1 JAG/CCM Status Updates and Recommendations Fall COPC Meeting Nov 4-5, 2014 JAG-CCM Team
2 Outline CCM Team Membership Status of the 2 nd DOD/NOAA Connection NFG Connection –DISA Update Network Diagram Network Outages Monitoring Bandwidth Requirements
3 CCM Team MemberOrganization Chris Finnigsmier (temporarily lead POC) TSgt Michael Dent Roger Sirois Air Force/AFWA/A6 Cameron Shelton Doug Fenderson NOAA/NWS/NCEP/NCO Craig Wade (CCM Chair) Russell Dyson NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO Tracy LePireNavy/NAVO Jackie LordNOAA/NWS/TOC Duane Anderson (Acting) Derek Eddington Navy/FNMOC Kevin GreenleeNavy/CNMOC/N6 Ken BarnettOFCM Technical Advisor/SME/AlternateOrganization Bruce KenisonDISA Field Office USSTRATCOM Michael QuiltyDISA * Upcoming Vacancy ** Vacant role/representative *** New to the role or group
2 nd COPC Network Connection CSAB Action Item : CCM and CSAB will create a 2nd DOD/NOAA connection at Boulder. –Recurring charge for the (OC48) between Buckley and NOAA. OC192 was too expensive. DISA working with DITCO for final cost mod to the contract. –Will be split between Navy and AF. –The updated price estimates: »MRC: $18, (MRC: Monthly Recurring Cost) »NRC: $5, (NRC: Non-Recurring Cost) Working to get OASD DCIO approval for the point to point. –Letter has been signed by the AFWA commander. –NOAA procuring hardware for Boulder and temporary implementation in the SWPC rack. IDP build out in Boulder complete by March Network upgrades to 10Gbps to Boulder. The 2 nd Connection through Boulder is the first phase. 4
NFG Connection To help coordinate the transition to NFG, CCM has created a working plan. –PHASE 1 -- Creating a 2nd Connection [Estimated Timeframe: Dec 2014 – Mar 2015] –PHASE 2 -- Testing NFG to the Navy Centers [Estimated Timeframe: Mar – Dec 2015] Plan to use the second path to test NFG latency. –PHASE 3 -- Navy NFG Implementation (on both paths) [Estimated Timeframe: Jan – Jun 2016] –PHASE 4 -- AFWA NFG Implementation [Estimated Timeframe: Jun ] –Corporate AF planned upgrades to the 2 AF gateways by FY17 5
NFG Connection DISA gave an update at the Sept CSAB meeting: Site 1: Warner Robins – June 2013 Site 2: Columbus – Sept 2013 (Supporting Suitland) Site 3: San Antonio – 14 Nov 2014 (Supporting Boulder) Timeline and Dependencies –CCM intends to continue use of the current Point To Point (PTPs), as well as utilize the new Boulder links when necessary, while also pursuing our individual NFG connectivity readiness efforts. –NFG request submitted by AF for NOAA to connect to the NFG (either from Suitland or Boulder). –Suitland Backbone upgrades to support 4Gig out of Suitland -- (DISA) needs to install some additional equipment which is scheduled to take place by end of calendar year or early Gig - NMIC capable of supporting the bandwidth. –Boulder NRC from Boulder to the NFG? NOAA full build out –For either location AF must deal with the AF-gateway issues before they can receive NOAA data that way? –Navy will most likely move forward. 6
Network Diagram AFWA (Tom Harrison A6) developed a complex network diagram. –Fairly all encompassing, but layers that can be turned on and off. –Too complex to view through a Power Point presentation. –Somewhat sensitive. Contains IP addresses and network structure, so encrypted with password access. –Tom is no longer with the CCM group but we would like to get an editable version for future updating. 7
Network Outages DateOPC (circuit)Outage Hrs:mins 17/7AFWA - 78Y210hrs : 30 mins 27/17FNMOC - 7CU2:10 mins 38/16NAVO - 73WU8:07 48/21NAVO - 73WU:45 59/10NAVO - 73WU:07 69/18AFWA - 78Y221:21 79/19NAVO - 73WU11:40 89/30FNMOC - 7CU214:32 910/13NAVO - 73WU3:05 NAVO - 73WU29: /18NAVO - 73WU:55 8 NCEP POP circuit tracking. –Does not include DOD to DOD outages, nor data issues. 2 nd connection could help in some cases. 2 nd connection and multiple NFGs with dynamic routing should prevent all but the last mile outages.
Network Monitoring CSAB Action Item : CCM will work to develop a (no extra cost) COPC network monitoring solution. –NAVO (Tracy LePire) took the lead by implementing a monitoring solution. NAVO is monitoring the NOAA/NAVO circuit and the AFWA/NAVO circuit. –Group would like to setup similar processes at AFWA and FNMOC. 9
Bandwidth Requirements COPC Action Item : JAG CCM shall coordinate with COPC partners to update the network requirements (now FY14-FY17). The requirements shall include COPC related or COPC impacted initiatives such as NUOPC and modeling data, existing and new satellite data, and conventional/observational data. –AFWA’s requirements are up to date. –Navy plans to make their requirements match the format of AFWA submission. (Est. Nov). 10
11 Questions
12 2 nd Connection NOAA/DOD 12 NOAA DoD
13 Final Solution through NFG 13 DoD NOAA