HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDROGRAPHICAL CHARACTERISTICS of BiH Hydrological capabilities of BiH, are in general, under the impact of geomorphological and hydro-geological factors. Dinarides and Alps, as bariers, meet the dominant wet air flowing from Mediterranean and Atlantic, causing their lifting, rapid cooling, condensation, and after all, precipitation. Due to that fact, the highest amount of precipitation is usually recorded in region of Dinarides, and in upper flow of river Sava, in Slovenia, at the post-Alpin region. Having in mind this general mechanism of generation of precipitation, one has also to notice that the wide area in south-west BiH is of carst type, with it’s great underground, retensional hydrological potential. All of the main fountains of constant water flows in Black and Adriatic sea’s catchment had been formed within the corespondent edge-contact with hydrological isolators. Catchment Catchment area (km 2 ) Percentage of carstification (%) Una936824,4 Vrbas638617,4 Bosna104570,8 Drina199464,2 PERCENTAGE OF CARSTIFICATION OF WATER FLOWS WITHIN BLACK SEA’S CATCHMENT
Network of meteorological stations in BiH consists of : 23 main meteorological stations that make measurments and observations for the purposes of weather forecast, climatology and agrometeorology 10 climatological stations that serve for the climatological purposes 3 automatic stations NETWORK OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS
Network of hydrological stations in BiH consists of : 98 hydrological stations who are active at the present time. 74 of them are automatic stations with ability of teletransmission of data in the real time. NETWORK OF HYDROLOGICAL STATIONS
Catchment Catchment area (km 2 ) Water flow's length (longer than 10 km) Average water flow (m 3 /s) Biological minimum (m 3 /s) Sava's catchment in BiH ,2631,5 Una in BiH ,724041,9 Vrbas ,313226,3 Bosna ,916324,2 Drina in BiH ,612424,1 Blask sea's catchment , ,0 Neretva and Trebisnjica ,836956,5 Cetina in BiH ,0311,8 Adriatic sea's catchment ,840058,3 B i H , ,3 Annual sum of precipitation in B&H is about 1160 l/m2, which gives, regarding the area of km2, total volume of rainfall of 64 x 109 m3 of water, respectively 2030 m3/s m3/s or 57% of the total sum of the rainfall over the B&H, outflows from it’s teritory, taking not transit, transnational flows into account. However these amounts are not distributed evenly, neither spatially, nor temporally. Water outflow from B&H goes to the Black sea from cca. 76% of the teritory of BiH, and to the Adriatic sea from cca. 24% of it’s teritory. 722 m3/s or 62,5% of the total water amount goes via river Sava, and 400 m3/s or 37,5% goes toward Adriatic sea. SIGNIFICANT CHARASTERISTICS OF THE MAIN CATCHMENT AREAS
The Adriatic sea from Split to Dubrovnik in Croatia is wonderful and very clean, and includes 24 km of Bosnia and Herzegovina coastal area. The closed bay at Neum town is protected from the strong open sea winds by the Peljesac Peninsula in Croatia. Wonderfully calm Neum is the only seaside town in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Neum coastline is the only access of our country to the Adriatic sea. It is located in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity. The Neum region cuts Croatia into two non- contiguous parts. This is a result of the Treaty of Karlowitz of In this treaty the Republic of Dubrovnik gave the Neum region to the Ottoman Empire to ensure that it would not border on the dangerous (for them) Venetian Republic. Bosnia-Herzegovina Adriatic coast
Position of Neum
Meteorology in Neum Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of BiH, Sarajevo established climatological station in Neum and one Automatic weather station. At this moment it is very modest. In future, it will be necessary to have a real marin station. In frames of iniciative for establishing WIS-DCPC/WIGOS Marine meteorological center in Croatia, we think that Neum in future can be good connection point between southern Adriatic sea (Montenegro and Albania) and northern part of sea (Croatia and Slovenia) and Italy also.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! FHMZ BiH, Sarajevo, Bardakčije 12, Phone: