Nizar B. Saidᵃ, Filipe Naveᵇ, and Filomena Matosᵇ The Quality of Working Life and Resilience Among Nurses in Pediatric Setting Nizar B. Saidᵃ, Filipe Naveᵇ, and Filomena Matosᵇ ᵃAn Najah National University, Nursing and Midwifery Department, Palestine ᵇUniversity of Algarve, Department of Health Sciences, Faro, Portugal The Annual International Conference on Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences icCSBs 2015 January
Introduction The concept “quality of worklife” is important and affecting the nurses life. It’s a multidimensional concept (Khani, Jaafarpour & Dyrekvandmogadam, 2008). It affects different faces of nurses such as their productivity, patient satisfaction, quality of care, commitment and quality of their life (Rai, 2013). Nurses are vulnerable to stress and burnout, there is inadequate support for them (Kovács, Kovács & Hegedûs, 2010). icCSBs 2015 January
Van Laar, Edwards & Easton (2007) Defined Quality of Working Life as “that part of overall quality of life that is influenced by work, the widest context in which an employee would evaluate the influence of work on their life” (p 325). Job Demand-Control (JDC) model (Karasek, 1979) and job demand-control-support (JDCS) model (Johnson & Hall, 1988), both can have effect on QoWL among nurses. icCSBs 2015 January
Methodology Design A quantitative cross sectional study approaches to assess the quality of working life (QoWL) and Resilience of nurses working in pediatric departments, using Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) Scale, and Resilience scale validated to Portuguese community, in order to assess their quality of working life and resilience from their perspective. icCSBs 2015 January
Study setting The study is conducted in Faro Hospital, Algarve, Portugal. It involved the four pediatric departments In Faro’s Hospital (Emergency Pediatric Department (ER), General Pediatric Department (GPD), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Outpatient Clinics (OPC)). icCSBs 2015 January
Population and Study sample The sampling is purposive sample, it involved all nurses who are working in one of the four pediatric departments of Faro’s hospital. It’s not limited for age, sex or any criteria. Total nurses working in the pediatric departments are 84 nurses (9 nurses have leaves). In ER 16 nurses answered, GPD 10 nurses, NICU 35 nurses, OPC 5 nurses and 10 nurses don’t have welling to participate. The total nurses involved are 66 nurses, the response rate was 85.7%. icCSBs 2015 January
Results & Discussion Descriptive Statistics icCSBs 2015 January
* Bachelor referred to three years education, whereas License referred to four years education icCSBs 2015 January
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One-Anova test of Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) with Working department, Academic Qualification and Marital Status, no statistically significant difference. T-test of WRQoL with Gender, Area Specialty, Working Flexibility, Parent Care and Child Care, no statistically significant difference. Pearson correlation of WRQoL with age, years of experience as nurse, years of experience in current work, number of working members in the family, number of dependent family member, no statistically significant difference. icCSBs 2015 January
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Implications for policy/Practice The results highlight the needs to improve the quality of working life among nurses. Improving QoWL will have positive effect on the nurses care toward patients which lead to patient satisfaction icCSBs 2015 January
Conclusion Findings of current study showed the level of overall quality of working life among pediatric nurses which is low. None of the studied factors showed effect on QoWL. It’s needed to have plans focus on support, in addition to have educational programs to increase and improve the QoWL among nurses. Further research is needed to understand the exact cause of low QoWL among pediatric nurses icCSBs 2015 January
Nizar B. Saidᵃ, Filipe Naveᵇ, and Filomena Matosᵇ The Quality of Working Life and Resilience Among Nurses in Pediatric Setting Nizar B. Saidᵃ, Filipe Naveᵇ, and Filomena Matosᵇ ᵃAn Najah National University, Nursing and Midwifery Department, Palestine ᵇUniversity of Algarve, Department of Health Sciences, Faro, Portugal The Annual International Conference on Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences icCSBs 2015 January