Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Introductory Training DLMS Implementation Convention Content This class will provide an introductory level instruction in EDI as applied under the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS). The DLMS is a broad base of business rules supported by American National Standards institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 commercial standards and is designed to meet DoD’s requirements for total logistics support. The target audience for this class is function experts and system analysts requiring knowledge of the DLMS application of ASC X12.). “The right item at the right place at the right time.”
DLMS Training Catalog Module 1 - Introduction to the DLMS Module 2 - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Basics and ASC X12 EDI Definitions and Concepts Module 3 - DLMS Functionality & Transaction Life-Cycle Module 4 - DLMS Implementation Convention Content Module 4F - DLMS Functional Financial Transaction Life-Cycle Module 5 - IUID & RFID - Emerging Technologies Module 6 - Creating/Reengineering DOD Logistics Business Processes Module 6A - DLMS Configuration Management (stand alone Module) Module 7 - Enterprise Interoperability Tools Module 8 - DoD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) Module 9 - Supply Discrepancy Reporting (SDR)
Module 4 – DLMS EDI – DLMS Implementation Convention Content Module Structure Module 4 – DLMS EDI – DLMS Implementation Convention Content Purpose of a Federal Implementation Conventions (ICs) Relationship of DLMS ICs to the Federal ICs Inherent X12 EDI Enhancements Criticality of DLMS Notes DLSS/DLMS Mapping DLMS 511R IC
Module 4 Objectives Students will gain basic understanding of: The purpose and content of the DLMS ICs How DLMS ICs are used to support DLMS implementation Criticality of DLMS Notes How to use DLSS/DLMS mapping How to read a DLMS Implementation Convention Students will gain basic understanding of: The purpose and content of the Federal ICs used in the DLMS How DLMS Implementation Conventions are used to support DLMS implementation How to use DLSS/DLMS mapping Big-picture DLMS functionality as conveyed by an overview of various transactions How to read a DLMS Implementation Convention using the 511R, Requisition, as an example
Federal Implementation Conventions
Hierarchy of Relationship ASC X12 Transaction Set Federally Approved IC business specific interpretation An Implementation Convention is a document which serves as a guide for using an ASC X12 transaction within a given business application. ICs define the structure and content of a transaction and map application data requirements into a specific location in the transaction set. All IC supporting the DLMS implementation have been Federally Approved.
Approved ICs All DLMS EDI Implementation Conventions are Federally Approved Define the structure and content of an ASC X12 EDI standard transaction as it pertains to a particular usage Map application data requirements into specific data fields within the transaction set Establish the parameters for the corresponding DLMS Implementation Convention Federally Approved: Coordination administered by the Electronic Data Interchange Standards Management Committee (EDISMC) and the Federal EDI Standards Management Coordinating Committee (FESMCC).
Functionality Federal ICs supporting DLMS reflect functionality derived from multiple sources DLSS (or MILS) as currently implemented Approved changes with full Component implementation pending (due to lack of resources & competing priorities) Enhanced capabilities ASC X12 standards-based enhancements DLSS/DLMS approved changes The Federal ICs supporting DLMS implementation have functionality derived from several sources. DLSS (or MILS) as currently implemented: Supply Finance (interfund billing) Transportation Contract Administration Backlog of approved changes with full Component implementation pending (due to lack of resources & competing priorities). Some of these in the supply area are as much as 10 years old and their validity in today's environment is being re-evaluated by the Supply PRC. Enhanced capabilities beyond the scope of the DLSS were derived from two sources: Some resulted from a data call for suggested improvement to the logistics process. Thee were more than 300 S/A submitted enhancements – prepared without regard to logistics systems limitations at the time. More than 100 were incorporated as “placeholders”, most without supporting procedures. The DLMS PRCs are revalidating these enhancements and will staff change proposals as necessary to develop coordinated procedures for implementation under the DLMS. Others came purely with the transition to ASC X12 – they reflect the flexible, robust nature of ASC X12 EDI. We’ll look at some of these in closer detail.
Standards-Based Enhancements ASC X12 Standards-Based Enhancements 8 digit dates throughout Multiple transactions Longer data elements: quantities, reference and identification numbers Repeating data elements Transmission date/time Dates: No Y2k-like problems associated with the DLMS Multiple transactions: Using the looping structure we learned about in Module 2, it is possible to transmit multiple transactions within a single transaction set. That is to say, many requisitions can be carried in a single 511R transaction set. This efficiency of design permits us to economize on transmission size and therefore cost. Spell out further if audience not clear how this works. Longer data elements: for example the DLSS only allows for a field size of 5 positions for the quantity requisitioned. While this is adequate for most material, it doesn’t work well for some, forcing work around solutions such as the multiplier code which must be used for ammunition requisitions to express in thousands any quantity larger than 99, 999. Repeating data elements: the ASC X12-derived ability to carry multiple iterations at the segment level allow flexibility to repeat multiple instances of particular types of information. For example in today’s environment it is possible to include only a single advise code on a requisition requesting specific action from the ICP. Where it would have been beneficial to request multiple actions the customer is forced to chose only one code. Under the DLMS, it will be possible to transmit as many advice codes as necessary to fully support an individual requirement. Transmission date/time: Each beginning segment provides a date-time stamp capturing the actual date/time the transaction is created.
Standards-Based Enhancements ASC X12 Standards-Based Enhancements Flexible addressing Clear text addressing Codified addressing capability expanded: DoDAAC, RIC, CAGE, DUNS, DUNS+4, MAPAC Full line of accounting as discrete data Flexible addressing: Allows us to carry a clear text address – without using a trailer card – when authorized under the governing procedures DoDAAC=Department of Defense Activity Address Code (Services also refer to by other names) RIC=Routing Identifier Code (three position code) CAGE=Commercial and Government Entity Code (used to identify contractors if no DoDAAC assigned) DUNS=Dun and Bradstreet assigned code identifies Government and commercial locations DUNS+4=added suffix MAPAC=Military Assistance Program Activity Address Code=compiled code used for Security Assistance customers Full line of accounting as discrete data: Fund Code (current capability) Two-position code used to identify the accounts to be debited or credited for material or services Under DLMS: Full accounting data conveyed through various elements in the Type of Financial Accounting Data (FA1) and Accounting Data (FA2) segments Accounting segments greatly expand potential information: Identification of service or charge, basic appropriation number, supplemental accounting classification data, authorization accounting authority, fiscal station number, etc.
(included in most transactions) General Enhancements (included in most transactions) Point of contact information Expanded material identification: national stock numbered material, ammunition, forms, publications, subsistence, preferred and substitute NSNs, part number, description Some enhancements are common to most of the DLMS transactions, so we’ll review these now. Later, when we discuss individual transactions used to support specific business functions, we’ll identify some process specific enhancements offered under DLMS. Point of contact information: Under exception circumstances, POC information (such as name, phone, email address) will make it possible to get to the source or a knowledgeable individual to quickly resolve a problem situation. Expanded material identification: The DLMS makes it possible to discretely identify the required material using various codes or descriptive features for non-standard material.
(included in most transactions) General Enhancements (included in most transactions) Unique item tracking capability Unique item identifier (e.g. IUID UII Constructs 1 and 2, VIN, etc.) Batch number Lot number Serial Number Document number added to provide unique transaction identification Unique item tracking capability: Today under the DLSS and DLMS, there are specific procedures for tracking movement of selected items, such as small arms, using the item’s serial number. There is an ongoing initiative within the DoD to improve and expand tracking capability for additional items (perhaps an engine assembly or controlled cryptographic material). This is impossible to do within the constraints of the existing DLSS 80 position transactions. However, the DLMS will permit flexible and detailed identification for tracking purposes within standard logistics transactions. The elements listed are examples of the types of data which would facilitate tracking. The Unique Item Tracking Committee and the Joint Small Arms Coordinating Group (UITC/JSACG) are working together to develop the necessary procedures to implement this process. Unique transactions identification: Under the DLSS there were a few transactions in the MILSTRAP functional area that did not include a document number.
(included in most transactions) General Enhancements (included in most transactions) Break-out of embedded data Utilization Code (expressed in document number) Security Assistance data Required Delivery Date/Special Requirements Code Reduction/elimination of multi-purpose data fields Ownership/Purpose Codes Due to the size constraints of the DLSS, it was sometimes necessary to convey data in creative ways. Embedded Data: Sometimes information is found embedded within other information, such as the first position of the requisition document number’s serial number being used to convey relevant information pertaining to the type of requisition. Under DLMS we discretely identify this information using a new code list referred to as the utilization codes. Another example would be Foreign Military Sales data, where information such as the customer country and delivery term are buried within the document number. The third example list refers to the Required Delivery Date on the requisition which may also convey other critical information such as the non-mission capable status of the customer or a request for expedited transportation by entering a code, such as 999, in the date field. Within ASC X12 only a date may be entered in a date field, so the DLMS uses a new code list referred to as special requirements codes, to discretely identify this type of information. Other times a single data field on the transaction is identified for multiple purposes. For example, an inventory transaction may reflect the ownership of stored material or the purpose for which it is being stored. Since only one record position is available on the transaction, only one of these may be used at a time. Under the DLSS, there is no room to consider expanding the functionality or even the code lists. Ownership codes must be numeric to distinguish them from purpose codes which are alpha characters. The limited number of possible codes (0-9) is already exhausted. Under DLMS, each code has a separate location on the transaction allowing for future expansion of either codes or functionality. (Note for teacher: The last example is carefully worded to say “allowing for future expansion” – this enhancement included only separating the two elements on the transaction. We have not, at this time, allowed for use of both codes at once or widened the code list as this would complicate conversion processing.)
DLMS Implementation Conventions
Hierarchy of Relationship ASC X12 Transaction Set Federally Approved IC DLMS specific business rules DLMS Implementation Convention In this depiction of the hierarchy of relationship we see that a new level is introduced below the Federally Approved ICs. It is the DLMS Implementation Convention which provides all the detailed rules and information which will enable a successful implementation. What are the DLMS Implementation Conventions? – next slide.
DLMS Implementation Conventions DLMS Implementation Conventions (along with the DLMS manual) constitute DoD's trading partner agreement for use within the DoD logistics process DLMS ICs are the Federal ICs for the designated business processes documented within them
Content of DLMS Implementation Conventions DLMS notes: Detailed DLMS business rules - the Implementation Conventions accept or prohibit options and often add conditions to the use of optional data within DoD logistics Key transition guidance governing operation in a mixed DLSS/DLMS environment Transition to next slide: What constitutes transition guidance?
Transition Guidance Identification and instructions pertaining to: DLMS enhancements Approved changes Field size constraints “Streamlined” DLSS data required for legacy system support, but not intended for use in full DLMS environment During the transition from DLSS to DLMS it is critical that everyone understand that the DLMS transactions were designed to support functionality which (in most cases) will not be achievable in the short term. Use of the ASC X12 standard will immediately move DoD into an environment compatible with commercial industry and set the framework for future changes. But many features of the DLMS -- the enhancements, the approved changes, the streamlined data transmissions – will mostly take time to achieve. Streamlining refers to the elimination of redundant or unnecessary data from a transaction. Transition to next slide: Next slide details streamlining goals
Streamlining Goals Reduce retransmission of data perpetuated from previously submitted transactions Already resident in sender’s and receiver’s system Example: Original (non-mandatory) requisition data may be streamlined out of follow-up transactions Reduce encoded data content where transaction size constraint was the sole reason for encoding DLMS offers capability to communicate more fully or more precisely Transitioning is long term goal There are two types of data which are being targeted for “streamlining”. Transition: Next slides will show three examples of DLMS streamlining target codes to give you a better ideal of which codes we hope to eliminate some day.
DLMS Implementation Convention Notes DLMS Business Rules DLMS Enhancements Field Size Constraints Streamlined Data Approved DLMS Changes Review: The Implementation Convention mirrors the Federal IC. Therefore, it contains information derived from the ASC X12 standard e.g. syntax notes /definitions/etc -- things we learned about in module 4 and it shows notes derived from the Federal IC. The DLMS Implementation Convention Notes fall into 5 categories. They are: DLMS business rules DLMS enhancements Field size constraints Streamlined data Approved DLMS changes Lets take a look at each.
Example 1 – DLMS Business Rules Notes delineate appropriate functional application for a particular transaction DLMS IC As stated previously: Detailed DLMS business rules – the Implementation Conventions accept or prohibit options and often add conditions to the use of optional data within DoD logistics At the transaction set level, as shown in this slide, these notes provide detailed information about when and why this particular transaction is used.
Example 2 - DLMS Enhancement Data associated with a DLMS enhancement may not be received or understood by the recipient's automated processing system DLMS procedures may not have been developed Components must coordinate requirements and business rules with DLMSO prior to use An Enhancement represents a capability! E.g. page 3 of the DLMS 511 Implementation Convention N!03 DUNS# DLMS IC
Example 3 - Field Size Constraints Data elements which have an expanded field size above existing DLSS capability may not be supported by the recipient's automated processing system Components must coordinate implementation with DLMSO prior to use. Draw attention to the DLMS note that states a field size exceeding 5 positions may not be received or understood by the recipient’s automated processing system. The actual field size is a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 15 but anything exceeding 5 positions may be lost. E.g. PO102 - quantity ordered DLMS IC
Example 4 - Streamlined Data DLSS data is retained in the DLMS for a transition period to support transaction conversion in a mixed DLSS/ DLMS environment This data will be “streamlined” out once full DLMS implementation is reached Components may coordinate with DLMSO for early termination (or retention) of specific data requirements for users operating in a full DLMS environment DLMS IC
Example 5 - Approved Change Data associated with an Approved Change may not have an established implementation date. This data may not be received or understood by the recipient’s automated processing system. Components must coordinate implementation with DLMSO prior to use. DLMS IC
Example 6 – Repetition of Data Repetition of data is not compatible with existing DLSS/DLMS capability. This data may not be supported by the recipient’s automated processing system. Components must coordinate implementation with DLMSO prior to use. DLMS IC
Example 7 – Authorized Enhancement Data associated with an Authorized Enhancement should be included as part of the modernization when applicable. Inclusion of this data should not cause an inappropriate rejection of the transaction. Prior coordination with DLMSO is not required prior to use. DLMS IC
DLSS/DLMS Mapping As we discussed in Module 4, the technique for relating the data fields between different formats is referred to as mapping.
DLSS/DLMS Conversion DAAS implements program logic to accommodate conversion between DLSS and DLMS Identifies data content and location within DLSS and DLMS formats Reflects conditional data which impact data content and location We discussed the DAASC maintained conversion maps which will enable the logistics process to flow smoothly in a mixed DLSS/DLMS environment. We’ll take a closer look at how the maps work and can be used by analysts to understand the exact relationship between the DLSS and the DLMS transaction. Maps may be used to aid understanding during DLSS/DLMS transition Mapping solutions will evolve to address conversion techniques for DLMS data content which cannot be carried in current DLSS format
The DLSS Fixed Format Requisition RPs Field Legend 01-03 Document Identifier 04-06 Routing Identifier 07 Media and Status 08-22 Stock Number 23-24 Unit of Issue 25-29 Quantity 30-43 Document No 44 Demand 45-50 Supplementary Address 51 Signal 0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465656768697071727374757677787980 52-53 Fund 54-56 Distribution 57-59 Project 60-61 Priority 62-64 Reqd Delivery Date 65-66 Advice 67-69 Blank (Date of Rcpt on Referral/Passing Order) 70-80 Blank (Intra-Service use) We’ll use the requisition for a mapping demonstration and explore conversion from the 80 record position Document Identifier A0 series requisition and the 511R requisition under the DLMS We’ll take a closer look at how each captures material identification data. Using the material identification information, I’ll show how the DAASC mapping converts from the DLSS to the DLMS. Many of you are familiar with the requisition format shown here. Record position 8-22 (highlighted) supports use of multiple codes for identification of material. Transition: Next slide we’ll take a closer look at the various types of material identification which are authorized under MILSTRIP.
DIC Code A0_, Requisition Material Identification: Record Positions 8-22 Here is a simplified picture of the A0 requisition material identification data field. There is no way to discretely identify the information carried in rp 8-22 which makes the mapping process complicated. Depending upon the third position of the DI Code A0_, the requisition may hold any of these forms of material identification National Stock Number (NSN)/ NATO stock numbers NSN plus Component unique codes Part number and manufacturer’s CAGE Subsistence Identification Number and the Subsistence Type of Pack Other types of numbers can be difficult to distinguish because the DI Code doesn’t specify and the format is not prescribed (includes plant equipment number or a locally assigned number
Mapping Document DLSS DIC Code A0_ DLMS 511R Material Identification To understand the transition of data between MILS and DLMS, we use a mapping document such as depicted here. The mapping document shows the logic used by the DAAS conversion software to ensure we have interoperability -- the customer may requisition in MILS while the source of supply is operating in a DLMS environment. It is also the best tool for understanding the appropriate placement of MILS data content within the DLMS format, and must be used during migration design work. The mapping documents are provided by DAASC upon request by the Government lead. In our previous slide we saw the part number and CAGE identified in the P0106 and P0108. The mapping document describes the logic to move these data elements and others providing material identification between the MILS and DLMS formats. For example, if the Document Identifier in record positions 1-2 is A0 we know we are seeing a requisition. If record position 3 is a B, it is a requisition for a part numbered item. The map would then move the values from record positions 13-22 into the P0107 with qualifier MG (part number) in P0106. The map would also move the values from record positions 8-12 into the P0109 with qualifier ZB (CAGE) in P0108. Notice also how the map provides for conversion of Service unique data such as the Navy SMIC (green arrow) or the AF unique MMAC normally carried in the MILS stock number field. Under the DLMS, these are discretely identified data elements. Since the SMIC and the MMAC values are maintained as a code list, these data elements are mapped to the LQ using the appropriate qualifier.
511R, Requisition PO106: A1 Plant Equipment Number A2 DoD Identification Code (Ammunition) A4 Subsistence Identification Number FB Form Number FT Federal Supply Class FS National Stock Number MG Manufacturer's Part Number YP Publication Number ZZ Mutually Defined Under MILS the Document Identifier for the requisition indicates whether the required material is an NSN, a part number, or “other.” The 511R, permits a much broader range of discreetly identified pieces of information The P0106 (box on left side of screen) offers various ways to identify material. For example, when requisitioning by part number, the P0106 would identify qualifier MG, manufacturer’s part number. Since a part number alone is not sufficient, the PO108 (box on the right) would also be used to provide manufacturer’s CAGE code. A DLMS enhancement will allow the part number field length to be expanded. Where conversion might be required, the part number still cannot exceed 15 positions, but the full field length of 32 positions (the DoD prescribed length for the part number data element) is available by agreement between trading partners and is being used between DoD EMALL and DLA. For nonstandard material a DLMS enhancement provides a very flexible combination of segments and data elements which give the customer the ability to describe the required material. PO108: CN Commodity Name JP Package Type Code ZB Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
Overview of DLMS IC to the Federal 511R IC We’ll return to our overview of DLMS functionality after we take a closer look at the DLMS Implementation Convention to the Federal 511R IC. We wont have time to do this for all the DLMS transactions, but I want you to get a little hand’s on experience reading a Implementation Convention. INSTRUCTOR NOTE: FIRST REVIEW PURPOSE OF SEGMENTS USED IN THE 511R USING NEXT GROUP OF SLIDES – THEN WILL LOOK AT HARD COPY PROVIDED STRESS FUNCTIONALITY SUPPORTED – NOT JUST WHICH SEGMENTS ARE LISTED
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments ST Transaction Set Header BR Beginning Segment for Material Management: Identifies type of transaction N1 Name: Identifies organization originating the transaction G61 Contact: Identifies a person to whom communication should be directed LX Assigned Number: Marks start of detail loop – each loop represents a new requisition First we’ll take a quick look at what segments are selected for use in the Implementation Convention. Then we’ll move on to the actual document.
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments - continued N9 Reference Identification: Identifies document number and various supporting information P01 Baseline Item Data: Identifies quantity ordered and provides enhanced material identification DD Demand Detail: Stratifies quantity ordered by demand type and weapon system GF Furnished Goods and Services: Identifies authority for contractor requisitioning of GFM
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments - continued G62 Date/Time: Specifies pertinent dates and times LIN Item Identification: MEA Measurements: G69 Line Item Detail- Description: NTE Note/Special Instruction: Narrative exception data when manual intervention needed Provides detailed descriptive data for nonstandard material
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments - continued LM Code Source Information LQ Industry Code Identifies DoD code source and the specific applicable code, e.g. project code, advice code, or priority designator code -- capacity almost limitless
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments - continued N1 Name N2 Additional Name Information N3 Address Information N4 Geographic Location Identifies specific parties by type of organization, e.g. ship-to, bill-to, status recipients. Allows various identifying codes or clear text address.
DLMS 511R, Requisition Transaction Set Segments - continued REF Reference Identification N9 Reference Identification N1 Name FA1 Type of Financial Accounting Data FA2 Accounting Data SE Transaction Set Trailer Supports unique item identification Specifies line of accounting data
DLMS 511R, Requisition N1*Z4**M4*S9E**TO N1*Z1**10*FB2060 ST*511*00000001 BR*00*A0*20000729******131708 N1*OB**10*FB2300**FR LX*1 N9*TN*FB230093070001 PO1**1*EA***FS*5910001234567 DD*R*74 LM*DF LQ*80*2A LQ*0*A0A LQ*AL*777 LQ*DF*2 LQ*DE*A LQ*78*XZZ LQ*79*02 LQ*A9*YBLDG1 LQ*AK*F N1*Z4**M4*S9E**TO N1*Z1**10*FB2060 N1*Z1**10*FD2040 N1*BS**10*FB2300 FA1*DY*D340 FA2*B5*KZ SE*24*00000001
DLMS 511R, Requisition IC Refer to hard-copy DLMS IC for a closer look.
Summary DLMS provides a new logistics data exchange format Commercial vs. DoD proprietary standard Variable length vs. 80-record position records W3C compliant XML schema formats Supports new data content to meet DoD needs Provides opportunity to reengineer logistics business processes Supports emerging business/electronic commerce capabilities
Module 4 Quiz Question 1: Where do you look to find DLMS specific business rules? DLMS Implementation Convention Yellow Pages ASC X12 transaction set Federally approved Implementation convention Question 2: If implementing a DLMS enhancement, which of the following must be done? Read DLMS Implementation Convention notes Coordinate with trading partner Cross your fingers Check for an implementing ADC or check with DLMSO Question 3: What does DAAS do to facilitate DLSS/DLMS conversion? Implements program logic to automate conversion Identifies data content and location within the DLSS/DLMS formats Reflects conditions that impact data content and location All of the above
End of Module 4