Z1 Z2 Z3 Fz (% body weight) X7 X9 Y10 A B C Figure 1. gait cycle (%) gait cycle (%) gait cycle (%) Fx (% body weight) Fy (% body weight)
Step length (cm) Stride width (cm) Stride length (cm) Cadence (steps/minute) Velocity (m/minute) Stance phase (% of gait cycle) Single stance phase (% of gait cycle) Z1 (% of body weight) Z2 (% of body weight) Z3 (% of body weight) X7 (% of body weight) X9 (% of body weight) Y10 (% of body weight) Hip motion b (degree) Knee motion b (degree) Ankle motion b (degree) Gait parameters1st day2nd day3rd dayAverage in 3 days p a Means and standard deviations ( SD) of gait parameters measured in the three days Table 1. b Differences of range of motion between peak extension (plantarflexion) and peak flexion (dorsiflexion) angle during gait cycle. a Resulted in one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures in the three days. * P < (4.38) (4.76) (5.95) (4.88) * (1.74) (1.75) (1.65) (1.63) (7.82) (8.98) (9.25) (8.47) * (10.0) (11.2) (10.7) (10.5) (1.09) (1.23) (1.03) (1.01) (8.48) (9.12) (11.5) (9.48) * (3.61) (3.12) (3.92) (3.19) * 6.62 (1.15) 6.90 (1.38) 6.99 (1.29) 6.83 (1.21) * (2.67) (2.55) (3.07) (2.58) * (3.26) (3.21) (3.26) (3.06) * (5.16) (5.40) (6.57) (5.55) * (1.11) (1.17) (1.08) (0.99) (5.36) (5.07) (6.47) (5.19) * (5.80) (5.56) (6.89) (5.78) * (4.98) (4.67) (5.48) (4.56) (6.27) (5.76) (6.82) (5.63) mean (SD)
Step length Stride width Stride length Cadence Velocity Stance phase Single stance phase Z1 Z2 Z3 X7 X9 Y10 Hip motion Knee motion Ankle motion Gait parameters ICC ( 1 , 1 ) a CV b Intraclass correlation coefficient ( 1 , 1 ) and coefficient of variation before compensation procedures. Table 2. a Intracalss correlation coefficient in the three days. b Coefficient of variation in the three days ( ) (0.92 – 13.0) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) mean (range)
Step length Stride width Stride length Cadence Velocity Stance phase Single stance phase Z1 Z2 Z3 X7 X9 Y10 Hip motion Knee motion Ankle motion Gait parameters Peason's correlation coefficient a Correlation among stride length, cadence, velocity and other gait parameters Table 3. Stride length CadenceVelocity 0.67 * * (1.00) * (1.00) 0.78 * 0.96 * * * 0.58 * * * 0.65 * * *-0.56 * * * 0.69 * 0.72 * 0.78 * (1.00) a Calculated for the three recording sessions. * P<
Step length Stride width Stride length Cadence Stance phase Single stance phase Z1 Z2 Z3 X7 X9 Y10 Hip motion Knee motion Ankle motion Gait parametersRegression equation a vel P b ICC (1, 1)CV Intraclass correlation coefficient (1, 1) and coefficient of variation of each parameters when compensated by the velocity Table 4. a Calculated for the three recording sessions by least squares method. b Resulted in one way analysis of variance with repeated measures after compensation. ICCs (1, 1), intraclass correlation coefficient; CV, coefficient of variation; vel, velocity value (m/minute) mean (range) ( ) vel (0.83 – 17.3) vel (0.22 – 1.80) vel (0.34 – 2.15) vel (0.06 – 1.67) vel (0.19 – 4.10) vel (0.14 – 4.44) vel (0.40 – 7.24) vel (0.38 – 2.58) vel (0.16 – 9.54) vel (0.27 – 10.5) vel (1.68 – 11.2) vel (1.62 – 7.89) vel (0.46 – 8.23) vel (0.07 – 22.0)