SCIAMACHY data archive Bremen Level 2 - reading tools Institute of Environmental Physics and Institute of Remote Sensing University of Bremen K. Bramstedt.


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Presentation transcript:

SCIAMACHY data archive Bremen Level 2 - reading tools Institute of Environmental Physics and Institute of Remote Sensing University of Bremen K. Bramstedt

Further sources of SCIAMACHY products: DOAS group Bremen (UV/vis DOAS products) – TEMIS Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service –UV/vis columns, aerosol, clouds, UV index/dose –GOME, SCIAMACHY and (A)ATSR – SRON – BISABelgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Sciamachy Page – /Satellite/SCIAMACHY.html DLR (World Data Center) – List to all scientific product (SCIAVALIG) –

Further sources of SCIAMACHY products: DOAS group Bremen (UV/vis DOAS products) – IUP Heidelberg (UV/vis and NIR columns) – TEMIS Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service –UV/vis columns, aerosol, clouds, UV index/dose –GOME, SCIAMACHY and (A)ATSR – SRON – BISABelgian Institute for Space Aeronomy Sciamachy Page – /Satellite/SCIAMACHY.html DLR (World Data Center) – List to all scientific product (SCIAVALIG) –

SCIAMACHY Level-2 reading tools Basic Envisat Atmospheric Toolbox project (BEAT) (Science and Technology) – NL-SCIA-DC software to read, select and calibrate GOME/Sciamachy data (Richard van Hees, SRON) – EnviView, first look at all EnviSat products (ESA) – scialL2_ascii: Commandline tool with tabular ASCII output (K. Bramstedt, ife Bremen) –

sciaL2_ascii, Version sciaL2_ascii is a tool for reading SCIAMACHY Level-2 products (PDS Format) to an easy to use ASCII output. Additonally, GOME Level-2 products are supported. Readable products are: - Near-Real-Time (NRT) : SCI_NL__2P....N1 - Offline products (OL) : SCI_OL__2P....N1 (SCIA-OL/2.1 or higher) - Products for Meteo-Users : SCI_RV__2P....N1 - GOME products : ymmddhhm.lv2 The programm includes a geopgraphical search modus.

Simple Usage: $ sciaL2_ascii -p 0_O3 -d adACB SCI_NL__2PNPDK _172121_ _00413_03473_2738.N1 Read ozon values from NRT product Oct, 29th Output (defined with -d) is a : orbit d : center coordinates A : O3 [mol/cm2] B : O3 error [%] C : O3 [DU] Output is: ************************************************************************ SCI_NL__2PNPDK _172121_ _00413_03473_2738.N1 Prod: 0_O3 Datastring: 'adACB' - Orbit Center:lat/lon VCD: 0_O3 VCD 0_O3 error VCD # deg deg molecules/cm2 DU % E E E E

Search example: sciaL2_ascii -f 54.1, r 100 -p 0_O3 -a -d adACBz SCI_NL__2PNPDK _172121_ _00413_03473_2738.N1 Search modus: Print out all (-a) ozone groundpixels within a radius of 100km (-r 100) around the point 54.1N,100W (-f 54.1,-100.0). Output is: ************************************************************************* SCI_NL__2PNPDK _172121_ _00413_03473_2738.N1 Prod: 0_O3 Datastring: 'adACBz' Search: , Radius: Match All Orbit Center:lat/lon VCD: 0_O3 VCD 0_O3 error VCD Distance # deg deg molecules/cm2 DU % km E E E **************************************************************************