Kosovo Ministry of Transport & Communications Department of Road Infrastructure welcomes the Stability Pact Delegation Pristina, 29 July 2003
Contents of the presentation Post conflict road & bridge infrastructure needs Rehabilitation and maintenance progress review Progress review on traffic policy and road infrastructure management Priority projects & progress Discussion on future needs and developments 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
1. Post conflict road & bridge infrastructure needs The existing road network Post Conflict Damage Assessment (EC/IMG) 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
The existing road network Main roads (647 km) Regional roads (1287km) Local roads (estimated 1800 km) Bridges: approx. 252
Existing Main & Regional Road Network
Post Conflict Damage Assessment (EC/IMG), completed Nov.99 Noted that roads had suffered less from war activity than from lack of maintenance Estimate for Main (647 km) & Regional (1287km) network rehabilitation was Euro 161 Million, & Euro 25 M p.a. for routine maintenance 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
2. Rehabilitation and maintenance progress review Donor Community response to Road Infrastructure Needs 1999 - 2003 Progress review 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Donor Community response to Road Infrastructure Needs 1999 - 2003 1999 funding: emergency work only, largely by KFOR 2000 funding: Euro 16 M on roads / Euro 3 M on bridges 2001 funding: Euro 22 M on roads & Euro 4 M on main bridges from donors - in addition to KFOR routine work, bypasses & emergency bridges - Euro 4 M under KCB (for first time) 4. 2002 funding: - Euro 9.5 M under KCB - Euro 8 M from donors 2003 funding: - Euro 17 M under KCB - No funding from donors yet
Rehabilitation and maintenance progress review Condition of main roads improved Secondary & local roads remain poor, with sections failing Bridges remain an unknown problem Traffic continues to grow - at least 50% increase in ADT over pre-war levels - vehicle mass allowed is above design and legal limit - military traffic is some 5 to 6% of volume - congestion becoming a problem locally, & at intersections, as volumes increase on arterial routes - encroachment of road reserve is key problem IRI > 5 for 7% of magistrala roads Recent estimate for annual routine maintenance placed at Euro 20 M Recent estimate for 17 bridge son M2 was Euro 13 M
3. Progress review on traffic policy and road infrastructure management Progress on legal framework Progress on road infrastructure management Progress on planning: categorization of roads Concerns & gaps 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Progress on the legal framework Laws Law of Roads (new Law approved by the Kosovo Assembly, June 2003) Law on Road Traffic (1984, draft of new Law 2003 prepared) Laws on International Transport, Dangerous & Explosive Goods (draft of new Law 2003 prepared) Procurement & contracting regulations (Law prepared) Implementation not fully achieved and will be reviewed in compliance with European Standards While cumbersome and dated, the basic needs are well covered legally. Serbia seeking a re-draft of basic law in 2002, as being forwarded here.
Progress on road infrastructure management New Ministry Road Administration Department staffed and operational Directorate of Roads re-established & staff recruited SNIC services delivered to all of Kosovo KCB Summer maintenance contracts completed Road Inventory (IDR) established Road Network Master Plan completed Ministry has HDM-IV & SEPTRAN Traffic models Donor projects – works & consultant – effectively implemented and expenditure targets achieved. 65 staff in DoR 9 staff in Ministry – includes Transport Economist, Environment person
Progress on categorization of roads Categorization established Regional Roads Main roads Other roads Ongoing implementation of road categorization standards Guidelines will be introduced
Concerns & gaps Serious need to consider mass control on vehicles (legal limit well below EU standard, axle mass control system being developed) Continued need to pursue donor support when loan option unavailable & to “catch-up” Critical concern with bridge safety
4. PRIORITY PROJECTS FOR THE KOSOVO ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK Repair remaining bridges M2 Prishtinë – Bllacë Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M2 Prishtine – Lipjan intersection Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M9 Prishtinë-Airport Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M2 Prishtine – Mitrovica (Prishtina-Podujeva Intersection) Upgrade Prishtine West Ring Road 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
4. PRIORITY PROJECTS FOR THE KOSOVO ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORK (continued) Upgrade & Asphalting Prishtine East Ring Rehabilitation of the Road Zheger-Stanciq-Kumanove. (Macedonia) L 15,1 Km Construction of Road Decan – Kozhnjer (Plave – Montenegro), L – 8,4 km Improvements of Border Crossings Points Motorway Durres – Kukes – Prizren – Prishtine – – Merdare 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
1.Repair remaining bridges M2 Prishtinë - Bllacë Section on M2 main road, with 17 bridges Part of important corridor Kosova – Macedonia – Greece Carriageway and bridges built more than20 years ago Continuously damaged by heavy international transport Lack of maintenance European Agency for Reconstruction / Bridges Study by BCEOM Consultants proposed Repairs and strengthening to upgrade 8 remaining bridges to Eurocode standards Estimated cost: 10,000,000.00 Euro.
2.Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M2 Prishtine – Lipjan Intersection (12 km road section) 16,500 ADT (Vehicles/day), traffic counts August 2002 almost reached capacity Master Plan Study for the Kosova Road Network, by BCEOM Consultants in 2001/2002 (funded under EAR projects) recommended The construction of two additional traffic lanes has and improvements to the traffic flow are necessary The cost estimation for this project is 10,000,000.00 Euro.
3. Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M9 Prishtinë-Airport (15 km section) 11, 500 ADT (Vehicles/day), traffic counts August 2002 Almost reached capacity Airport accessibility has high priority Master Plan Study for the Kosova Road Network, by BCEOM Consultants in 2001/2002 (funded under EAR projects) recommended The construction of two additional traffic lanes The cost estimation for this project is 15,000,000.00 Euro.
4.Enlargement & Additional Lanes for Road M2 Prishtine – Mitrovica (Prishtina-Podujeva Intersection, 12 km) 11,765 ADT (Vehicles/day), traffic counts August 2002 Almost reached capacity Airport accessibility has high priority Master Plan Study for the Kosova Road Network recommended The construction of two additional traffic lanes The cost estimation for this project is 10,000,000.00 Euro
5.Upgrade Prishtine West Ring Road 9000 cars and 1200 trucks daily cross through the west side of Prishtine creating major traffic congestion, traffic safety and air quality problems Master Plan Study for the Kosova Road Network recommended New bypass road for Prishtine to reduce congestion of traffic along M2, M9 and M25 The estimation for this project is 8,000,000.00 Euro.
6.Upgrade & Asphalting Prishtine East Ring more than 7000 cars and 500 trucks crosses Prishtine on the east side each day creating major traffic congestion, traffic safety and air quality problems in the center of the city Master Plan Study for the Kosova Road Network recommended New bypass to divert the traffic on M2 and M25 away from the city center The existing unsealed bypass needs to be asphalted The cost estimation is 7,000,000.00 Euro
7. Rehabilitation of the Road Zheger-Stanciq-Kumanove (Macedonia) L 15,1 Km This Road connects Kosovo with the Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia has officially published for its border crossing direction Kosova. Through this, Kosova opens one more border crossing with Macedonia that is connected with Corridor 8 The forecasted value according to the project is: 9.200.000 Euro
8. Construction of Road Decan – Kozhnjer (Plave – Montenegro), L – 8,4 km This Road connects Kosova with the Republic of Montenegro and Seaside. Construction of the Road is very important to have the alternative route for the connection with Montenegro . The forecasted value according to the project is: 7.100.000 Euro
9. Improvements of Border Crossings Points Vermica Border Crossing Point Improvement - The important border crossing point with Albania. The existing situation needs a improvement by the construction of new parking lot, additional traffic lane and improvements of custom building. The estimation is 1,500,000.00 Euro. Kula Pass Border Crossing Point Improvement – The main gate connecting with Montenegro. The improvements include the construction of new custom building, parking lot and additional traffic line. The project estimation is 1,800,000.00 Euro. Existing situation is very bad without parking lot and customs in a container. Merdare Border Crossing Point Improvement – The main gate with Serbia. The existing situation is unsatisfactory and improvements are necessary to ensure the high level of service. The estimation is 1,500,000.00 Euro and includes a customs building, parking lot and construction of additional road traffic lanes.
Motorway Durres – Kukes – Prizren – Prishtine – Merdare Pre- Feasibility study has been presented by them Experts of different profiles and especially from Kosova and Albania made first surveys of new Trans-Balkan Corridor Long-term perspective: incorporation of Kosova into the European Road network and international road corridors Three Variations of the new motorway The first variation (I) Kukes (Morine-Vermive) -Prizren-Therande-Prishtine– Merdare The second variation (II) Kukes (Morine – Vermice) – Prizren – Carraleve Komoran – Prilluzhe – Lluzhan – Merdare The third variation (III) Existing road, widening and reconstruction on the base of conditions and technical elements for the motorway (Prishtine – Prizren)
Three variations Motorway Durres – Kukes – Prizren – Prishtine – Merdare Three variations
5. Discussion on future needs and developments 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Further development in Road Infrastructure Program Management (1) Continuity in Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program Progress on Road Categorization Implementation Priority Road Projects (see list) Border Crossings infrastructure (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia) Road User Charge Study Bridge Database Road Safety Implementation Plan & Road Safety Council 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Further development in Road Infrastructure Program Management (2) Active partnership within Regional Balkan Transport Infrastructure Study (REBIS) and South – Eastern Transport Observatory (SEETO) Road Management Information Systems: next steps in computerization (GIS applications, processing traffic safety data, …..) Further staff deployment, capacity building and training 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Requests for international project funding See list of priority projects, including: Road Infrastructure projects on Corridor/Route 7 of the REBIS Core Road Network Road Infrastructure projects on Corridor/Route 6 of the REBIS Core Road Network Border Crossings infrastructure (Albania, Montenegro, Serbia) Integrated (sustainable) urban transport plan for Pristina in relation to impact study of the West and East Ring Road of Pristina 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
Requests for further international assistance in capacity building Best practice guidance and manual for Road Categorization Implementation Best practice guidance and manual for Border Crossings infrastructure Assistance in computerized traffic and travel data information management (software and training) 278 bridges in Kosovo Did not consider local road needs
THANKS FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION AND WE WELCOME YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS Ramë Qupeva Head Road Infrastructure Department Jozef Zuallaert International advisor transport & road infrastructure Ministry of Transport and Communications