Add / Subtract Rational Numbers: Unlike Fractions
51 4 += 1. Write horizontally 2. Determine common denominator * Count by largest denominator until the smallest denominator goes into it evenly 7 no 7 14 no 21 no 28 yes = 3. Make equivalent fraction with new denominator Ask yourself What can I multiply the denominator by to get the needed denominator x4 Multiply the numerator by the same number x4 Repeat for the other fraction x7 4. Add numerator keep denominator Simplify if necessary EX 1)
= 4 x14 x = 3 x = 4 x3 x1 x = = 2 3 = EX 2) EX 3)
= EX 4) = 100 Try simplifying your fractions first to make your problem easier = +
Notes start here
Add Fractions DATE ____________
+= 1. Write ____________ 2. Determine ______ ___________ * Count by largest denominator until the smallest denominator goes into it evenly += 3. Make __________ ________ with new denominator Ask yourself What can I multiply the denominator by to get the needed denominator Multiply the numerator by the same number Repeat for the other fraction 4. ___ numerator ____ denominator 5. _________ if necessary EX 1)
+= += += += = = EX 2) EX 3)
+= EX 4) = Try __________ your _________ first to make your problem easier = +