GCSE French Revision WJEC DESCRIPTIONS Instructions: Read the French word and try to guess what it means. Click once to see if you were correct. Click again to see the next word. Keep a score and see if you can improve on next time or compare with your friends. *Verbs are indicated by an asterix.
actif active
agréable nice
agressif agressive
aimable kind
ambitieux ambitious
amusant funny
L’anniversaire (m) birthday
avoir … ans* To be … years old
avoir l’air* To appear/look
beau/belle beautiful
La barbe beard
bleu address
blond blonde
brun brown
calme calm
Le caractère character
casse-pieds Annoying/ a pain in the neck
célèbre character
charmant charming
châtain chestnut
chauve bald
Les cheveux (m) Hair
content content/ happy
La couleur colour
courageux courageous
court short
dangereux dangerous
désagréable disagreeable
difficile difficult
drôle funny
élégant elegant
égoïste Self-centred
ennuyeux boring
fier proud
formidable Formidable/ fantastic
fort strong
fou/folle Crazy/ mad
frisé curly
généreux generous
gentil kind
grand big/ tall
gris grey
gros large
heureux happy
honnête honest
impulsif impulsive
indépendant independant
inquiet anxious
jaloux jealous
jeune young
joli pretty
laid ugly
Les lunettes (f) glasses
malheureux unhappy
marron brown
mauvais bad
méchant naughty/ fierce
mince thin/ slim
La moustache moustache
nerveux nervous
noir black
obstiné obstinate
optimiste optimistic
pâle pale
parasseux lazy
pauvre poor
pessimiste pessimist
petit small
poli polite
porter* To wear
rebelle rebellious
roux Red /ginger
sage Wise/ well-behaved
sérieux serious
sportif sporty
sympathique nice
timide shy
triste sad
vert green
vieux/vielle old
Les yeux (m) eyes