M3 M2 A3 P1 S Breakdown: Middie Across Top Drill Details: 3 cones set for M2, M3 and A3. Balls start w/ M2 who runs across top to location of M3 M3 cuts hard to set pick for A3. A3 goes low to high w/ left hand for pass from M2 and shot Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Set pick and use pick by rubbing off shoulder A3 must be ready for quick catch and shot
M1 A1 A2 P1 S Breakdown: Attack Carry to Wing Drill Details: 3 cones set for A1, A2 and M1. Balls start w/ A1 who runs up wing towards A2 A2 cuts hard to set pick for M1. M1 goes low to high w/ left hand for pass from A1 and shot Go both sides Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Set pick and use pick by rubbing off shoulder M1 must be ready for quick catch and shot
M3 M2 M1 S Breakdown: Shoelace Movement Drill Details: 3 cones set for M2, M3 and M1. Balls start w/ M2 who runs across top then directly to far cross bar. M3 cuts hard towards location of M1 once M2 begins moving across. M1 fills spot vacated by M2 Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Timing of cut by M2 and M1 is critical to keep defense occupied. Drill Options: M2 curl to hit M3 M2 curl to hit M1 & then hit M3 Go opposite side with M3 starting drill
M3 M2 A3 S Breakdown: “Color” Movement Drill Details: 3 cones set for M2, M3 and A3. Balls start w/ M3 who passes to A3. M3 cuts hard to net looking for pass. A3 fakes pass to M3. M2 times cut off of M3 shoulder and gets pass from A3 for quick shot. Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Timing of cut by M2 directly behind cut of M3. A3 must occupy defender with quick move down then back for pass. Drill Options: Run both sides Can hit first cutter. M2 can roll-back and hit M3 curling up from crease. P1 P2
M3 M2 A2 S Breakdown: “College” Movement Drill Details: 3 cones set for M2, M3 and A2. Balls start w/ M2 who passes to M3. M2 cuts hard to net looking for pass. M3 fakes pass to M2 and starts cut to net. A2 times cut off of M2 shoulder and gets pass from M3 for quick shot. Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Timing of cut by A2 directly behind cut of M2. M3 must occupy defender with quick move down wing and then across to left. Drill Options: Run both sides Can hit first cutter. A2 can roll-back and hit M2 curling up from crease after pick is set P1 P2
M3M2 M1 S Breakdown: Midfield Movement Drill Details: 3 cones set for M1, M2, M3 and cone set for split dodge location. (Can also set cone for shot) M3 makes hard split dodge w/ shot. M2 cuts across and fills for M3 M1 first moves off crease and looks for pass, then fills for M2 Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Timing of cut by M1 and M2 M3 must go hard with strong split dodge and pull defender to inside. Drill Options: Run both sides for split dodge w/ shot. Split dodge and feed M1 from both sides Split dodge and feed M2 with M3 rollback. Both sides. Split with rollback and two passes prior to shot. Add attack to start feed to M3 or on opposite side to M2
A3 A2 A1 S Breakdown: Attack Movement Drill Details: 3 cones set for A1, A2, A3 and cone set for split/roll behind at above GLE (inside roll) A1 makes hard roll dodge at “X” and then sprints towards second cone for next roll and shot. A2 cuts across and fills for A3 looking for pass from A1. A3 looks to fill for A1 but also can use a pick from A2. Must have attack backing up shot. Drill Emphasis: Hard cuts Timing of cut by A2 and A3. A1 looking up with possible feeds at all times. Drill Options: Roll dodge at “X” both right and left sides. Split dodge at “X” and then into inside roll or question mark dodge. A1 roll at “X” and hit A2 dump pass cutting to net. Same on other side with A3 A1 roll at “X” and hit A3 coming off screen by A2. Same other side. A1 must back up shot.