Grid method for multiplying by a 1 digit number
1.Firstly, write the multiplication sum and then draw the grid. The largest number goes at the top so you need a column for each digit. Write x in the corner to remind you to multiply.
2. Next, partition 52 into tens and units – 50 and 2. This gets written in the 2 columns across the top. The other number is written at the side.
3. Then, we multiply the number at the side (7) by the number in the first column (50). We encourage the children to take to 0 off the 50 (reading it as 5 tens rather than 50) and solve 5 x 7 = 35. We then put the 0 back on as it is 35 tens or 350 and write it in the first column.
4. Next we solve the next column 2 x7 = 14 and write this in the second column.
5. Now we have to add these two amounts together. So at the side we write in column addition.
6. To add these numbers we start at the right hand column (units) and add these first. Then we move along to the left adding each column and writing the answer underneath. When all the columns have been added we have the answer. This is used to complete the sum at the top; they need to do this so that their answer is shown clearly.