Impact of new ARPEGE physics on RICO case (19-sept-2006) GCSS-GPCI / BLCL-RICO sept 2006 P. Marquet, CNRM. Toulouse. Météo-France. + ARPEGE CLIMATE & N.W.P. team + Meso-Scale CNRM team + ENM (School of Met.) + CERFACS + IPSL-LMD …
Introduction First aim of the study : Run the French Météo-France (CNRM) ARPEGE-CLIMAT SCM for the new RICO_composite (L80 and L31) … Send the results for the inter-comparison : done / Pier … + 4 Impact studies : Test STANDARD versus NEW physics (Turb, Conv, -Phys) ? Test of ( L80 / t = 5 mn ) versus ( L31 / t = 15 mn ) ? Impact of the explicit Top PBL entrainment ? Impact of the (Dry)-thermals ?
The Climate ARPEGE physics : STANDARD / NEW1 / NEW2 STANDARD / V3-V4NEW1 / Mixed NEW2 / IPCC / full-Diagnostic Diag+Prog full-Prognostic TURBDIAG. Mellor-YamadaDIAG. M&YPROGN. / C.B.R. e / t = 0 e / t = 0 e / t = P + Dif – Dis moist PDF / Bougeaultmoist PDF / moist PDF / Bougeault Bougeault / Bechtold Micro-PhysDIAG. PROGN. PROGN. Smith/KesslerSmith/Kessler Bulk - Lopez q_liq / q_ice q_liq / q_ice q_cloud / q_rain Shallow part in TURB, but why ?Mass-Flux Mass-Flux Convection + Mass-Flux Bougeault ?CAPE / Gueremy CAPE / Gueremy DeepMass-Flux / BougeaultMass-FluxMass-Flux ConvectionConvergence of HUCAPE / Gueremy CAPE / Gueremy Top-PBLNO YES YES EntrainmentGrenier & Breth. Grenier & Breth.
Validation of N_low : GCM (T63-L31) Strato Cu <- STD (DJF+JJA) N_low - ISCCP Strato Cu <- NEW Lopez + CV_GY + TKE-CBR + Ent_PBL
The NEW2 turbulent scheme : TKE-CBR TKE-C.B.R. (2000) + B.L. (1989) for Mixing Length + F2 & 3 / Bougeault (1982) & Bechtold (1995) ; EUROCS : GCM EPCI+GPCI+ACI SCM
Micro-physics : pdf TKE-C.B.R. (2000) + B.L. (1989) + F2 & 3 / Bougeault (1982) & Bechtold (1995) Variance of q_cloud : PDF Sc Cu
An Explicit Top-PBL Entrainment Grenier (ARPEGE) Vertical Diffusion of the Betts variables : _l and q _t ( A 1 = 0.16 ) ( A 2 = 0.0 )
SCM / EUROCS_ARM_Cu (Lenderink) q_cloud ARP-NEW2 / L19 + Top PBL ent. LES-KNMI ARP-NEW2 / L19 ARP-STD / L19
Ayotte 24SC / L96 Hourdin, Couvreux, Menut, J.A.S., 2002.
And for RICO ? Impact studies : Test STANDARD versus NEW physics : STD versus NEW2 L80 / t = 5 mn ; L31 / t = 15 mn Impact of the explicit Top PBL entrainment : NEW2_noent Impact of the (Dry)-thermals : NEW2_noDTh
RICO L80 / THETA_l NEW2_noent NEW2_noDTh STDNEW2 STD instable ; NEW2 better, But with a drift z>2km ? a –0.5 K bias in the PBL ? a very small impact of « entr. » a large impact of Dry Thermals
RICO L31 / THETA_l NEW2_noent NEW2_noDTh STDNEW2 STD noisy ; NEW2 better, with a smaller drift z>2km ! ? a –0.5 K bias in the PBL ? a greater impact of « entr. » and larger impact of Dry Thermals
RICO L80 / Zonal Wind STD NEW2NEW2_noent NEW2_noDTh STD noisy ; NEW2 better, But why these oscillations ? A small impact of « ent » A greater impact of Dry Thermals
RICO L80 / Cloud Cover NEW2_noent NEW2_noDTh STD NEW2 STD very noisy !! NEW2 better, Cloud Base and Maxi OK, Drift of Cloud top theta ? A small impact of « ent » A large impact of Dry Thermals What about the values of C.C. ??
L80 L31 LES KNMI RICO / Cloud Cover Average 24h - 30h STD very noisy up to 3.5 km !! NEW2 better L80 : from 0.5 to 2.5 km : OK ; the good shape L31 : too deep cloud 0.2 to 4 km !! L31 : Large impact of Top PBL entr. ! What about the values of C.C. ??
RICO / Cloud Content Average 24h - 30h L80 L31 LES KNMI SAME as for CLOUD-COVER… Except that values compare to LES… STD very noisy up to 3.5 km !! NEW2 better L80 : from 0.5 to 2.5 km : OK ; the good shape L31 : too deep cloud 0.2 to 4 km !! L31 : Large impact of Top PBL entr. !
L80 LES KNMI RICO / Average 24h - 30h W/m2 K*(m/s) W/m2 L31 NEW2 L80 realistic… except close to the surface !!
NEW2 LH (W/m2)L80 NEW2 L80Cloud Cover NEW2 L80Precip. mm/day NEW2 L80LWP
L80 LES BOMEX RICO / TKE Average 24h - 30h W/m2 m2/s2 W/m2 L31
Conclusions Mainly, questions ! … Apart from the (internal) validation of the ARPEGE physics… Why this drift above 2.5 km ? smaller with L31 / t =15 mn : w ? Are the oscillations for (u,v) Wind observed by others ? How to compare Precip & C.C. to LES or Obs. ? => Radiation ! A real interest for this RICO case ! “Composite” -> “Long_Run” ? RICO GPCI & AMMA-CI (next talk)… Continue EUROCS’ method… A deep impact of top-PBL/TURB shallow convection Small for EUROCS- Cu / large for RICO… Precip ?
RICO L31 / Cloud Cover NEW2_noent NEW2_noDTh STD NEW2 STD very noisy up to 4 km !! NEW2 better, But worse than L31 (clud base ?) A large impact of « ent » And larger impact of Dry Thermals
L80 L31 LES KNMI RICO / Average 24h - 30h W/m2 (g/kg)*(m/s)
L80 LES KNMI RICO / Average 24h - 30h W/m2 K*(m/s) W/m2 L31
RICO Cloud Cover STD NEW2 L31 STD NEW2 L80
RICO Precip. STD NEW2 STD NEW2 L31 L80 L31