AeroCom Phase 2 Direct Radiative Interaction Status as of Most numbers are final, a few submissions may change slightly. Effect on final numbers is thought to be minimal.
RF number summary SO4BCFFPOMFFNO3SOABBTotal RFAdjusted total RF Model[W/m2] BCC CAM4-Oslo CAM GEOS_CHEM GISS-MATRIX GISS-modelE GMI GOCART HadGEM IMPACT-Umich INCA MPIHAM NCAR-CAM OsloCTM SPRINTARS Mean Median Stddev Notes: "Adjusted" means that the model total RF is adjusted by adding the mean of any components not treated. We're trying to find a better word… GISS-MATRIX NO3 RF under evaluation (currently removed) Total RF is the models own estimate of the total anthropogenic direct aerosol forcing Adjusted total RF is the model total RF plus the median of any components the model doesn't treat
Model total RF_ari zonal means
Component + total whisker plot NB: Boxes currently show one sigma, whiskers show min/max!
Component PDFs
RF_ari timeadjusted from ( ) to ( ) Ref: Skeie et al, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, , 2011