Integral system for production of healthy food and electricity-SOLVAP Limes Co. d.o.o. Dr. Ante Starčevića 13/II, 88000 Mostar, BiH Tel/Fax: ++387 36 347 883 Email: Integral system for production of healthy food and electricity-SOLVAP Dr.SC.Ismet Hadžiosmanović Dr.SC. Edin Rizvanović dipl.iuržemal Hadžiosmanović Mr.SC.Jasmin Jaganjac Kerim Hadžiosmanovićš.
General links-context Climate changes significantly affect agricultural production in general and the human environment. The last few years have been evident damage that farmers suffer both in BH and in the wider region. Traditional agrucultural production will need to look for systemic protection against climate change, including all professional and scientific resources. One way of protection of the greenhouse production that is grounded in the law on agricultural land of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Greenhouse production in addition to the production of bio-culture today offers the possibility of installing photovoltaic panel on the roof of the facility and production of electricity for personal needs and for placing on the market of electricity. These projects contribute significantly to the implementation obaeza that BH signing of the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community (Official Gazette B&H- International contracts number 9/06) in terms of promoting the production of renewable sources of energy efficiency and environmental protection. This approach in agricultural production in accordance with the Law on Agricultural Land (Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 52/09).
Basic technical requirements 1. Subsystem vertical greenhouse growing healthy food Subsystem vertical greenhouse cultivation of healthy foods include: modular greenhouses, installing power, heating and ventilation electricity, installation power principle "drop by drop „, IT planning system of control and certification of production, the organization of production, harvesting and distribution of food on the market. 2. Subsystem production of solar electricity Subsystem production of solar electricity are: bearing steel structures, solar panels with its instalation, heating and cooling with regulatory regime food production and consumption of electricity in the system 'SOLVAP ", the assessment and collection of production and consumption, power transmission lines, substations and system maintenance.
Basic technical requirements 3. Water supply of greenhouses subsystem Water supply system for supplying water to the greenhouse production of organic food, it water supply installations for collecting rainwater from the roof of the greenhouse construction, assembly rezervorari greenhouse module with pump installations for irrigation on the principle of "drop by drop, " the central reservoir with connecting installations and water supply pumps with associated installations water supply from the river Neretva, extra consumption with installations for solar modules and systems for maintenance water supply system. 4. Subsystem of reverse electricity production Subsystem of reverse electricity production are: mini hydro electric powerplants with their energy installations, water pipes with regulatory regime of works to turbine of powerplant, production regulation and electricity delivery in the system of SOLVAP to the local distributive net. Reverse system of electricity productionis based on an altitude water flow accumulating in the central reservoir in which there is rain water pumped out of pumps, which pump out water from the Neretva river flows into central reservoir. Work regime of mini hydro electric powerplants is determined by planned excess water that remains from water supply SOLVAP, that were let through the pipes to turbine generator plants.
Technical capabilities in the production of electricity 1. Greenhouse production, in addition to the production of various bio-cultures today offers the possibility of installing photovoltaic panels on the roof to produce electricity energy (both for their own use and for placing on the market) 2. New Law on Electricity in Federation B&H offers artisans the ability to produce electricity in power plants up to 150 KW and shortened procedures connection. 3. Technical possibilities in electricity generation greenhouse three different modules: G100, G250 and G1250. 4. The G100 is a footprint area of 100 m2, with the necessary surface area of the roof from 65.2 m2 to accommodate 40 photovoltaic modules power 255 Wp, electrical output power 9, 1kW-annual production of 13,333 kWh. 5. G250 layout area of 250 m2, with the necessary surface area of the roof of 156,5 m2, to accommodate production of 96 photovoltaic modulus power of 255 Wp and electrical output power 21,84 KW-annual production 30.666 kWh. 6. G1250 layout area of 1250 m2, with the necessary roof area of 1095.4 m2 to accommodate production of 676 photovoltaic modulus power of 255 Wp 200 000 kWh.
ANALYSIS OF JUSTIFICATION CONSTRUCTION When analyzing the justification of building take the following initial parameters: The cost of construction of construction of greenhouse facility without photovoltaic electricity 250kM/m2 (292.5 KM / m2 VAT included) The cost of construction of photovoltaic power plants on the roof of the greenhouse facility 3000 KM / KW (3510 KM / m2 VAT). The purchase price of the Federation of BH (Regulation on the use of renewable energy sources and cogeneration (FBH Official Gazette No. 36/10) of 16.06.2010. Regulation on amendments to Regulation used fixed energy sources and cogeneration (FBH Official Gazette No. 11/11 of 16.03.2011). The purchase price of the RS (Decision on the purchase price and premium for electricity produced from renewable sources, or in efficient cogeneration Number: 01-278-13/13/R-65- 110) Proven electricity production is carried out on the basis of available data from PV GIS system (for analysis of defense advantageous territory of BH, in Stolac municipality, Neum from Federation, and the municipalities of Trebinje and Ljubinje in RS. As sunshine in this area very little differ, it is the overall analysis was performed with the values of sunshine at the location Hodovo in Stolac)
Profits from electricity and bio-cultures Estimates annual profits from energy and bio-cultures in RS with a rate of return on investment of 14.3% Estimates annual profits from energy and bio-cultures in FBH with a rate of return of bio-culture of 14.3% Facility type Annual production (kW/h) Profit from electricity (KM) Profit from bio-cultures (KM) G100 13.333,0 11.033,7 3.571,4 G250 30.666.0 22.333,4 8.928,6 G1250 200.000,0 132.408,0 44.642,8 Facility type Annual production (kWh) Profit from electricity (KM) Profit from bio-cultures (KM) G100 13.333,0 4.077,5 3.571,4 G250 30.666.0 9.378,3 8.928,6 G1250 200.000,0 53.046,0 44.642,8
Annual production (kW/h) Estimates of the total annual profit and rate of return of the total investment in the FBH and the RS, with a rate of return bio-culture of 14.3% (7 years) Estimates of the total annual profit and rate of return of the total investment in the RS with the rate of investment return of bio-culture of 14.3% Estimates of the total annual profit and rate of return of the total investment in the Federation with the rate of investment return of bio-culture of 14.3% Facility type Annual production (kW/h) Investment expenses Return rate (year-%) G100 14.605,1 64.350,0 4,4-22,7 G250 31.262,0 153.855,0 4,9-20,4 G1250 177.050,8 892.125,0 5,0-20 Facility type Annual production (kW/h) Investment expenses Return rate (year-%) G100 7.648,9 64.350,0 8,4-11,9 G250 18.306,9 153.855,0 G1250 97.688,8 892.125,0 9,1-11,9
MULTIPLICATION USES These projects, in addition to contributing to the implementation of the policies defined in the Treaty establishing the Energy Community, and offer the ability to: implementation of the commitments of the EU BH journey (especially in the area of IPA projects) employment increasing revenues for all levels of government transformation of local public companies from loss of respectable production companies form new profit centers reduction in public spending preconditions for broad economic development, etc.