ENBES Steering Committee report
Past Initiated in 2008 i. create network of European researchers and practitioners in establishment statistics ii. exchange ideas and research results iii. create a critical mass to bring the [European] establishment statistics into a [more active] level “Inaugurated” at a meeting in Brussels during NTTS, on February 19, persons present a workshop agreed
Past (cont.) Workshop (EESW 09 ) held in Stockholm, Sweden, September 7 - 9, days 54 participants 27 papers, 1 panel, 3(?) small group discussions (admin data, burden reduction, data collection) On-line repository/platform since end 2009 currently leads to enbes.wikispaces.com content: sci repository, org repository, links to related initiatives, calendar (not updated frequently)
Present Second workshop agreed and carried out: SFSO + Scientific Committee + Organising Committee 3 days 54 participants 31 papers, 1 panel, small group discussions ENBES represented on ICES (the International Conferences on Establishment Statistics series) Continuation Committee internationalisation of ICES permanent structure (permanent host - ASA, scientific and organisational repositories, transfer of know-how)
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation Goal made more precise improving cooperation on methodology, theory and applications within European establishment statistics broad perspective on all aspects of production of establishment statistics and their interaction focus on three distinct types of stakeholders: official statistics, academia, private sector no implication of formal membership A more detailed structure Steering Committee + three Working Groups
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation Steering Committee 6-10 members optimally, all types of stakeholders represented tasked with coordinating WG activities meets regularly (per telephone) is replenished at intervals, optimally in conjunction with workshops WGs on workshops on communication and collaboration on expansion
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation WG on workshops the biennial EESW series (European Establishment Statistics Workshop): 2009 Stockholm, 2011 Neuchâtel methodology: research and applications networking and planning of further activities cost-neutral Ideas for future identify crucial topics to focus onto within the next two years (that would give real sci. or practical returns) perhaps more of user side participation desirable
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation WG on communication and collaboration ENBES web site exists (currently a “wiki”, can be redirected) repositories: scientific and organisational calendar pointers to related activities (forthcoming, ongoing, past) newsletter to approx. 100 participants an option exists to go over to CROS portal (Eurostat) Ideas for future collaboration more continuous update of the site
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation WG on expansion we have one ‘friend’: ENBIS (European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics) presented our views on current topics and potential for cooperation at 2010 ENBIS conference (Antwerp) invited to have an ENBES event (session etc) during 2012 ENBIS conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia Ideas for future expand more into: academia, private sector (e.g. users of business statistics) identify areas of common interest with other fields/org’s invite them to our activities or make joint ones
Present (cont.): Purpose & Operation Steering Committee Mojca Bavdaz, Faculty of Economics - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Stefan Bender, Research Data Centre - Institute for Employment Research, Germany Martin Brand, ONS, UK (until October 2010) Anders Holmberg, Statistics Sweden Jean-Marc Museux, Eurostat Paul-André Salamin, Swiss Federal Statistical Office Ger Snijkers, Statistics Netherlands and Utrecht University Boris Lorenc, Statistics Sweden (chair)
Future ENBES is not formally an organisation no elections etc participation and activity 100% voluntary Therefore, input from ‘members’ even more essential what do you need/expect/would find useful from ENBES? what useful may ENBES get from you? A sidetrack: ICES-5 in Europe?