Click your or arrow keys to move the card ahead! For your IPAD swipe the screen. Using Your Abacards ® Click and follow along using your abacus. After each click say what you saw. Practice saying what you will see before you click! After using the Abacards ®, make up problems. Forward Backward
1x7= = 7= 5+2 x7 Abacard ® ` 2x7==14=10+4 ` 3x7==21=15+6 4x7= ` =28=20+8 ` 5x7= ` =35= x7= ` =42= x7= ` =49= x7= ` =56= x7= ` =63= x7= ` =70=50+20 MP! MW! MW! T! My Problem! My Way! My Way! Think!
1x7== x7 Abacard ® 2x7== x7== x7== x7== x7== x7== x7== x7== x7== Wow!