David Haworth Copyright 2002 Imaging the Sky 2002 Identifying Faint Galaxies
2 Agenda Fastar imaging NGC 1169 Faint galaxies Identification 16.6 mile ENE from the center of Portland OR
3 C8 OTA on G-11 ST-237 camera Focal length 16” (406mm) f/1.95 Field of view 41 x 31 arc min
4 NGC 1169 Image 31 x 30 Second Images
7 Faint Galaxies
8 Identifying Faint Galaxies Sky Charts - Cartes du Ciel Verify galaxies on DSS image Determine galaxies locations NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database Identify galaxies
9 Sky Charts NGC 1169 Bright Star Catalog, Sky2000 & Tycho-2
10 Sky Charts NGC 1169 Bright Star Catalog, Sky2000, Tycho-2 & HST GSC
11 Sky Charts NGC 1169 BSC, Sky2000, Tycho-2, HST GSC & USNO-A V2.0
12 Sky Charts NGC 1169 DSS from RealSky
13 DSS Setup
14 Sky Charts NGC 1169 DSS from RealSky
15 Sky Charts NGC 1169 Galaxies Locations using RealSky Data
16 Sky Charts NGC 1169 Galaxies Locations using Internet DSS Data
17 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
18 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database Enter RA, DEC & Search Radius J2000 RA: 3h02m33.51s DE:+46°26'18.2"
19 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database 4 Objects Found
20 Faint Galaxies UGC2496 Mag. 18 2MASXi J HFLLZOA G Magnitude Star Using USN0-A V2.0
21 Identifying Faint Galaxies Sky Charts - Cartes du Ciel Free software on ITS 2002 CD-ROM NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database