Orange County Transportation Authority Measure M2 M2020 Update and Select Project Highlights Orange County Business Council Infrastructure Committee December 9, 2014
M2020 Plan Accelerates M2 programs and projects between now and 2020 o Complete/award construction for 14 freeway projects, environmentally clear remaining nine o Invest nearly $1.2 billion of funding for local street and road improvements o Increase Metrolink passenger rail capacity, expand rail options including fixed guideways o Continues investment in environmental programs 2
3 M2020 Plan - Major Projects
Santa Ana/Garden Grove Streetcar 4 M2 Project S – Transit Extensions to Metrolink
SA/GG Streetcar Next Steps 5 Project Management Consultant Services – Proposals due December 2, 2014 Design Request for Proposals - 2 nd Quarter 2015 Type of ServiceScope of ActivitiesAnticipated Schedule for Release- Duration Project Management/ Construction Management Consultant Oversee engineering and construction activities on behalf of Orange County Transportation Authority Design/EngineeringThrough Final Design, including Right- of-Way ConstructionCapital, vehicles, utilities Operations and MaintenanceOperations and Maintenance Contract(s) 2018
Status of Continued Project Work 6 Caltrans Project Preferred Alternative (PA) is Alternative 3 – Addition of General Purpose (GP) Lane and High- occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane OCTA will build Phase 1 of the PA which is the single GP lane designated in Measure M2 as Project K Caltrans will implement Phase 2 of the PA which is the HOT lane, including the SR-73/I-405 HOT connector
Phase 1 Improvement Approximately 14 mile corridor Rebuilds 17 overcrossing bridges to county “Master Plan” standards Improves on/off ramps for access Adds bike lanes and sidewalks to arterial crossings Maintains or improves existing soundwalls Constructs additional soundwalls $1.3 Billion (total project cost) 7
Environmental and D-B Procurement 8 DescriptionCurrent Schedule Caltrans PA RecommendationJuly 2014 Signed Final Environmental DocumentFebruary 2015 Notice of Determination/Record of DecisionMay 2015 Issue D-B Industry Outreach Letter October 2014 Issue D-B RFQ November 2014 Issue D-B Draft RFP March 2015 Issue D-B RFPAugust 2015 D-B AwardApril 2016 D-B Notice to ProceedJune 2016 Design/Construction 2016 to 2021