Departament de Química Física i Inorgànica Grup de Catálisi Homogènia i Síntesi Orgánica Estereoselectiva 2001 SGR Prof. Carmen Claver Organometál.lics i Catàlisi Homogénia OMICH Prof. Sergio Castillón Síntesis Orgánica Departament de Química Análitica I Química Orgánica
Metallic nanoparticles as catalyst Hydrogenation Hydrosilylation Oxidation C-C coupling reactions Chem. Eur. J., 1997, 3, 1200 Tetrahedron Lett. 1998, 39, 1941 “Probing Catalysis on the Nanoscale” Science & Technology, C&EN,September 27,2004 -Only one example in enantioselective catalyst -High activity and selectivity (large specific surface) -Activity in reactions where other catalysts are not active -Efficient catalysts for several proceses
Metallic nanoparticles stabilized by organic ligands Stabilisation and reproducibility. Control of nanoparticles. Uniformity in particle size, composition and morphology. Systematic modification of the ligands: Effect on the properties of the nanoparticles. Organometallic complexes as starting materials.
NANOCATALYST Metal Nanoparticles Stabilized by Organic Ligands. Applications in Catalysis Synthesis of nanoparticles of transition metals stabilized by organic ligands: -Perfluorinated ligands. Application in hydrogenation reaction. -Chiral ligands with carbohydrate backbone. Application C-C coupling reactions
-Synthesis of pyridine derivative perfluorinated ligands -Metal nanoparticles stabilization of different transition metals -Application as catalyst for arene hydrogenation in supercritic CO 2 1. Synthesis of nanoparticles of transition metals stabilized by organic ligands. Application in hydrogenation reaction
Influence of Organic Ligands on the Stabilization Organometallic Palladium Nanoparticles. E. Ramirez, S. Jansat, K. Philippot, P. Lecante, M. Gomez, A.Masdeu, B. Chaudret J. Organomet. Chem. 2004, (submitted)
-Design and synthesis of new carbohydrate ligands -Synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles (Rh,Pd, Ru) with new chiral ligands -Application in palladium catalyzed C-C bond reactions and other catalytic processes. 2. Metal nanoparticles stabilized by organic chiral ligands with carbohydrate backbone.
A case for Enantioselective Allylic Alkylation Catalyzed by Palladium Nanoparticles S.Jansat,M. Gomez, K. Philippot, G.Muller, E. Guiu, C. Claver, S. Castillón, B. Chaudret J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 1593 Synthesis of palladium nanoparticles L=
Catalysis. Reaction of allylic alkylation -Homogeneous catalyst and nanocatalyst behave differently -First example of kinetic resolution with nanocatalyst J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 126, 1593
X X Pd/L 1/0.1 R: 43 % L=
Aurora Ruiz Elena Fernández Montse Diéguez Oscar Pàmies Yolanda Díaz Montse GómezUB Guillermo MullerUB Isabelle FavierUB Asymmetric Catalysis Dr. Carmen Claver Dr. Sergio Castillón Rosa Axet Ester Guiu Supercritic CO 2 Dr. Anna M. Masdeu-Bultó Dr. Nuria Ruiz Marta Giménez Clara Tortosa Dr. Bruno ChaudretLCC Dr. Karine PhilippotLCC Dr. Susanna JansatLCC Financial Support I+D- MCyT - Spain DGR- Generalitat Catalunya Acción Integrada-Picasso HF 2003 PICS Project- NANOMETCAT 2003
Collaborations PICS Project- NANOMETCAT 2003 Universitat de Barcelona (Prof.G. Muller, Dra. M. Gómez) Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (Prof. M. Moreno) ICIQ (Prof. M. Pericás) Université de Montpellier (Prof. M.Corriu) Université de Rennes ( Prof. A. Roucoux) Université de Strasbourg (Prof. M. Pfeiffer)