1 N U PECC 2012 Copenhagen
12/05/11Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI & DISCOVERY2 Morphology of CMB and HIC. Commonality and perspectives. P. Naselsky, PLANCK scientist
DISCOVERY A Unique Center with Unique Opportunities Direct and unique access to data from the most powerful experiments available today : – The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN exploring p+p and Pb+Pb collisions at unprecedented high energies (ATLAS and ALICE experiments) – The Planck satellite mission with unique resolution and sensitivity of the sky. DISCOVERY presentation by xx33/5/2012 DISCOVERY unites strong groups in: Theory, Fundamental Particle Physics, Quark Gluon Plasma Physics Cosmic Microwave Radiation Physics, …which most places rarely work together.
4 ?
Theory of Inflation PLANCK
6 Why the Universe is DARK ? Isocurvature perturbations from the QCD phase
Early Universe vs. Collisions of Heavy Ions DISCOVERY presentation by xx73/5/2012 CMB skyHeavy Ion Collision
8 Fermi-LAT Commonality ALICE model CMB Gamma- Bursts
9 0ppositeses !! Statistical ensemble The only one realization of the CMB sky
10 Anomalies of morphology Di-jet Elliptic flow N -jets
11 CMB calculator for HIC
Elliptic flow. Simulations 13 All m values m=0 excluded Input Phi modulation: dN/dΦ = N 0 (1+2v 2 cos(2Φ))
14 B 22 versus V 2 V2=0 V2=0.01V2=0.05 V2=0.15V2=0.25 V2=0.30
15 Reconstruction of the event plane
Tight correlation between harmonic coefficients and elliptic flow 16 Input to simulation (known flow) Analyzed simulated map with finite resolution Ex: b 22 =0.035=> V 2 = 0.1±0.01
Spherical harmonics. Resonance to Vn 17 m=1 m=2 m=3 m=4 V2V2 V4V4 (m=2)-(n=2) ( m=4)-(n=4) L=4,m=0
Summary 18 A new method to analyse the event morphology in Heavy Ion and Particle physics has been proposed. Toy model analysis suggest good resolution for collective phenomena (elliptic flow) and point sources (jets) Next steps: – Full simulation with realistic event generator and detector transport code – Develop analysis for additional physics effects – Analyse ALICE events from LHC Pb+Pb (2.76 A.TeV)