yourself and your family.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Say a few sentences in Chinese about the picture below.
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Characters Read the following Characters and phrases. 小心 认识 汉语 语言 朋友 您贵姓 学生 七 水 月 手 田 白 只 叫 的
Copyright © 2012 Lumivox International Ltd. Characters Read the following sentences and then translate the sentences into English. 1. 他是谁? ____________________ 2. 他是我男朋友。 ____________________ 3. 她是我朋友。 ____________________ 4. 我的老师是中国人。 ____________________ 5. 谁是老师? ____________________ 6. 他哥哥是医生吗? ____________________ 7. 您是哪国人? ____________________ 8. 他是中国人。 ____________________