Radiation Protection aspects of the Switch-Yard operation V. Donate, G. Dumont, Joachim Vollaire on behalf of DGS-RP
Outline RP measurements Operational aspects Additional monitoring Conclusions 2EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013
RP measurements EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/20133 Objective: Assess the maximum dose rate in the accessible part of the PS in case of beam loss in the BTM line and BHZ10 failure
Measurements 4 PATP501(RAMSES monitor) installed in the area Losses created by BE-OP (EN-STI had moved the stopper in the beam path) Residual dose rate in the area EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/ st losses Scan 2 nd losses 2 intensities Monitor out of the PS
First beam loss created 5 3 pulses to the stopper (1.14e13 ppp) Rescaling: 3.3e13 ppp and 3000 pulses/h Pos. 1: 340 Sv/h / 0.11 Sv per pulse Pos. 2: 155 Sv/h / 0.05 Sv per pulse Pos.3 : 700 Sv/h / 0.23 Sv per pulse Pos. 1 Pos. 3 Pos. 2 (Pos. 3 not accessible with beam) EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013 Stopper
Pos. 1 Pos. 3 Pos. 2 Scanning for worst configuration 6 Selected configuration : BHZ10 off + BTM.QNO.5 off (BTP in) Rescaling: 3.3e13 ppp and 3000 pulses/h Pos. 1: 1.97 mSv/h / 0.7 Sv per pulse Pos. 2: 710 Sv/h / 0.23 Sv per pulse Pos.3 : 4.2 mSv/h / 1.4 Sv per pulse (Pos. 3 not accessible with beam) Even for this worst case, for losses limited to a few pulses (interlock) the dose is relatively low (to be put in perspective with residual dose rate levels) EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013
Operational considerations 7 Alarm thresholds to be set according to residual dose rate when access is granted in the PS (RPO / piquet) Short access, the dose rate decrease quickly Status of “Porte secteur inter-zone” during technical stops and shutdown (left open ?) Loss of flexibility in access to different areas (higher exposure…) 18/09/2012 Survey 40 cm) 06/11/201226/06/2012 EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013
Missing RP monitor 8 Risks associated to a loss of the Linac2(4) beam (LTB) Possible exposure of personnel in the center of the ring or SS12 area Measurements done with full beam loss in the LTB line leads to 800 Sv/h at the center of the ring One single monitor would protect both areas (alarm panel at both locations) EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013 Monitor
Missing RP monitor 9 PATP501 paid on R2L budget anticipating the creation of this new operational mode RP monitoring not ready to allow Switchyard operation with PS access. Currently missing 45 kCHF to ensure proper monitoring of accessible areas in Switchyard mode (two areas currently uncovered in case of beam losses in the LTB line) ! EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013
Conclusions 10 Beam losses in the BTM line leads to limited exposure of personnel in the PS ring area (interlock SIL2) Operational procedure to be developed (to define the alarm thresholds for the PATP501 monitor) Problem of induced radioactivity…. which will decrease with time (need to adapt the alarm threshold)…. Status of doors to be agreed upon (EN / BE / RP….) for different periods (shutdown, TS…) RP is missing 45 kCHF to install the necessary monitoring for the switchyard operation mode…. As part of the PS ventilation commissioning study air flow between the PSB and PS (smoke test ?) to see if activated air could come from the PSB EDMS PS-CSAP 10/10/2013