Adjetivos en Español Por Emma Beckett ? ? ? ? ?
The rules... Adjectives in Spanish have to agree with the noun. If the noun is feminine the adjective, if it follows the rules, should end in a for example la falda cara or la chaqueta còmoda. If a noun is masculine the adjective should end in o for example el jersey feo or un vestido bonito.
Plural... If a noun is plural the adjective must be too. For masculine plural add os and for feminine plural add as. E.g. Los zapatos incómodos. (masculine) and Las botas cómodas. (feminine)
The weird ones... Some adjectives in Spanish do not follow the rules such as guay and elegante. These adjectives do not change their ending for masculine or feminine. E.g. - El jersey guay. La camisa guay. El vestido elegante. La gorra elegante. Guay doesn't change for plural either but elegante changes and you add an s. Unos pantalones elegantes.
Colours... Colours in Spanish are strange... They’re all masculine even though they end differently – e.g. rojo + rosa are both masculine as is azul.
We can think of colours as four different groups. Group 1 – end in O – Blanco, Negro, Rojo, Amarillo To make these feminine we change the O to an A. To change them to plural you add an S to either the O or A depending on whether the noun you want to describe is masculine or feminine plural. Group 2 – end in A – Naranja, Rosa, Violeta To make these feminine you keep them the same! To make them plural for either masculine or feminine plural you add an S to make it AS. Group 3 – end in a consonant – Marrón, Azul, Gris These colours stay the same for masculine and feminine but for plural we add ES. Group 4 – end in E – Verde This colour works similarly to those in group 3 (it doesn’t change for masculine or feminine) but for plural we only have to add S because the E is already there.
Superlatives... A superlative is used when you are describing something as the most or the least__. How superlatives work: el/la + noun + es/son + más + adjective = the most el/la + noun + es/son + menos + adjective = the least e.g. la falda es más bonita If the noun is plural instead of using es we use son meaning are – las faldas son más bonitas and unos zapatos son menos còmodos.
Comparatives... Comparatives are when we say more... than and less... than. How to make comparisons: más + adjective + que = more...than menos + adjective + que = less...than The adjective must agree with the subject of the sentence. e.g. mi camisa es más barata que su camisa and mis vaqueros son menos còmodos que mi sudadera.