Click to edit Master title style HR-XML Interoperation with OASIS SPML V2 An Integration Use Case Matt Tobiasen (HR-XML) Gary Cole (OASIS)


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Presentation transcript:

Click to edit Master title style HR-XML Interoperation with OASIS SPML V2 An Integration Use Case Matt Tobiasen (HR-XML) Gary Cole (OASIS)

Agenda n Integration Concept l What is this integration? l How did it come about? n Introduction to SPML V2 l OASIS PSTC l SPML V2 n Sample Use Case l Applicant Tracking & Background Checking l Use Case Flow & Sample Schema n Protocol Exchange l Overview l Sample SPML Message Exchange n What’s Next? n Questions?

Click to edit Master title style Integration Concept

n What is this integration? l HR-XML defines target schema(s) l Complex integration involving Identity l Use an existing exchange protocol… HR SystemApplicant Tracking XSD ID XSD SPML

Integration Concept n How did it come about? l HR-XML needed secure Identity Provisioning l Open standards OASIS l Your guys started talking to our guys l Immediately everyone saw a good fit… l All good engineers like re-use – right?

Click to edit Master title style Introduction to SPML V2

n OASIS PSTC l OASIS technical committee focused on developing open standards for Service & Identity Provisioning n Founded in 2001 n Contributors: BEA- Mycroft BMC Software- Open Network Technologies CA (+Netegrity)- Oracle (PeopleSoft) Critical Path- HP (+TrueLogica) Entrust- Thor IBM - Sun (+Waveset) n Deliverable - Service Provisioning Markup Language V1 - OASIS Open Standard November 3rd 2003 V2 – Planned complete April 2005

Introduction to SPML V2 n SPML V2 l Open standard for defining and exchanging provisioning requests in XML using Web Services technologies l XML RPC interface for Identity Provisioning l Interface model and management abstraction for an Identity Life-cycle l Important part of end-to-end standards based security strategy

Introduction to SPML V2 SPML Service Point (ATS) HR UDDI WSDL Target Value added Service… SPML/SOAP WS-Sec Secured XSD HR

Introduction to SPML V2 Service Point Requestor

Introduction to SPML V2 Service Point Requestor WSDL Target XSD In-Spec Out of Spec RequestResponse Capabilities List of Targets Core Operations Ref to XSD Batches Bulk Operations Sync/Async Model Transport Security Model Trust Model (inc. establishment) AuthN & AuthZ Model

Click to edit Master title style Sample Use Case

n Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) & Background Checking Systems (BCS) l Selected due to timing and application l A simple integration requirement l Managed life-cycle n Add / Modify / Suspend / Delete n Password management ATSBCS Recruiter Secure Managed Exchange

Sample Use Case n Use Case Outline 1. ATS has pre-defined “context” with BCS 2. ATS defines “Recruiter” 3. ATS creates “Recruiter” account within BCS with access to basic background checks on applicants 4. ATS updates “Recruiter” making her a “SeniorRecruiter” with access to enhanced background checks on applicants 5. ATS does password reset for “SeniorRecruiter” 6. ATS suspends “SeniorRecruiter”

Sample Use Case n Sample User Schema ATSBCS

Click to edit Master title style Protocol Exchange

ATSBCS Pre Existing Trust Relationship Add Request (Data) Add Response (ID) Modify Request (ID, Data) Modify Response (Data) Change Password (password) Password Changed Suspend (ID) Suspended n Overview

Protocol Exchange – add - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" <UserAccountsTypeUserAccount xmlns=" xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:xsi=" type="new" validFrom=" " validTo=" " > - <ClientId idOwner="XYCClient1" xmlns=" <UserId idOwner="Sterling" xmlns=" aliceuser - Alice Smith (continued on next page...)

Protocol Exchange – add (cont’d) (continued from previous page...) + - Managers - Recruiter - -

Protocol Exchange – modify - /UserAccountsTypeUserAccount/Role - SeniorRecruiter - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" -

Protocol Exchange – setPassword - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" - <psoId ID="UserId=aliceuser,idOwner=Sterling" targetId="HR-XML" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0"/> foobar - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" - <setPasswordResponse status="success" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0:password" />

Protocol Exchange – suspend l Sample SPML Message Exchange - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" - <psoId ID="UserId=aliceuser,idOwner=Sterling" targetId="HR-XML" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0"/> - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=" xmlns:xsi=" xmlns:xsd=" - <suspendResponse status="success" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0:suspend" />

Click to edit Master title style What Next?

n An on-going TC Process… l Continue to build out use cases l Continued exchange l Bi-weekly working group meetings n Deliverables l SPML “HR-XML Profile” document n Samples & normative “rules” to make this interoperable n Delivered as OASIS specification

Click to edit Master title style Questions?